2 mil is not very good GSP, you shouldn't asses your PvP strength based off of your ability to fight CPUs. Fighting a human and a computer are entirely different things. Computers are perfect, even their "mistakes" are calculated, and they don't adapt. Humans are the opposite, you can condition them to play in to your hand, you can spot their flaws and abuse them. Playing against CPUs too much can teach you bad habits, so I recommend that you try to play more against people. The tournament mode and arenas are great ways to spar without putting your GSP on the line.
Also, I main Cloud as well and play in elite smash at around 8.9 mil, I'd love to help you improve so hit me up if you're interested. Also, check out Cloud's character specific subforum on this site, theres some real good information there. I wouldn't sweat trying to find a new character though, if you like the way DK, Shulk and Cloud play just stick with em. It's easier to grow your skill when focused on a character or two.