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Yoshi Guild: The Dragon's Lair


Smash Rookie
Sep 8, 2008
Brazil, Ponta Grossa, PR

At first I would really like to thank all of you for at least getting interested on this guild.

Then I'm gonna put some questions here to help us organize stuff: (It's in order of importance)

1- The kind of guild it should be:

a) One "King", lot's of "Generals" (Masters), On training (Low, Mid, High)
b) No "King", lots of Masters make a counsil, On Training (Low, Mid, High)

People voting: 1

2-Voting for the first "masters":
We need people skilled enough to be able to chose the "King" or to be able to make decisions and sugestions at a counsil

So I ask for everyone to suggest about the questions:

Should we have a "king"?
Who should be the "masters" ( the council)?

There's a LOT more to do, but once the first are done the rest goes for the "counsil".

I really hope you all understand that this post is for guild management and should absolutely NOT be used to discuss about Yoshi.

Thank you for your attentiion. Love, Drakkhonian.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 29, 2006
Rhode island
If this thread isn't about yoshi, then it probably shouldn't be on the yoshi board XD

Also, what exactly would you be doing as a guild, and what would there be to manage?

You being in brazil would pretty much rule you out of traveling to any tourneys, and probably have lag online with the majority of this board, but why what qualifies you to be the leader, besides making this thread?


Smash Rookie
Sep 8, 2008
Brazil, Ponta Grossa, PR
1- It IS about yoshi because its about a YOSHI GUILD, its just something to get yoshi players organized and have some base for development.

2- The guild would be about getting the people that main Yoshi to get together and get organized, as it seems people that play yoshi are quite spread across the places. Management would be for guild ranking: to Rank people into the categories stated on the first post, and to check if someone should be in or out of the guild.

3- I NEVER, and I repeat, NEVER said I should be the leader and didn't even say we had a leader!
The only thing I want to is for this guild to organize yoshi players around. That's why I asked if having a leader would be in the most interest, because I don't even know if there should be one.

4-So what if I'm in Brazil? Even if I lag and even if I can only be on the few tourneys here, it would be nice for the yoshi player to get to meet each other in they're respective countries.
Meaning it would be nice if everyone stick together as they can.

5- This is not for people to brag on: It's just for organizing stuff! I think we have enough people already that goes "YOSHI IS AWESOME LOLOZOZOZZLZOLZOZLOZLZOZL" already

6- Last, but not least, this is just a suggestion: If you don't want to participate you don't have to. But would be nice to vote or suggest on how we should procced as to chose the masters and such, since they wil have the most word in the guild.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 17, 2008
he said himself in the other thread he doesn't plan on being leader, just wants to help organize...
I'm gonna make a new thread, where I will try to update things to start to getting people on the guild.(Yes, I AM gonna start it, but won't be a master, not skilled enough)
according to Chozen he wanted the guild to analyze other top smashers and hopefully advance Yoshi's tier position

i might be interested in this...


Smash Rookie
Sep 8, 2008
Brazil, Ponta Grossa, PR
It is as JackieRabbit5 said: I just want to help organize, and since I just saw everyone getting interested I decided to make the first step: getting a new thread since the old one was completely ruined. I know I can't be a "master" because of all the stuff already said, but I still want to help and be here for the guld.
It's not just because I'm no master that I don't want to help.
I want be here for the guild and make it grow, making Yoshi a formidable opponent on tourneys for those who face him.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 29, 2006
Rhode island
No reason to get defensive, i was just asking questions, and i haven't seen your posts in the other thread, i stopped paying attention to it once it got too absurd. I might be interested in seeing how where this goes, but as of now it doesen't say very much to me


Smash Master
Apr 4, 2005
The temptation to derail this topic is overwhelming. You really didn't need to make a second (or first) topic here, man, no offense. I mean, yeah the guild thing is cool and all and I wish more power to you, but it's kind of pointless.

And even though the guild is "centered around" Yoshi, any topic in which you have to make a caveat like this:

I really hope you all understand that this post is for guild management and should absolutely NOT be used to discuss about Yoshi.
...doesn't belong on the character board.


