hA Ha DeVa! YoU weRe deStRoYed in t3h toUrNament! U suck *** BRo!!1!! loL!!!!i!
You really should've taken me Deva >=[ . I'm still angry at you. Playing all of Western and NOT letting me have any fun, man you're effed up. Maybe next time if you tell our parents that you're going to a tournament on THE OTHER SIDE OF THE STATE you won't get yelled down and grounded (literaly) in the floor by dad. Ha ha. And no, your Link does suck. Don't fool Western into thinking your good lol. I'm going to 4 stock you when you come back from work.
I'll cool down in like a few hours or so though.
Sorry Western and everybody else for not coming

. I really was looking forward to playing all of you lol. I don't know, I'll see if Deva AND I can come to the next Gameclucks, since that's about how long Deva is going to have his car taken away before it's given back to him XD.
Anyway, I hope to play all of you guys soon!
PS-No, keep chain throwing Deva from now on Gimpy