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Wolf Teams Match up ~Week 1~ Snake


Smash Journeyman
Apr 9, 2007
Frisco, Tx
Teams are becoming more popular, I notice in the wolf boards that people always ask what is a good partner for wolf. I decided to make a thread of all the teams possibilities and benefits and disadvantages each team has. please enjoy, critique, and share any information and comments.

Team basics:

1. MOST IMPORTANT. COMMUNICATE!! don.t be stuck up and selfish.
2. think of it as 2 1vs1 battles going on
3. next try to have a ping pong effect with your opponent
4.if both opponents were knocked off of one side, only one person should be going out to ledge guard. and the other can camp or punish those who gets on the stage again.
5. keep a watchful eye on your opponent, if they're in trouble ask them.
6.the more you practice the less communication you need, and the more synchronize you will be. therefore your opponents wont be able to listen to your plans.
7.if your team loses, its your teams fault, not you, not your team mate, but the team in a whole.
8. always have a good counter pick stage in mind that you and your partner are comfortable with

Heavy Characters both players do not have to worry as much in making a mistake and KO ing their partner
Camping both characters have great camping moves.
Kill moves kill moves are not limited

edge guard-wolf in front, snake behind wolf. opponent(s) off the stage. snake tosses nades off the stage, wolf shoots nades.
snake grab double team-snakes grabs, and either forward throw, grab release, down throw into wolfs up smash, down smash, etc.
wolf grab double team- wolf grabs, and either grab release, down throw (safest), forward throw into snakes forward smash, down smash, up smash, up tilt, etc.
Mine Tag- Snake lays a mine on wolf, wolf grabs someone. Listen for the click, to know that the mine has been switch on to opponent, then boom.
Meteor Spike- Either team mate grabs opponent by the edge of a stage. The other team mate uses their meteor move dair fair
exploding shield- wolf should take advantage of nades as a defense. pick up nade and shield.
Exploding Reflector nades should explode on contact with wolfs reflector

1 Up-tilt b-air (2x or 3x) Snake dash D-air
2 jab (3x) dthrow f-tilt (2x)b-air (2x or 3x)

*combos have not been tested yet, so i am unsure if it works.


Quick notes
1. wolf must be aware of nades, mines, and claymores
2. falco + any other chain grabbers is horrible for wolf team. as one chaingrabs wolf the other can chain grab snake until wolf gets spiked. snake players must acknowledge that wolf does poorly against chain grabbers.
3, Corneria is a double edge sword. wolf and snake have amazing ko potential here. short ceiling, small horizontal.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Wolf + Snake is a pretty good combofor team battles. Snake minimizes the space for enemies via Mines, Nades + mortar slide, while Wolf just spams like mad.

Try to do a Shine counter with Wolf into a fsmash of Snake...BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!


Smash Champion
Oct 17, 2007
Decatur, Tennessee.
Wouldn't Pit/Falco and Wolf be a better camping team? @_@

I've found a team of my Wolf and a friend's Ganondorf to be awesome... Up Tilt > Ganonspike FTW. :laugh:


Mother Wolf
May 20, 2008
Land's End (NorCal)
I don't have any skill when it comes to teams (I keep getting distracted and SD) but this looks like a promising thread, so here's a pseudo-bump.

For snake, the C4 latching on thing is probably not a great idea. I mean, it's definitely usable, but what if snake gets hit off a ledge and needs it for recovery? Otherwise, that would be kick-***. Many of the advantages you listed were things that snake contributes to every team (such as holding grenades and shielding), I think that it would be a better idea to explain instead the specific strengths for the team as a whole (not just the wolf player's advantages), and also the specific weaknesses. Showing matchups that are bad for both characters would also be a good idea, or any specific teams that could easily counter this one.

The grenade spam + blaster to make them explode sounds like fun. Like throwing a TV 30 feet down into an inflatable pool. It's awesome, sh*t goes boom, but in the end, maybe it would've been a better idea to enjoy both of them seperately. Basically, it might be better to seperate the blaster and grenade to attempt to force someone into the other attack, since it could probably be dodged easily if predicted.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 9, 2007
Frisco, Tx
@ishieymoro i understand that some strategies and techniques can be very situational, and can be used for any snake team or wolf team. However i want the wolf community to know of effective strategies, tips, and mind games so they can choose a right team mate for their own play style. seriously i appreciate your support and suggestions

@painator lol its only been one day.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 9, 2007
Frisco, Tx
i just want to give it a week so people can discuss the possible strategies and techniques but if yall want me to change it so badly i will

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
You don't have to cover all characters for a week. It tell you: It will take forever, if you strictly give a week to every character...


Smash Journeyman
Mar 25, 2008
The best 2v2 combo's usually involve one offensive style player and 1 defensive style parter. Double pillar styles work well to. The risk to snake + wolf is that wolf will need to be the offensive style and snake will need to stick to the edge, but players will be more inclined to just double team the wolf and the snake needs to be quick at stopping it.


Mother Wolf
May 20, 2008
Land's End (NorCal)
@ chronoize: Understood. Did some looking at the character matchup chart (which I hear is'nt too accurate) but this team has no good matchups against falco, D3, pikachu, pit, rob, mk, TL, and wario. A lot of them are neutral, but still good to know if you're planning on making it two 1-on-1s.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 9, 2007
Frisco, Tx
i think the biggest threat against this team is falco, D3, mk, and TL. then again i live in a area with sethlon, dojo, fogo, santi, etc. so i could be wrong.

i believe that in a team u can eliminate some bad match up. lets say your going against a team with one Chain Grabber. its not so bad cause all you gotta do is yell help and HOPEFULLY your partner comes to your rescue. if both characters suffer the same bad matchup then the team is handicap. when i had snake for my partner we had a horrible time against falco and D3.
Also we lost to Broken arrow (TL MK) (Santi Dojo) Also some stages could handicap teams. I'm not a snake player so correct me if I'm wrong. Snake players love the control the stage right? so i would assume that small stages would hurt wolf because of the explosions all over. Yea, you can say the wolf needs to be more aware, but good luck dodging every nade, claymore, mine, mortar, and Nikita. in stages like Corneria and final destination i can see less casualties for snake and wolf team. However chain grabbers love flat large areas.


Mother Wolf
May 20, 2008
Land's End (NorCal)
Just a quick idea for a combo. Snake utilt, wolf dair, snake fsmash. Sounds like fun, no?

Oh and also, wolf's laser blows up snake's mines from dsmash, which everyone probably knows, but just something to keep in mind, could come in handy for surprise attacks on people jumping over it.
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