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2007
Just another day.
Really, I'd say that this would be useful to get information on how you play. This thread would be useful for that since a lot of players are still trying to improve their Yoshi game. You could make this as a way to get some matches against others, and have full critiques here (posting videos of yourself and of the like work too).


Smash Rookie
Sep 8, 2008
Brazil, Ponta Grossa, PR
Sir O,
You are right: This could be totally pointless!
But again: Even if it's pointless it still organizes people over, so it might be looked upon like pointless, but it's still a start.

Again you could be right: This wouldn't really fit here.
But again: If this really don't belong here and people really complain about it, we can just move it to the General Chat and see it dissapear in the middle of the "Geneal Posts".

(Do I really have to repeat myself here?): The not Yoshi discussion does leave this out of place.
(.......won't bother): If I didn't have that line on the very first post, this would become a joke, just like the "Important Notice..." thread that inspired the guild, because most people LOVE to derail threads:
The temptation to derail this topic is overwhelming.
And making people understand that this is for organizing Yoshi mainers and not to spoil it was my first priority.


Smash Rookie
Jul 24, 2008
As I Said Bfore, I'm in for this
And I vote for option
I mean, why would we need a leader? It's much better if lot's of pros organize everything :p!
And Bsides, Drakkhonian may be on brazil, well, I'm even farther and I don't see what's wrong with the guild. We've been always "crying" becouse we want for yoshi to be mid tier at least, but we never do anything to organize ourselves, so this may be good for getting higher on tourneys :p
Of course, as I'm not old enough (And I don't have that much time <_<) I cannot just buy plane tickets to go to a tournament, but I can always support people here and there.

I'm not home right now, and my connection here is pretty crappy, so I'm not writing anymore ;)


Never Logs In
May 21, 2008
I'm sorry but going to tournaments is hard for me...I had completely dropped Yoshi a week ago, I picked him back up last night. He's better then ever. BUT, I have no time in between sports, my GF, and my social life. Brawl comes last in these cases.


Smash Hero
Feb 28, 2008
In VA **** MD
Its stupid when Chozen posted it its Stupid now No offense

This time I want to be the Knight in Shiny Armor that rides Yoshi's.


Smash Lord
Feb 20, 2008
Cheerleading Practice...
Its stupid when Chozen posted it its Stupid now No offense

This time I want to be the Knight in Shiny Armor that rides Yoshi's.
I actually never suggested that we create a yoshi "guild"..

I was merely letting the yoshi community know that I was making a collaborative yoshi guild/vid w/ yoster.



Smash Rookie
Sep 8, 2008
Brazil, Ponta Grossa, PR
I actually never suggested that we create a yoshi "guild"..

I was merely letting the yoshi community know that I was making a collaborative yoshi guild/vid w/ yoster.

It's ok Chozen, but your post gave me this idea and I thought it would be nice to try to make people organize themselves. No offence but yoshi tourneys results aren't that good, so maybe this could help a little.

Its stupid when Chozen posted it its Stupid now No offense
First: No offence taken.
Second: It might just sound stupid, but it could be whats lacking for good tourney results for Yoshi.

This time I want to be the Knight in Shiny Armor that rides Yoshi's.
When did I ever say I was gonna be a "Knight in Shiny Armor"? All I was suggesting is that we organize ourselves in one guild, and by that I meant everyone interested, not just me.

I just thought it would be nice if we had something like a guild, because of the difference in yoshis players skills. Making the most skilled yoshi the representative we would have more concrete data to analise about yoshis matchups. Expecially because there's always those who just yells "YOSHI RULEZZZZ" and go away. Would be nice to have the names of people we should listen to.

Also, many Yoshi mainers have diferent opinions about how to play with Yoshi. Making the representatives ("Masters" as I called them) analise the opinions and get a solid conclusion would be better than that Weekly Character discussion mess.

But even after reading and understanding the reason behind this no one think this is what we need, then I will stop this right away. But that will only happen after someone prove to me it won't make any difference at all, not just by accusing me of claiming to be the "Hero" of yoshi.

So, want to stop me? Prove me wrong.


Never Logs In
May 21, 2008
Okay I'll begin. First off like. 4 total Yoshi's go to tournaments consistently. And not even the best ones go. MMAC! <.< But all of us don't have the time to do these things. I know for a fact that I don't. And as far as our boards being a mess, go look at other boards them come back.

