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Why the frustrated shouldn't get ridiculed


Smash Ace
Aug 11, 2015
Maybe you get insulted - maybe a racial slur or the f-bomb slips in the handle. Then maybe, just maybe, you came back with some derogatory, inflammatory, immature response like "U Mad Bro,"" "Ur Salty" or "Git Gud" followed by "LOL" or something quick to irritate. While ******** on both sides isn't right, its not right to make fun of hose who obviously express their irritation in their handles. Smash agitates more than it entertains-or pleases at the beginning for everyone, then the pleasure of Smash, like a Fruit Gusher, gushes out once you rack up wins.

But back to the point, someone who makes fun of someones frustration online I respect MUCH less, than someone who sends me a racial slur or insult. The person making fun of the irritated isn't any better. If you are going to give any response, make it somewhat empathetic. But ridiculing someone makes you no better, let alone makes you look equally as pathetic.



Smash Ace
Jul 2, 2015
East Texas
I slightly disagree with this.

While "Two wrongs don't make a right" the frustrated person shouldn't be throwing out insults, slurs, and overall trying to be a douche to the other side in the first place. It's extremely immature and shows me that you probably shouldn't be playing a game online if it makes you that upset to begin with. You're right, they shouldn't be made fun of; however that kind of behavior is just asking for it. You don't just sit there and scream profanities at someone without expecting them to throw it back at you or much worse.

Essentially, even if you are frustrated don't expect to get away with such behavior.

Yeah, as a community we do need to hold some sort of maturity level. A lot of us can just shrug it off, laugh about it, and move on; however this is also the internet we are talking about. Not everyone shares the same ideals online, and some in fact make it their goal to be complete ***hats to people for the sole purpose of doing it. Given how anonymous the Internet can be people easily forget to be mature about things and tend to take advantage of it for the sole fact of "Lulz, I made someone mad and they can't do anything!"

I'm not saying it's wrong to get frustrated or experience "Gamer Rage". We've all been there at least once, if not more. I'm not saying it's right to blatantly take advantage of that frustration either. Both sides should be expected to hold some sort of maturity to keep things fun.

.... But, as I can't stress enough: This is the Internet.

People are going to act out, especially if they are losing at an online game. People are going to find it hilarious that you are getting upset, to the point you are actively flinging insults at them and they'll probably keep pushing you to do it. It can't really be helped, as this kind of behavior just exists online no matter where you go. You can't do much short of reporting someone, or just ignoring them really.

Either way you really shouldn't expect people to be nice and sympathetic online, especially if you're raging at them via insult after insult.
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Smash Lord
Nov 25, 2014
You can be frustrated and show your frustration without being a total knob about it, either. I don't do the whole "git gud" thing, except sarcastically. I actually wish there were voice chat not so I can ridicule anybody, but because I've run into people who beat themselves up in their tags and call themselves bad when they lose, and it just makes me want to encourage them and tell them to keep their chin up. But if one chooses to vent in a toxic manner, I have no incentive to respect them anymore. Out comes the taunt spam. Out comes the sandbagging. Out comes the ridiculing barbs. Turnabout is fair play, after all.
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Smash Champion
Nov 4, 2007
people shouldnt get ridiculed for being frustrated. but if you are a jerk while being frustrated, I think you get that coming.
not for being frustrated, but for being a jerk.



Smash Journeyman
Nov 24, 2014
Just be kind and respectful. It's okay to get frustrated because the road to getting better at Smash ins't easy and can be annoying at times. However, never be mean about it. And if your opponent is getting frustrated, don't be a **** about it.


Smash Ace
Aug 11, 2015
I slightly disagree with this.

While "Two wrongs don't make a right" the frustrated person shouldn't be throwing out insults, slurs, and overall trying to be a douche to the other side in the first place. It's extremely immature and shows me that you probably shouldn't be playing a game online if it makes you that upset to begin with. You're right, they shouldn't be made fun of; however that kind of behavior is just asking for it. You don't just sit there and scream profanities at someone without expecting them to throw it back at you or much worse.

Essentially, even if you are frustrated don't expect to get away with such behavior.

Yeah, as a community we do need to hold some sort of maturity level. A lot of us can just shrug it off, laugh about it, and move on; however this is also the internet we are talking about. Not everyone shares the same ideals online, and some in fact make it their goal to be complete ***hats to people for the sole purpose of doing it. Given how anonymous the Internet can be people easily forget to be mature about things and tend to take advantage of it for the sole fact of "Lulz, I made someone mad and they can't do anything!"

