1. History
- This I will leave largely unexplored for the moment, beyond the information presented in-game (the library, conflict with Florans, the sandstone Hylotl, whatever other lore bits I can scrape up). It is relevant to the species as a whole, but a comprehensive history isn't relevant to the cast of Altais Rift in particular. I may be able to cook up historical figures on the fly for the purpose of telling certain stories, as I need, or I may be able to draw from Japanese historical figures if they exist.
2. Physiology
- Hylotl are primarily humanoid in shape, but draw physiological influences from aquatic creatures, most especially amphibians. Their lifespan has been described as "relatively short," which I take to be related to a combination of a dangerous living environment at the bottom of the ocean, and (based on physiology) probably a higher infant mortality rate. I've no real-world equivalent for this, so let's say that their average life expectancy would hover somewhere around 75% of a human's, barring misadventure. In 2017, human life expectancy came out to an average of 79 years. If we assume that advances in medicine around the time of Starbound allow for another decade-ish of life expectancy, bringing it to a flat 90, then you can similarly assume that life expectancy for a Hylotl would come in around 67.5 years. However, their general predisposition to healthier eating and mentality probably leads to them aging more gracefully overall. Sexual maturity and general adulthood considerations would follow similar predispositions; while it's been established elsewhere that toddler age is reached relatively quickly following their metamorphosis from tadpole stage, the additional age marks come in around: 7-10 for puberty in females, 9-12 for puberty in males; 11-14 for puberty's completion in females, 11-15 in males. [122 words of reproductive business redacted; you don't want to know and I don't want to tell you].
3. Environment
- Hylotl would prefer regions with some aquatic influences. They're the only race who bothers with ocean-floor cities, and the dominant culture developed and maintained in those cities would seem to be the best Hylotl cultural representation. If they are not in a deep-ocean aquatic environment, they would likely either a) settle as close to the nearest body of water as possible or b) craft their own aquatic features and necessities as best they could. Even in settlements with scarcer water stores - savannah settlements, desert regions, what have you - water would be prominently used for public works and as a public resource, and they would take steps to conserve and reuse as much as possible. Ocean water, and what comes from it, may be the single most prominent driver of many facets of their culture.
4. Religion
- I would expect some variant of Shinto or Buddhism to be the dominant religion, probably leaning more towards the former than the latter. For some reason Confucianism comes to mind as well, despite that being more of a Chinese thing. But before I go spouting any of the above I'd best read up a bit and ponder what parts of it might influence the Hylotl. Remember that the Hylotl appreciate beauty, the arts, and tradition, but are also known to be adaptable, forward-thinking, and prideful in themselves and their culture as a whole. These latter traits nominally go against some tenets of each philosophy involved (especially the pride, as humility is valued heavily in each), so if the religions are to end up somewhat bastardized those are the places adjustments would most readily be made.
5. Language
- Japanese language as I understand it is more evocative than definitive, with multiple meanings per character or word depending on context, but my present knowledge is incredibly limited and it'd be wise to research further before I begin exploring it. The concept of aizuchi and ishin-denshin should also be explored briefly, as if adopted they may not only influence how Hylotl speak, but may also affect how they are perceived by other races. The language may suggest facets of philosophy as well, depending on what is emphasized with it. It is fair to note that there does not seem to be a language barrier between A.Z. Price and the Hylotl he interviews (or, for that matter, between any of the races), and it would likely be more trouble than it is worth to introduce such barriers at this time. Therefore the precise nature of Hylotl language may be suggested rather than explicit, and its exploration may be an overall low priority.
6. Common attitudes
7. Customs and Traditions
8. Arts and Literature
9. Social Organization (family units and social classes)
- Adult responsibilities begin to be introduced between age 14-16 (roughly the equivalent of human age 18-21).
10. Governing Systems
- There's no real notes in the lore on the matter, nor is any sort of hierarchy suggested in Hylotl colonies. I would assume that there is some form of centralized government, perhaps focused on the Hylotl homeworld, which is effectively a federation represented by some of the Hylotl's largest colonies. But the large number of outliers likely leads to local governance winning out to some or another degree. Ocean colonies, requiring heavy investment in technology or infrastructure, are probably financed either in whole or in part by larger colonies and/or the Letheia Corporation. Surface colonies may operate largely under their own local law. It is almost certain that they'd still respect the ancient traditions, and thus laws, of their homeworld as well, with a local leader of some measure acting as enforcement. It is important to note that any centralized Hylotl government, even as an intergalactic superpower, would have neither the means nor the desire to enforce its will among all its colonies, and dissenters would have nearly infinite stars to settle on outside their reach. However, the strict adherence to tradition within the majority of Hylotl society ensures that even if there's no direct enforcement of the homeworld's laws, local areas would effectively enforce the same themselves. The net result would be one of the most expansive and centralized government structures, less so than the Apex Miniknog or the Avian Stargazers who keep tight control in the hands of their central governing bodies, but moreso than the former Terrene Protectorate, who similarly operated mostly on their homeworld and provided laws for mostly self-governing colonies, but would be less involved in the welfare of those colonies than the Hylotl government would be. It is fair to note that the primary factional presence for the Hylotl seems to be the Letheia Corporation, who operates as a mega-conglomerate with branches in, at minimum, the aerospace, energy, space colonization, home goods, and entertainment industries, and I sincerely doubt it stops there. They seem to have competition in these areas - their corporate brochure directly mentions competition in at least their Erchius mining and space station ventures, though it doesn't itself suggest how much, nor how dominant they are in their interests collectively. But any organization which deploys a numerical majority of space stations, likely supplies a majority of Hylotl space vessels, maintains a media presence among multiple noted mediums - "shockingly robust range of products and services" indeed - would be, put bluntly, unwise to piss off. Whatever the details of the Hylotl's governing structure, the Letheia Corporation would probably be one of the largest powers behind the metaphorical throne, as running afoul of them would leave most Hylotl societies deprived of a vast quantity of potential resources and services.
