so basically the problem about you is that a lot of people in this community are irrational fanboys. most of you consider specific player as unbeatable but here comes the problem: those who say that are not good players themselves and cant judge a situation objectively.
i just want to say, there is no way armada could have lost genesis. lets assume dr peepee was really sick. oh well. do i sound familiar? pound 4 armada was sick. no johns for armada, he obviously lost because he cannot keep pace with usa. but thats not the reason armada won against peepee on genesis now. armada looked damn strong in this matchup. this was in no way comparable to pound 5. he was playing flawlessly, read all the techs and his out of shield game and spacing was impeccable. there was no way peepee could beat armada this time. maybe he would have done better when hes not being sick but this genesis 2 armada was a 100% armada, one that you have never seen before and wouldnt have lost to any dr peepee. but now i call upon your common sense. is it really ok to john for dr peepee but not for armada at pound 4?
i want also to let you reconsider armadas us-tourney history. it all started where it now ended: genesis. armada was very young at this point and not as experienced as hes now. but he did a big upset (only out of us sight, europeans knew how good he was) by defeating everyone in winners bracket lunin, lucky, shiz, m2k and mango! the set against mango in wf was as close as the first set in gf. they were really even and the only reason he lost the second set so clearly was because of the destroyed mindset after being so close to the victory.
at pound 4 even americans knew how good he was but he ran into two hard matchups. sheik and cf, additionally he was sick. none of these reasons do you think were legit. i hope you can understand this now better by seeing dr peepee losing to ic/doc being sick too.
at apex we witnessed the matchup problem of peach - jiggs. it is unwinnable for peach cuz there is no opening for peach to start any combos or even to approach. jiggs can even nair and bair through turnips. but this loss here should be fortunate. not only were all the patriots here gravely mistaken by assuming hungrybox is superior than armada, it also was the motivation for armada to pick up yl and eliminate his only matchup weakness. jiggs srsly is the only character peach is hopeless againsgt. i would also say peach dittos are similar but since its a ditto and somebody would be expected to play a better peach than armada is ... you know what im saying.
at pound 5 artmada perfected his matchups. for every character he got the peach, (hes suprisingly good against marth as well altough the matchup is extremely in favour for marth) for jiggs he got the young link. he unexpectedly choked in gf. you will notice in the videos that he got the right reads most of the time but his peach was in winners finals and grand finals much slower than it used to be. i noticed this immediately but i thought this could be from the fact that peepee contains him so much. but after seeing genesis 2 where he played his peach how its expected from the best player i knew pound 5 was also not a good day for armada.
what you guys also need to kno is that the win on mango is more than legit. not only did he announced his try hard state long time ago, you really could see how hes trying when he 4 stocked taj. also mango has never won a set on armada with spacies. its just armada is too good againsgt them. stop johnning mango should have used puff. armada has perfected his matchups and you should know if mango pulls out the puff armadas gonna use yl. with the projectile strategy not even a smart jigglypuff can do something against it. just forget it guys there is really no way armada could have lost this time he was prepared for everything. just as its expected from best player in the world.
i want you guys to discuss in this topic what you think about the tourney chronology. do you really think there are johns still for mango/peepee/hungrybox when armada has obviously perfected his matchups? do you think older tourneys count when the entrants where way more unexperienced back in the day? what is your view on that?
dont forget this is a serious topic!
i just want to say, there is no way armada could have lost genesis. lets assume dr peepee was really sick. oh well. do i sound familiar? pound 4 armada was sick. no johns for armada, he obviously lost because he cannot keep pace with usa. but thats not the reason armada won against peepee on genesis now. armada looked damn strong in this matchup. this was in no way comparable to pound 5. he was playing flawlessly, read all the techs and his out of shield game and spacing was impeccable. there was no way peepee could beat armada this time. maybe he would have done better when hes not being sick but this genesis 2 armada was a 100% armada, one that you have never seen before and wouldnt have lost to any dr peepee. but now i call upon your common sense. is it really ok to john for dr peepee but not for armada at pound 4?
i want also to let you reconsider armadas us-tourney history. it all started where it now ended: genesis. armada was very young at this point and not as experienced as hes now. but he did a big upset (only out of us sight, europeans knew how good he was) by defeating everyone in winners bracket lunin, lucky, shiz, m2k and mango! the set against mango in wf was as close as the first set in gf. they were really even and the only reason he lost the second set so clearly was because of the destroyed mindset after being so close to the victory.
at pound 4 even americans knew how good he was but he ran into two hard matchups. sheik and cf, additionally he was sick. none of these reasons do you think were legit. i hope you can understand this now better by seeing dr peepee losing to ic/doc being sick too.
at apex we witnessed the matchup problem of peach - jiggs. it is unwinnable for peach cuz there is no opening for peach to start any combos or even to approach. jiggs can even nair and bair through turnips. but this loss here should be fortunate. not only were all the patriots here gravely mistaken by assuming hungrybox is superior than armada, it also was the motivation for armada to pick up yl and eliminate his only matchup weakness. jiggs srsly is the only character peach is hopeless againsgt. i would also say peach dittos are similar but since its a ditto and somebody would be expected to play a better peach than armada is ... you know what im saying.
at pound 5 artmada perfected his matchups. for every character he got the peach, (hes suprisingly good against marth as well altough the matchup is extremely in favour for marth) for jiggs he got the young link. he unexpectedly choked in gf. you will notice in the videos that he got the right reads most of the time but his peach was in winners finals and grand finals much slower than it used to be. i noticed this immediately but i thought this could be from the fact that peepee contains him so much. but after seeing genesis 2 where he played his peach how its expected from the best player i knew pound 5 was also not a good day for armada.
what you guys also need to kno is that the win on mango is more than legit. not only did he announced his try hard state long time ago, you really could see how hes trying when he 4 stocked taj. also mango has never won a set on armada with spacies. its just armada is too good againsgt them. stop johnning mango should have used puff. armada has perfected his matchups and you should know if mango pulls out the puff armadas gonna use yl. with the projectile strategy not even a smart jigglypuff can do something against it. just forget it guys there is really no way armada could have lost this time he was prepared for everything. just as its expected from best player in the world.
i want you guys to discuss in this topic what you think about the tourney chronology. do you really think there are johns still for mango/peepee/hungrybox when armada has obviously perfected his matchups? do you think older tourneys count when the entrants where way more unexperienced back in the day? what is your view on that?
dont forget this is a serious topic!