Smash Rookie
I don't main Sheik, however I enjoy playing her and Fox as a way of testing my tech skill before a session or just in friendlies. I can do waveshines, shine turn around ledge dashes, etc etc with Fox but I never have done anything beyond shino stalling with sheik because I don't see its use as obviously as with Fox's tech.
I see M2K and Shroomed doing lots of weird things with needles, like turning around to grab the ledge or other odd stuff. Wouldn't a wavedash onto the ledge work just as well or is it the possibility of using backair if they recover high the point?
I guess I'm just confused is all.
I see M2K and Shroomed doing lots of weird things with needles, like turning around to grab the ledge or other odd stuff. Wouldn't a wavedash onto the ledge work just as well or is it the possibility of using backair if they recover high the point?
I guess I'm just confused is all.