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Why choose Little Mac when Roy is a thing???

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TBM | Obnoxii

Smash Rookie
Jul 14, 2015
doesn't really matter.
Before all of the raging 12-year old fan girls come after me yelling out "Troll!", I have to say that I'm serious and you can call me a noob all you want idc. Zzz. Little Mac in For Glory was always known as the "Noob Character and Destroyer". All you have to do is move the control stick in any direction that isn't up and mash :GCA: and you will be guaranteed to win 9 out of 10 matches when you play For Glory. The only problem is 1 out of 10 times you will get that one kid who is subscribed to VGBootCamp on their Youtube channel and stays up until 3am watching competitive. They actually know that Little Mac has one major weakness, and that is getting back to the stage. His recovery is a bigger joke than all of his player's win ratios with other characters. But on June 14th, Sakurai Senpai offered Little Mac mains something better in the form of Red Marth :4lucina: who can do what Lil Mac does but way better!

Roy can kill at the same percentages EXCEPT for a few major differences: Better Recovery, Slightly Better Air Game, Disjointed Hitbox, Heavier, Its possible to beat someone who is actually good at the game, and the list goes on.

So. For any one who still plays Lil Mac. Why do you? You are only crippling yourself more to those who switch to Roy, who is a far superior fighter.


Smash Ace
Jul 13, 2009
FG Lil Macs got you mad, huh? I feel your pain.

Why chose any character when you can play Lil Mac? You know? Armor on his smashes, great speed, virtually zero recover frames on his moves or his rolls, a punch that can K.O at like 40%, all in a game that's roll and shield savvy so you don't have to worry about being hit in the air too much, especially in FG with its omega stages where Lil Mac can run. Lil mac can go for days.

Nah, I'm not a Lil Mac fan myself, but as I asked, why chose any character when you can play Lil Mac?
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