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Atlantic North XenoPools (Bring your floaties~)

XenoPools (Bring your floaties~)
Posted by HelpR
Thursday, February 16, 2017 - 05:00 PM
Until: Thursday, February 16, 2017 - 11:00 PM
(Adjusted for timezone: America/New_York)

Upcoming dates
All times have been adjusted for the timezone: America/New_York

This event has expired and has no upcoming dates


Smash Ace
Oct 18, 2008
Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/events/1361007533961949/

Hey everybody, Xenozero has an interesting new event for Thursdays. This format will allow for a high number of sets per player, meaning that players who might normally go 0-2 can play up to 11 sets in their tournament, depending on attendance.

The format is as follows:

Players will be divided into 2 round robin pools, consisting of a maximum of 12 players each. These pools will have 5 setups assigned to each. The winner of each pool will proceed to play a best of 5 set with each other, and this will determine 1st and 2nd.

Please keep in mind this is a work in progress, and will be subject to change based on necessity and feedback.

Please note this event has a 24 player cap due to time constraints. We willNOT accept pre-registration, it will be first come first serve

Venue fee: $5
Entry fee for Event: $3
Bracket: http://xenozero.challonge.com/

Timeline ==================================================
05:00PM: Doors Open
06:50PM: Registration closes
07:00PM: RR pools begin
10:00PM: Finals play out (winner of pool A vs winner of pool B)

Tournament Format =========================================
Entry cap will be 24 players

Tournament will begin with a pair of round robin pools consisting of 4-12 players each, all bo3 sets played with rules listed below.

The winners of pools A and B will play each other in finals

The winner of the pool will advance, and this will be decided by the total number of Sets won.

If two players have an equal number of Set wins, then the higher placing will be granted to the reported winner of the set between these two players during the pool.

If three players have an equal number of Set wins, then, if possible, the higher placing will be granted if one of the three players defeated the other two during the pool. Otherwise, the higher placing will be granted to the player with the highest number of Game wins.

- - - If two players in this situation have a tied number of Game wins, then the higher placing will be granted to the reported winner of the set between these two players during the pool.

- - - If all three players in this situation have a tied number of Game wins, then the higher placing will be granted to the player with the least amount of Game losses.

- - - - - - If two players in this situation have a tied number of Game losses, then the higher placing will be granted to the reported winner of the set between these two players during the pool.

- - - - - - If all three players in this situation have a tied number of Game losses, then all three players will play a Tiebreaker Round Robin, with the sets changed to be Bo1 matches. If a player can defeat both of the other players during the Tiebreaker Round Robin, they will be granted the higher placing. If this doesn't happen, the Tiebreaker Round Robin will be repeated from the beginning until a winner is decided. Among the two non-winners of the Tiebreaker Round Robin, the higher placing will be granted to the reported winner of the set between these two players during the ORIGINAL pool.

Tournament Rules ==========================================
Basic Ruleset
Singles: 2 stocks, 6 minutes
Customs off
Default Mii Fighters are legal (Using Default A-F standard size Miis provided on console).
No other specials for Mii Fighters will be allowed. 1111 only.
Players are not allowed to transfer existing Miis to a setup.
All DLC characters are legal
All sets are best 2 out of 3.
Grand Finals: Winner of pool A and pool B will play a bo5 set to determine the winner of the event
Items off.

Stagelist ==================================================
Starter Stages
Final Destination
Town & City
Lylat Cruise

Counterpick Stages
Dreamland 64
Omega Stages*

* Treated as Final Destination in banning phase. If Final Destination is banned, Omega Stages are banned and vice versa.

Set Procedure ==============================================
Pick characters.
Players may elect to do a double blind pick.
Stage Striking: (1-2-1)
Players engage in a round of RPS. Winner of the RPS may choose who strikes the first stage. The other person then strikes the next two stages. The first person to strike then strikes the last one, effectively choosing the first stage they play on.

Stage Bans: During the stage ban phase, the player who won the previous game may ban 1 stage from either the Starter or Counter-pick lists.
Loser selects the stage for the next game.
Note: In best of 5 sets, players must ban after each victory

2nd/3rd match procedure:
1: Winner bans one stage
2: Loser of the previous match chooses a stage to play the next match on
3: The winner of the previous match may elect to change their character
4. The loser of the previous match chooses their character, and starts the match.

Additional Rules ============================================
Maximum time allowed between games is 60 seconds. Violating players will be issued a loss.
Team Colors: Player character colors must match their team color when possible, to avoid confusion (ex: Luigi on the green team must use the green costume).
All controllers are acceptable for this event. If a gamepad is available at the setup in question, you are allowed to use it. However, do not ask us to provide a gamepad for you.

Double Suicide Rule: If the game ends in a double suicide resulting from a suicide move (Kirby's inhale, Ganon's choke, etc) then the result will be decided by the results screen.

If the game goes to sudden death, then the players will quit and play another game 1 stock 3 minutes in order to decide the of that match

Payout ===================================================
Smash 4 Payout (For less than 8)
1st: Winner takes all
2nd: $5

Smash 4 Payout (For 8-20)
1st: 70%
2nd: 30%

Smash 4 Payout (For over 20)
1st: 60% + remainder of 10% after 3rd refunded
2nd: 30%
3rd (runner ups of each pool): Entry refunded

All Payouts will be rounded down to the nearest dollar, with any remaining amount being given to 1st place.

FAQ =====================================================
1) I don’t think I'm good enough. Should I still participate?
We encourage everyone to participate, regardless of skill level. You'll only get better by practicing! If space allows, we’ll have some consoles available for friendly matches.

2) If I'm participating in the tournament, do I also need to pay the venue fee?
Yes, you do. The tournament fee goes to the pool, while the venue fee goes to paying the owner of the event space.

3) I don't live in the New York City area. What can I do?
You can share this event!

4) How do I get there/what trains pass near there?
The F train will leave you 5 minutes walking distance from the east Broadway stop

The B/D at the grand st stop is about a 7 minute walk

The A/C/N/Q/6 trains will also leave you about 15 minutes from the venue, but easily walk-able

5) What is in the area?
There is plenty of food in the area. If you enjoy Asian food, you can get Chinese, Thai, Vietnamese very easily. Little Italy is also just a few blocks away. There are also multiple dollar dumpling joints, Chinese bakeries, and bubble tea available within a 3 block radius.
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