11. Laws or rules
- The age of majority in Hylotl culture is 18. However, their accelerated life should be noted here; a Hylotl at age 18 is equivalent, roughly, to a human at age 24. In Japan, the age of majority is actually 20, but there's been a push to reduce that to 18 as of recently in order to bring them equivalent with the rest of the world. There's currently no such push in Hylotl society. The age of majority for Hylotl defines the marriageable age (can be 16 with parental consent), drinking age, age of criminal responsibility, and voting age. Age of consent is defined as 16.
12. Economic Systems
13. Cuisine
- We have several in-game examples of Hylotl dishes. Brineapple's the first that comes to mind. They'd likely run a great deal of seafood dishes, as well as those conducive to a tropical environment. We can also take some cues from foods available to Hylotl merchants, as these would necessarily be available to the rest of their race as well. Coralcreep, Reefpods, kelp, and especially fish and other seafoods are likely big drivers of their culinary arts, and are probably primarily used by the Hylotl compared to the other races. Although they're neither commonly used nor praised, Hylotl merchants are also the only ones to carry Dirturchin, suggesting it's something they've taken to more than other races have (perhaps it takes a Hylotl to bring out its "squidy" flavor, or perhaps it just takes a Hylotl to appreciate it). Ingredients such as Corn, Chilis, Wartweed, Pearlpeas, Eggshoots, Raw Tentacles, Avesmingo, Sugar(cane), Oculemon, and especially Pineapples are also found in their merchant lists, and probably known to them culturally in some degree. Wheat is conspicuously absent, and any frying is likely to be done with cornbread bases, if at all. Tomatoes are also absent from the Hylotl racial merchant list, and although they're tropical, Coconuts aren't described as particularly Hylotl in nature either. They do have access to Milk, but probably have less use for it historically than other races might. As Japan mostly has, and partly due to their ingredients and a lack of space necessary for things like grazing animals or wheat fields, they are likely to take to healthier dishes overall. It's also fair to note that rice has been described as a big part of Hylotl cuisine, via rice cakes and sushi; making that lore-friendly might be a great deal more difficult, but shouldn't be impossible, and also suggests things like rice wine are probably prevalent in the culture as well. Besides those recipes noted explicitly as Hylotl derived (Sushi, Brineapple, Ocean Surprise) it would be fair to assume they have their own variations on, or were perhaps even primarily responsible for, recipes such as Ocean Risotto, Ocean Salsa (perhaps omitting bananas), Reef Juice, Reefpod Surprise, Pearlpea Risotto, Seafood Gratin, Salt Salad, and the Soggy Sack. It's all but certain they're responsible for the Rice Cake as well, though it isn't described as such, and Reef-Cola is definitely a Hylotl recipe, only purchasable from Hylotl vending machines. They probably have some appreciation for dishes like fish pies, stuffed dirturchin, fish dumplings, fish stew, and fried fish, and may even have their own twists on each, but primarily owing to the historical lack of access to primary ingredients (especially Wheat) these are more likely to not be Hylotl traditional recipes. Special Fried Rice is probably mis-attributed, although I would probably say they do in fact have access to eggs (and therefore chicken). Though they have access to the ingredients, Eyebowls are a distinctly Floran dish, and Hylotl may have some measure of disdain for them as a result. Trade has no doubt expanded all their capabilities, and the addition of Wheat, exotic fruits and vegetables, and new cooking techniques and philosophies from other races would in turn suggest brand new possibilities. Perhaps this is where they'd introduce Tempura.
14. Opinions about other races
- That they're generally racist towards the Floran is so well documented I hardly need to elaborate on it, and due to the relative isolation of Hylotl society this is generally only reinforced unless and until a Hylotl ventures into space. They do however recognize that spacefaring Floran are, typically speaking, a great deal more civil than average. This has made some economic and cultural exchanges possible, if rare. They find themselves most attuned to Humans and Apex - though they still consider themselves superior - and this generally compatible nature has led to good relations and brisk trade with both races. The Avian, Glitch, and Novakids all occupy a neutral ground somewhere in between these two extremes, having less to offer than the technologically advanced Apex or culturally and intellectually diverse Humans but inspiring none of the racial ill will they show the Florans. One exception to all of this is in regards to romance - as Hylotl are genetically incompatible with the other races, there is a great deal of cultural pressure for Hylotl to only get romantically involved with other Hylotl, and depending on how tolerant an individual society is, doing otherwise may be seen as taboo. That said, the further an individual Hylotl moves away from an all-Hylotl settlement, the less this applies, and it especially doesn't stop Hylotl who choose to move or work into mixed-species societies.