#HBC | FrozeηFlame
tell me now before we get rolling very far, what
should I be expecting from you two in terms of activity compared to last game? Obviously you won't be as active as me, but is it reasonable to be waiting on your input on things? Marshy's bingo board is pretty accurate. I have a history to defaulting to a scum read on you two and marshy and I want to address that. Kev is the only one of those I got over. Everyone else just stopped playing.
That aside, I want your take on Soup. His entrance into his vote setting the wagon to L-1 and then how he has approached the sideline of the Lore/Spak conversation. He's probably the meatiest slot in the game right now.
Gonna be completely honest and say that I'm aspiring to have activity level that is slightly better than my D1 showing from last game. It's hard for me to check the thread regularly during the work week and my evenings are pretty busy Mon/Tues/Thurs which makes it hard to keep up sometimes when I'm trying to catch up. If you want my input on something best strat is to quote it and tag me so I can go directly to whatever it is you want my input on and read it without having to sift through pages and pages of content.
Soup comes out looking better than Lore in that standoff imo. Lore is giving me heavy JeXs vibes from last game, trying everything possible to not offend or come off combative and deflect pressure on him with passivity. A lot of people seem to be chalking this up to just being lore's playstyle but my gut doesnt like it
think its scummy how lore is sticking to this hypothetical as a means to push discussion. gave im a pass for the first time but it feels contrived at this point
and why the continued engagement of pythag? i mean him no offense but if i was scum pythags a player i would press considering how ppl found him scummy last game. its convenient and just a weird direction to go as town rn
dont like how he opened the question up to the floor either. why not just let the game progress organically? thatll do much more for reads than the route hes taken
i feel like a lot of lores posts are for show. like trying to establish himself as a driver of discussion when a townie wouldnt feel that way considering where were at at this point in the game
couldn't really agree more with everything in this post
It segues how I feel about this precedent being set right now despite it being very early. I think Lore's vote on me sucks, but if I tilt my head I could say that the votes on me kinda suck too. Am I supposed to think that scum are just playing with their food this early, or is it misguided townies trying to split the difference? That is harder to determine in my perspective because I have Ran who is actively playing different, Kary who is being Kary, then Tom/Kevin who I have very limited experience with. What do you think? Do you think that this is a double net profit and that both Me/Lore are just two scum caught together, or one is a mislynch? You've been avoiding how you feel about me, but yeah I guess what I could call it is just vibes for sure.
I found myself debating a lot of these same questions by the point I got to this post. Reinforces my belief that soup comes out looking better than lore in that matchup. Ran's change in style is hella bothering me. Until the last page of the thread he was almost completely absent which is so unlike Ran that my alarm bells were going off every page I clicked an didn't see a Ran post. I get that maybe he's trying to go for a new style here but damn, my gut is telling me that he's just scum AND trying to use a new style but is overwhelmed by the pressure of changing from town to scum from last game AND trying to use a new style and is just stuck in this paralysis of not knowing what move to make because he cares too much about how he'll be perceived. Maybe I'm reading way too deep into it but yeah Ran's slot is pinging hard for me at this point. Also agreed that Kary's play is super congruent with last game and iirc that slot was town. Kary isn't pinging me at all this game so far so I was interested to see this read mirrored by someone else
dawg the worst thing about playing town is that i have to have actual reads instead of just faking them and saying **** that makes town ride my ****
holy actual **** this is easily top 5 grossest posts of the game so far
bro was scum last game and now tries this cute meta appeal **** "lololol teehee guys this game is SOOOOOOOOO much harder than last game cuz I actually have to read people and not just spread bull**** and get town to dickride me oh woe is me but dont worry guys Im so town and have solidarity with the effort yall had to actually put in last game and I do too now in this game!"
rykers straight. im bout the way hes poking at the whole lore/soup thing
spak = doop from last game.
first impression is im getting maaaad doop vibes from the last game. lores dumb hypothetical smells kinda bad but i can see a world where hes p much just lynchbait off it, but spak turns something thats mostly innocuous and strange into something thats got this veil of scumminess to it without really being firm about it in any way. and the fact that this comes out 12 minutes after toms post is sketch
this is also some mad logorrhea when he couldve just said something to the tune of "lol my b." this isnt the first time any of us have seen a random person ask another random person about a dumb random thing
that being said i fux with your lore scumread from beyond this point, as well as the whole dynamic he took voting soup. i dont really feel like reading lores posts though so imma just sheep you and take the credit if he flips scum and blame you if he flips town
also the way lore and spak went back and forth early on was pretty awko taco too and it didnt really go anywhere. like i was reading that and i was hoping to see some spice but it deflated mad quick. all of that to say that i dont wanna hear any mother ****ers talking about LoRe Vs SpAk CaNt Be sVs
vote: spak
frankly if you hadn't follow up with this post after that vomit inducing bull**** I just quoted above my vote would already be on you. I'll give you credit here, I think this is some good thoughtful content. Definitely get the Lore as lynchbait feel even tho I do think he comes off looking way worse than soup in their interaction. Agreed that spak's conduct comes off like pushing lynchbait
too complex
letting the game progress organically just means ppl dropping votes, wagoning, crafting arguments, etc.
so much this. The evolution of wagons is easily the best paper trail the town can create. People can go back and forth posting walls at each other for days but ultimately thats worth so much less than seeing who the **** actually joins viable wagons and moves the game toward making a decisive move. Both town and scum can talk forever without much risk. Putting the chips down and actually moving the needle toward a lynch and removing slots from the game is how you really figure out who means what they say and who's just ****ing posturing or signalling. Ultimately your wincon dictactes who you're cool with dying, and the only way we really know who people want dead is who they will actually wagon when theres a real threat of that wagon resulting in a lynch.
gorfs response is fine. hes null, prolly town if spak flips scum
dont like spak. thought he was reachy when first shading lore and awkward earlier in the game. and feel like hes too dismissive of lore/soup in a way that makes me wonder if hes scum with knowledge. im fine with the push/pressure and i wanna see where his thing with pythag goes
Did not think of the dismissiveness = scum with knowledge angle. this is some good ****, also agreed with the gorf read here
Unvote: Ryker
Vote: Spak/OrangeXHtml
I'm gonna be trying to keep my eye on this thread periodically throughout the day. I wasn't anticipating being able to be super active today or tomorrow because I though I had a trial coming up on monday but after some motions practice it got continued for 2 weeks so I wont be as swamped at work, which means I actually got to take today off instead of working thru the holiday for trial prep. Don't hesitate to tag me and direct me to posts you want my thoughts on because I definitely took a macro approach to this catchup and just focused on the posts that caught my eye the most