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Wii Classic Controller Pro help?


Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2012
Rock Hill, South Carolina
Sorry if this is the wrong place to make this thread, but I wasn't sure where else to put it.

Anyways, I've been having some problems with my Wii Classic Controller Pro. Let's say I dash to the right, and hold it. It'll stop in the middle of my dash and start up again. There are also many other instances where I dash-block and it does a roll, I press X once to jump and I get a double jump. The slightest tilt is a dash, and when I try Ftilt with Shiek, sometimes one of them turn into an Fsmash. It doesn't do this ALL the time though, but recently it's been a bit more atrocious. I was in a match yesterday and it started doing it most frequently than usual, for about 3 matches more of less. It started doing it less frequently then, but it was really getting to me. When it's not doing it so frequently, it's tolerable. But when it got worse, it was less tolerable.

I don't know if there is any way to fix this. I play on my Wii U, but I had the problem ever since I bought the controller, and I was playing it on the Wii at that time. I have a feel it's having issues connecting my inputs to the Wii or something like that...or could something be interfering with the connection? (Just so you know I plug the CCP in the Wii Mote for those who don't know much about it)

I had also found a thread on GFAQ's. The guy was having the same problem. I don't think I will be able to find the thread again, and I don't remember the exact words he said. He did explain one thing that I remember though, and that's him dashing and holding the Joy Stick in that direction, and it would stop in the middle of the dash and start p again. That's the same exact problem I am having now. I've been living with this problem for a long time now. ;-;


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
I think that the CCP induces a little extra lag for some reason, not even just vs wired gamecube controllers but it's always seemed less responsive to me than the wiichuk as well. I don't think there's any hard evidence on that as most people use gamecube controllers and haven't looked into it, but this is what my experience leads me to believe

dashing being interrupted sounds more like the signal is being interfered with though, I haven't had that problem


Smash Apprentice
Feb 14, 2009
Tampere, Finland
This is THE problem with anything but GCC. There is nothing you can do to fix it.

I've had the issue and I'm now a GC user. The problem is that wiimotes lose signals and it forgets you holding that button causing you to drop your shield, release your smashes, canceling dashes... etc. May work fine home but it gets worse in bigger events.

I feel bad for Wii U players... Sorry, you cant make it better.
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