I'm not saying it's wrong to get frustrated or experience "Gamer Rage". We've all been there at least once, if not more. I'm not saying it's right to blatantly take advantage of that frustration either. Both sides should be expected to hold some sort of maturity to keep things fun.

.... But, as I can't stress enough: This is the Internet.

People are going to act out, especially if they are losing at an online game. People are going to find it hilarious that you are getting upset, to the point you are actively flinging insults at them and they'll probably keep pushing you to do it. It can't really be helped, as this kind of behavior just exists online no matter where you go. You can't do much short of reporting someone, or just ignoring them really.

Either way you really shouldn't expect people to be nice and sympathetic online, especially if you're raging at them via insult after insult.
If I respond to anything, I'll normally put "Grow Up" in the handle. As much as I might feel like saying it sometimes, I won't attack someone with a racial slur or profane gesture. Sure I get irritated myself, if I think the win was cheap or weak, I;ll let that opponent know their victory was cheap, weak or foul.

I've seen people put "LOL" then "Rekt" or "^^" then "U Mad Bro?" I'm in my mind-20's, and I know most people who play this game are MUCH younger than me, but still, get a grip on yourself. I concur with your sentiment some people out there are plain douches or trolls, and IRL will get whats coming to them (an act of karma). More than likely, you'll never see those people again, even if they coincidentally are members of this forum. At least in person.

Unfortunately, I don't think reporting is that effective sadly. The Nintendo Network is flimsy and unpredictable at best as it is, and reporting a couple individuals won't make much difference. To those trolls and douches, you just gotta remind yourself, "They;ll get what's coming to them."


Banned via Warnings
Oct 26, 2014
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
If I respond to anything, I'll normally put "Grow Up" in the handle. As much as I might feel like saying it sometimes, I won't attack someone with a racial slur or profane gesture. Sure I get irritated myself, if I think the win was cheap or weak, I;ll let that opponent know their victory was cheap, weak or foul
Graceful in defeat. Contradictory on smash boards. Ideal user :)
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Smash Champion
Nov 4, 2007
I assumed we were talking hypotethical people here, my post at least never intended to point fingers at anyone.

And for people "trying" to get you frustrated i have a simple tag for that. "Lame". it doesn't express neither hate, frustration, nor rage, just dissapointment with is the only emotion i could get to that kind of reaction. probably followed by a nice "Cya". (not to confuse with people who play lame, i don't use the tag for that mostly because if the play lame and dumb (spam) they probably are getting destroyed, and if they play lame and smart they are in their right)

I mostly use tags for congratulate and encourage good people, (I even created "Nice" and "mixups" for someone that bodied me with amazing mixups I couldn't barely react to) and ironically most of the time people using tags tend to encourage me too, even if I'm losing and stuff. The worst is tags to vent some frustration due to lag (probably the only thing that can frustrate me online), but is mostly to create an empathic reaction than anything, and the player hardly is responsable of that and some times they also get screwed by it.


Smash Ace
Mar 28, 2015
You lost me on that one.
Personally, I'd be pretty annoyed if someone said "Cheap" or "Grow up" to me. Though you might think the other person is playing cheap, they might not think so and it could offend them. Saying things like this with little to no context can have almost the same effect as profanity (almost), and the fact that you do that makes you hypocritical, basically.

Personally I think most of the people on For Glory aren't actually trying to annoy me, but when there's no face-to-face communication and all you have is a tag shouting "SCRUB" at you, it's at bit hard to not to get annoyed.

Personally I have one tag for communication, and that's "GG : )". Don't know if you guys think it's a good solution, but even if someone is trying to insult me, I respond with the same face smiling back at them. Much easier to be nice like this, in the same way that it's so easy to be mean.
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Smash Apprentice
Jan 19, 2015
TBH everything in this game can be considered cheap based on the situation. The worst thing on FG are the bayonettas and the projectile spammers which exploit the lag that comes with being online.


Smash Ace
Aug 11, 2015
Personally, I'd be pretty annoyed if someone said "Cheap" or "Grow up" to me. Though you might think the other person is playing cheap, they might not think so and it could offend them. Saying things like this with little to no context can have almost the same effect as profanity (almost), and the fact that you do that makes you hypocritical, basically.

Personally I think most of the people on For Glory aren't actually trying to annoy me, but when there's no face-to-face communication and all you have is a tag shouting "SCRUB" at you, it's at bit hard to not to get annoyed.

