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Wolf vs. Martth


Smash Apprentice
Apr 15, 2006
WEll i've been playing against a bunch of marths lately and im trying to work out aomse strategies for thee tip wielding fool.

I've noticed marthhas ALOT of lag so i've been mainly ground punishing and sh-shine and l-cancelled fairs.

anything general guidelines to follow that i'm missing?


Smash Journeyman
Dec 4, 2006
l-cancelled fairs work wonders just watch out for marths aerials they will beat yours every time if your not close enough so keep pressure on them

Darth JoBak

Smash Apprentice
Nov 28, 2006
San Jose
if you catch them overusing nairs and fairs then break out the occasional dash usmash

marth+huge popularity=basis for the tier developement


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2004
Wolf beats Marth

Fsmash and Dsmash "out of shield" (shield drop then attack) are very good punishes. If your shield is pushed away, Fsmash catches Marth; if you aren't pushed away, Dsmash. Dsmash is a great kill move, Fsmash can kill at higher %, but I mainly use it just to punish/rack up damage.

If your Dsmash or Fsmash are getting too weak, spam 9 other attacks (can be the same move or a combination of moves) to reset the weakened damage/knockback. This is every easy for space animals because they can...spam :p (lazorz). Lasers and tilts are the most preferable; but yeah, keeping Wolf's Dsmash as strong as possible is very important since it's not only a move for punishing, it's also his main KOing move. You might end up using it alot, so you'll need to reset it's strength.

If you land an aerial on Marth's shield, you can then shine immediately to avoid being punished and immediately going into forward tilt them (there's probably other moves you can do). It's very similar to how Fox and Falco players in Melee avoid being punished using the shine. Wolf's shine has better range then Fox's and doesn't send the opponent too far.

I was playing CunningKitsune and Kirkq the other day (who main Marth), just picked up Wolf, and started ******.

But l-canceled fairs, I'm assuming the guy means doing a Fair as quickly as possible after a short hop to avoid landing lag. Those are pretty useful because it's a nice setup at low %. And for the record, Marth does not have a lot of lag.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 13, 2007
Carbondale, IL
LOL What u want to do is get in his face with a Nair-Dsmash and he cant stop it. if he goes aggro then beast him out of ur shield. calm that chump down. Marth match ups are really easy.


Jul 10, 2007
West Jordan, Utah
I beat a Marth with no problems. Course.... it might just be the player. Marth was nerfed.... Wolf is higher up when it comes to tier, if a tier exists yet, Wolf would be higher. The only thing that Wolf struggles with is that Marth is very high priority. That is what I have to work with, but it doesn't take long to figure out what moves you can move in on and what ones you can't (as easily).

The Ocho

Smash Cadet
Feb 8, 2008
Lancaster, PA
You're gonna wanna be careful about aerial Marths, I'm starting to see them more. As far as his reach goes, thats when he's a bit more dominant on a character like Wolf. Marths do like to keep a bit of distance, just enough for TIP. Can't stress that enough, I know its common knowledge, but for goodness sake watch out for it. The knockback is amazing on it, and Wolfs recovery definately isnt super special awesome.


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2004
Marth was nerfed.... Wolf is higher up when it comes to tier, if a tier exists yet, Wolf would be higher.
1. Just because Marth doesn't exactly play the same doesn't mean he's nerfed. One can put up a good argument of why he's better or at least equal in Brawl compared to Melee, especially since he's considered by most as the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd best out of all of the returning characters.
2. Marth is, or at least "most likely", the better character overall.
3. No, I'm not just posting my own opinion. I mean, I personally like Wolf more then Marth.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 15, 2006
You're gonna wanna be careful about aerial Marths, I'm starting to see them more. As far as his reach goes, thats when he's a bit more dominant on a character like Wolf. Marths do like to keep a bit of distance, just enough for TIP. Can't stress that enough, I know its common knowledge, but for goodness sake watch out for it. The knockback is amazing on it, and Wolfs recovery definately isnt super special awesome.
yeah i know what you're talking about with the aerials. i have messed around with it and I have decided that wolf's reflector trumps most aerials if you time it right ;)

The Ocho

Smash Cadet
Feb 8, 2008
Lancaster, PA
yeah i know what you're talking about with the aerials. i have messed around with it and I have decided that wolf's reflector trumps most aerials if you time it right ;)
If timed right yes, but you do also have to be closer. The reflector doesnt have as much reach as the sword does


Smash Apprentice
Apr 15, 2006
but what normally does the trick is the fact that the reflector gives you a couple frames of invincibility. thenit zaps em for that hefty 3 dmg :p

Emblem Lord

The Legendary Lord
Aug 11, 2005
Scotch Plains, NJ
Switch FC
Wolf and Marth go even.

They are both just great characters and they both put up a good fight in this match-up.

Wolf's blaster is good, but pretty easy to get past actually, but it's still a solid camping tool. Thing about it is that it's easy to perfectshield and it's somewhat slow.

Honestly most Marth's don't know how to deal with projectile camping but in the match-up really isn't in wolf's favor.

I mean think about it. Wolf has some good options that is true, but overall Marth has a more solid move set and he has the tools to win in close range. Marth has his up b which is invincible for the first 5 frames, his Dancing Blade which hits on frame 4 and the combo does decent damage, his d-tilt that he can cancel and set-ups up for follow up attacks, and of course Marth has his fair which is also tough for Wolf to deal with. If Marth camps in Wolf's face just outside his f-tilt range then Wolf has a harder time re-taking control of the match.

But it's not like Wolf doesn't have close range options. He has his shine and we all know how beastly the shine is, he has his great jab combo, his great f-tilt, his f-smash, his grabs are better overall so he can fall back on those and his good d-smash.

The main thing to remember is that Marth can gimp Wolf's recovery pretty badly and it isn't too difficult to do and also that Marth outranges Wolf in close combat which also makes it harder. Wolf's main strengths are his camping, his shine and his really good smashes that can be somewhat difficult to punish, and his jab combo as well as his f-tilt give him something to rely on.

Overall I think Marth's are losing to Wolf's alot because..well..let's be real. Wolf is eas yto play and he r@pes. He is just awesome. He hits hard and fast and his moves are crazy good, especially his smashes, his f-tilt and his lasers. I mean his gun hits on the way out and combos into the laser shot. His f-smash launches him forward and hits twice. Wolf fights really unorthodox and is extremely deadly and he isn't hard to use, while alot of Marth players try to play Marth the same as in Melee and fail horribly and have no idea how to deal with camping at all.

But when you actually look at all the tools the characters possess you realize that Marth nor Wolf really r@pe the other. I think they go head to head in a 50/50 match.
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