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Yoshi being more of a ninja

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Smash Apprentice
Dec 21, 2006
Las Vegas, NV

A nice little vid on Yoshi and his amazing grab.

After discovering on the boards that you could steal Snake's cypher, I wondered about other people. Then, when I was playing against one of my school's G&W, I did this to him, he compained "GLITCH!" for 2 minutes. He didn't know I meant to do that. I try it again and then I confirmed it, and told him.
On egdehogs, he drops, UpB, and box, I decided to grab him (taking about 15%) and no-chomp released him into oblivion.

After the local G&W being pissed, I went through every character to see if this works on them, and made this vid.

Snake, we already got his number, but I put up recoveries as well. If you get this on his 0%, then he has to C4 himself twice to live. Getting the C4s out is hard, you have about 3 frames for error on the first, where its you get out the C4, move forward and set it off at the same time, cypher after stun, then about 5 frame error on the second.

G&W, he just dies, you can get this off WHILE he is in Fire Escape!

Sonic, totally ninjas that, after (or during) the spring, he has NO B moves!!!

ROB, this may be unlikely, but after all of his booster gas is gone, all he can do is Bair, and must be done within 2 frames on release from stuns with DI forward. May be the easiest to do (if you're not yoshi) but you're set up, can't get out of it.

Pit, yea, on interception of Final Flight he just dies, but the grab does that too!

Lucario, after or while extremespeed, he just dies, only way is teams with a jigg if he can stall that long.

and Teather Ledge Grab rule is carried over! not much use, but against those who do, I makes them stop.

Yes, ZSS's backflip kick is stealable!!!

And other random steals on other characters.

As much as this practice won't happen often, it will make your opponent rethink their game, and that makes then easier.


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2007
Just another day.
When you have something you believe is new to show, please post it in the Q&A thread. We are cleaning up the Yoshi boards we don't need to keep getting endless threads about redundant information.


Smash Chump
Nov 7, 2004
:yoshi: The concept is old, but the different recoveries you can steal is an area I don't think we've delved into.

I'm going to go ahead and lock this, but please don't hesitate to post in the Q&A thread about the different types of recoveries (aside from Snake, R.O.B., and Mr. Game and Watch, which are widely known) that can be stolen.
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