Personally I have one tag for communication, and that's "GG : )". Don't know if you guys think it's a good solution, but even if someone is trying to insult me, I respond with the same face smiling back at them. Much easier to be nice like this, in the same way that it's so easy to be mean.
When I say "Cheap," its not that I am upset or frustrated, its because I'm calling out your play. For example, if you are in a Free For All in FG, it comes to a sudden death match, and your opponent SD's themselves, that was a cheap win. Pathetic on behalf of the opponent who SD'd, and cheap on behalf of the victor who didn't do anything but stand there, or start to move, to win. Effort is what makes it a valid game. Although I would admit planking is probably the most valuable option when the bombs start falling.

I'm not out to offend, when I put something in my handle, its to point out a injustice.


Smash Ace
Mar 28, 2015
Well, in that case I guess it wouldn't offend anyone. Usually though spamming projectiles and stuff is considered cheap, and that's what a lot of people complain about.


Smash Ace
Jul 2, 2015
East Texas
When I say "Cheap," its not that I am upset or frustrated, its because I'm calling out your play. For example, if you are in a Free For All in FG, it comes to a sudden death match, and your opponent SD's themselves, that was a cheap win. Pathetic on behalf of the opponent who SD'd, and cheap on behalf of the victor who didn't do anything but stand there, or start to move, to win. Effort is what makes it a valid game. Although I would admit planking is probably the most valuable option when the bombs start falling.

I'm not out to offend, when I put something in my handle, its to point out a injustice.
To be honest I feel like there's no way to be cheap in Smash to begin with.

If you won because your opponent SD'd and you didn't have to do anything then it's the opponents fault. It doesn't make you cheap, and it's not necessarily a cheap victory either. I've had Bowsers in Team For Glory try to Bowsercide my friend and I on countless occasions where they didn't even notice they were getting -2 due to no damage. We would take damage and let them do it on purpose.

Are we cheap for doing that? For literally doing nothing and letting them Bowsercide us so they get -2 each time?

I would kind of think it's their own fault for not even noticing, really. I'd consider it more of a "Lazy Victory" on our part since we didn't really try. They were doing the work for us. I can understand everyone has tactics not everyone agrees with. People spam, people camp, and people choose to run the entire time for I dunno because they think it's funny or something? Either way, in the end it doesn't make them cheap. It's our fault for losing to that kind of thing and not adapting enough to figure them out and smash them hard.

It's frustrating, I know it is. I hate spammers as I find them to be very annoying; however if I lose to one it's my own fault.

It's not a cheap victory or method. An annoying one, but not cheap. Either way saying something is cheap period is not a good way to go about those kinds of things because some people will take that poorly, or think "Oh, he's salty". No matter what your intent was it has the possibility of coming off poorly. During 2V2s someone had their tag as "God" and when we won my friend wanted to put up "Puny God" (A quote/reference from a movie). He had no ill intents about it, but I told him not to because whether or not they get the reference it could still come off as an insult. The internet is a sensitive thing after all. It's hard to judge intents from words alone sometimes.

You never know who, or what your opponent is behind the screen. They could be a 30 year old male, or a 5 year old girl. You don't know how they think, and what they find funny. All we can do is make assumptions and make sure we don't step on any toes.
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Smash Ace
Aug 11, 2015
To be honest I feel like there's no way to be cheap in Smash to begin with.

If you won because your opponent SD'd and you didn't have to do anything then it's the opponents fault. It doesn't make you cheap, and it's not necessarily a cheap victory either. I've had Bowsers in Team For Glory try to Bowsercide my friend and I on countless occasions where they didn't even notice they were getting -2 due to no damage. We would take damage and let them do it on purpose.

Are we cheap for doing that? For literally doing nothing and letting them Bowsercide us so they get -2 each time?

I would kind of think it's their own fault for not even noticing, really. I'd consider it more of a "Lazy Victory" on our part since we didn't really try. They were doing the work for us. I can understand everyone has tactics not everyone agrees with. People spam, people camp, and people choose to run the entire time for I dunno because they think it's funny or something? Either way, in the end it doesn't make them cheap. It's our fault for losing to that kind of thing and not adapting enough to figure them out and smash them hard.

It's frustrating, I know it is. I hate spammers as I find them to be very annoying; however if I lose to one it's my own fault.

