Well, this use of the missiles is likely already been discovered, so I'm not going to try and steal credit for it, or anything, but I have found this pretty good use for the missile(s) which includes both a faster rate of fire for 2, or simply cutting the lag off of 1.
This is relatively simple, so there's no need for complicated explanations. All you have to do, is shoot a missile just before landing. If timed right, the missile will launch, and Samus will immediately return to her normal grounded state. Utilizing this, you can fire 2 missiles in about half the time you otherwise could. You shoot your first in the air, land (and have you lag canceled), and proceed to shoot your second, very quickly after your first. This is good for mind-games, and messes up your opponents timing need to block missile after missile, leaving a relatively good chance of them getting hit. If they don't get hit, this probably means they will continue shielding, giving you good time to do whatever else you had in mind to them (or if they were never shielding in the first place, they will have to do something to avoid getting hit, resulting in vulnerability for them).
Well there you have it. Great use for missiles, in my opinion. I'm sorry if this was already known and I look like an idiot for posting it, but I just haven't been seeing it used in the videos I've been watching. Thank you for you time.
This is relatively simple, so there's no need for complicated explanations. All you have to do, is shoot a missile just before landing. If timed right, the missile will launch, and Samus will immediately return to her normal grounded state. Utilizing this, you can fire 2 missiles in about half the time you otherwise could. You shoot your first in the air, land (and have you lag canceled), and proceed to shoot your second, very quickly after your first. This is good for mind-games, and messes up your opponents timing need to block missile after missile, leaving a relatively good chance of them getting hit. If they don't get hit, this probably means they will continue shielding, giving you good time to do whatever else you had in mind to them (or if they were never shielding in the first place, they will have to do something to avoid getting hit, resulting in vulnerability for them).
Well there you have it. Great use for missiles, in my opinion. I'm sorry if this was already known and I look like an idiot for posting it, but I just haven't been seeing it used in the videos I've been watching. Thank you for you time.