And then you have your masters idea, all of us have our different ideas of how to play Yoshi is correct. But then you will have us debating simple things that don't matter.

Fact of the matter is, we don't need this at all....I don't mean to be rude, but it's stupid.

We have far better things to do than to be wasting our time on a video game every weekend. That's the un-sugarcoated version there. But moving on.

Masters....we're all really close in skill. Well the frequents are, we have some kind of twisted inner web.

You see, I'll use Les an example, don't get offended by this please, Les has beaten Scat, but Les lost to Mmac. Some peop,le have beaten Mmac but lost to Scat *coughthosewereclosematchescough* but you see, that;s how it works. All of our opinions are none. We work as a unit, divided we fail.


Smash Rookie
Jul 24, 2008

Would be nice to have the names of people we should listen to.

I'll fix this for you.
"Would be nice for the other people to know wich players they should listen"

We alredy know the ones who are always discovering stuff, we are constantly discussing and discovering stuff with them. But I'd be nice if "outsiders" knew 'em and respected 'em, kinda like having an elitist here or something like that (even thought I've lost all my respect for some of the elitists since the yoshi weekly discussion wihout yoshi's ATs...).

Is this even working? I see too many complaints and too little action.


Never Logs In
May 21, 2008
LMAO Chrono.

But forreals, when you've been talked about your known. They starting to talk about some Yoshi's some. Just let the stuff circulate, we don't really HAVE to prove ourselves to anyone.


Smash Ace
Mar 13, 2008
Royal Oak, MI
Smash bros "guilds" are lame and impractical since this is mainly an offline game. Seriously, our yoshi community is already a tight-knit group, I don't think we need a name on top of it. This'll also avoid any whining about fake ranks, leaders, etc.


Smash Rookie
Sep 8, 2008
Brazil, Ponta Grossa, PR
Okay then.
Since it seems like no one wants this to be done then I will stop this post.
Chaco post was actually the one that made me stop this with this one:
All of our opinions are none. We work as a unit, divided we fail.
And just to clarify stuff, I wasn't trying to divide anyone, I was trying to do just the opposite.
But anyways, as if no one wants it, no problem :laugh:. We will just conitnue as it was.
I hope no one got offended or misjudged me, since it was just a "try and make it" thing.
Fact of the matter is, we don't need this at all...
Okay then, so I just leave this post here or I delete it or something?


Never Logs In
May 21, 2008
Just let it die.

I hated to come off as mean, btw, it's just that we've tried stuff like this before. it ends up spam, we further nothing. :/


Never Logs In
May 21, 2008
True. Well, you have to understand the way we operate, and I must say it's odd. But your new to the site and to the Yoshi baords, so i don't think we shoulda been harsh.

In the YB, we find more techs than any other character, we make massive discoveries quite frequently. Then we organize our opinions on these. Honestly. pur boards could do better, with things like:

AT discussion, and have every Yoshi who is good at this tech list his opinion. Like DR for example, Scat and Sub. DT would be me and Sub. Grab release would be Mmac. And so on and so forth. We spend to much time analyzing the fact that Yoshi is underrated. I will admit that. But we do operate smoothly...the match-up discussion needs to be cleaned though. I say kill it pass the info and re make it. It's a bloody mess.

I'll post more soon, reply to this, but atm I must eat. o_o


Smash Rookie
Sep 8, 2008
Brazil, Ponta Grossa, PR
I said it: Don't worry about being harsh or mean.:psycho:
I'm quite aware I'm a newbie on the forums and, despite the fact that I try to minimize it, I know I will make mistakes. Showing me my mistakes isn't being harsh or mean, it's just showing my mistakes.:laugh:
So don't worry, cause other people could be harsher and meaner by just letting me go along with this and spoil the Yoshi forums.:laugh:
Anyway, sorry for the incovenience!:urg:
and just for stating oficially:


Smash Champion
Feb 28, 2007
Walla Walla
LMAO Chrono.

But forreals, when you've been talked about your known. They starting to talk about some Yoshi's some. Just let the stuff circulate, we don't really HAVE to prove ourselves to anyone.
Chaco, I'm starting to hear a lot about you on different forums.
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