It's not a cheap victory or method. An annoying one, but not cheap. Either way saying something is cheap period is not a good way to go about those kinds of things because some people will take that poorly, or think "Oh, he's salty". No matter what your intent was it has the possibility of coming off poorly. During 2V2s someone had their tag as "God" and when we won my friend wanted to put up "Puny God" (A quote/reference from a movie). He had no ill intents about it, but I told him not to because whether or not they get the reference it could still come off as an insult. The internet is a sensitive thing after all. It's hard to judge intents from words alone sometimes.

You never know who, or what your opponent is behind the screen. They could be a 30 year old male, or a 5 year old girl. You don't know how they think, and what they find funny. All we can do is make assumptions and make sure we don't step on any toes.
I've always thought a Ganoncide or a Bowsercide either way should have led to a tie, or no contest, unless of course the opponent performing the action has both stocks.

But I get what you're saying. Since we don't know who is on the other way, you don't know whether or not that person on the other side will be mature, or immature. As a principle I hold, injustices in Smash should not go rewarded. Sure, you can prevent the injustice from occurring, but when those injustices do occur, I would consider it a nice fx for the game to be programmed to sense ad call out that injustice.

Just today, a guy after every match put, "LOL" then "GG" (which I'm thinking translates to Good Game, over the uneducated alternative). It got annoying after awhile, I mean imagine, if that guy were in your living room after every match, and was laughing out loud after every match, wouldn't you tell him eventually, "Dude, pipe down. It's getting annoying."


Smash Ace
Jul 2, 2015
East Texas
I've always thought a Ganoncide or a Bowsercide either way should have led to a tie, or no contest, unless of course the opponent performing the action has both stocks.

But I get what you're saying. Since we don't know who is on the other way, you don't know whether or not that person on the other side will be mature, or immature. As a principle I hold, injustices in Smash should not go rewarded. Sure, you can prevent the injustice from occurring, but when those injustices do occur, I would consider it a nice fx for the game to be programmed to sense ad call out that injustice.
They don't end in a tie because you're technically under them, therefore you die first. Besides, again it is the players fault for falling for the cide techniques to begin with. They can be easy to avoid as long as you know to watch out for it, and come up with ways to prevent it.

As for Bowsercide specifically, you usually have a small chance to survive it.

Injustices cannot exist in Smash. You can feel robbed of your victory, but you can't label it as an injustice. If you lose to something silly you are to blame, whether you find it to be unfair or not. Hell just last night I got totally and absolutely rekt by a Cloud player who only used his up aerial. That's it. He used that move alone along with reading my every movement. Can you imagine how humiliating that is? I tried everything I could think of but he was reading me like a book and destroying me with that one little aerial move. It sucked. Hard.

I was pretty annoyed and upset because I couldn't figure out how to counter it. Everything I tried just didn't work.

And you know what? Well, it's my fault. I didn't play well enough and I'm not going to label it as an injustice or scream out "That was cheap as ****". I lost and understand I can't win every match. I hate how I lost and I still feel the sting even today, but oh well. It happens.

Just today, a guy after every match put, "LOL" then "GG" (which I'm thinking translates to Good Game, over the uneducated alternative). It got annoying after awhile, I mean imagine, if that guy were in your living room after every match, and was laughing out loud after every match, wouldn't you tell him eventually, "Dude, pipe down. It's getting annoying."
It honestly sounds like he was just enjoying himself and he wanted to let you know he was.

Yeah seeing that pop up every single match can get annoying, but what are you going to do about it? I've met tons of people on For Glory who felt the need to put up "Good Game" or some other related tag every single match. I do my best to acknowledge them but after while I stop because it gets tedious to change my tag every single time. Some people are honestly just that friendly sometimes.

Is that really a bad thing? I think it's a breath of fresh air to see Online playing Smash compared to all the salt I normally see on there.
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The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
It's better to keep your frustrations to yourself, honestly.

Sometimes I can get pretty upset myself, and I used to rage really badly in the past, and a lot more often than I do now. It was unhealthy. In either case though, just don't let it show, keep it to yourself on your side of the screen. Maybe the other player is just a normal and decent person honestly having a fun time, or maybe he/she is someone who is stooping low enough to mock you and fuel their ego. Showing them that you're ticked off isn't going to make things better in either situation.

I do wish that the world wasn't full of so many sour people (it's especially prominent on the Internet) but there really isn't much you can do about it. Ultimately, as long you keep playing the game, you're no doubt gonna run into more of them at some point or another. The best thing you can do is forget about them and move on, don't let them ruin your experience.
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