Throughout my middle and high school years, I dreaded Mathematics. I was always in all the standard courses, and it wasn't that I wasn't good at it even though admittedly it wasn't my best subject, it was just that the teachers I always had were football coaches who didn't know what they were doing. Advanced math, or pre-calc, my senior year was the worst however. The teacher demanded that I be in his tutor group because I was having "difficulty" in his class (At the time, I had a low C). It was after school, once a week, and he was always late by like 10 minutes. Although I thought the teacher was a jerk, I went to every session, stayed the 20 or so minutes, and got the help I "needed." One day, I think it was like the 4th or 5th session, I had an urgent personal issue I had to take care of at home, and couldn't go, so I left a note under his door. The next day I received a note from our "guidance counselor" who told me that should I miss another session, I would get a Saturday School, and for missing another session, the severity of my punishment would only get worse. I went to talk to her, as well as him. I had to tell my business to the guidance counselor, even though it was none of hers, and she told me the same thing he said: That's not my problem, be there next time or it's a Saturday School. Real Helpful. I gladly took the F and dropped the class the next day. I never advocate quitting because something is too hard, but that's insane.
In college, I sturggled with Statisitcs (More like sadistics, amirite?) but this last quarter I got out with an A, as opposed to the D I got the first time. -_-()
Everthing else has pretty much been great though. :]