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What's that one condition you have upon playing online?


Smash Rookie
Dec 25, 2015
I would say my rules online are reflected through one of Villager's moves: Pocket

Basically: Whatever you throw at me, I will hurl it right back at ya 1.5x stronger.

Being a good sport online? GG! So will I! :p
Fun, friendly taunt at the beginning? Sure, let's have fun! :grin:

...Did you just start teabagging after a KO? :shades: Reenact the Boston Tea Party with all the tea bags I'm gonna give you. :evil:
"Show me your moves"...? Ok, you'll see the Shrunk Shuffle (Villager's dance taunt) a LOT
Aww... did someone get salty? Gonna give it 100% now?
Good. Guess I'll have to give it 150% (That's physically impossible but I MAKE it possible) :smirk:


Smash Ace
Jun 7, 2009
ON, Canada
1) Acknowledge my opponent's really good call or cool sequence of events with a taunt after returning to the stage with the second stock.
2) Laggy matches = SD all stocks and join new room.
3) Excessive taunting for unimpressive kills = not going to bother playing a next game with this individual.
4) Play off stage even if it's no longer necessary to score the kill. Don't mind me, I just love scoring aerial hits and playing off stage for as long as possible, even when you aren't able to recover back to the stage anymore. Nothing persona; I enjoy the risk of putting your stock all in the last few things you can possibly do off the stage (i.e. no more jumps, only special moves and recoveries)
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Smash Rookie
Oct 18, 2015
Australia, Victoria
nooo its people like you who give FG and the smash bros community in general a bad name. I hate nothing more than trying to have fun playing online and im beaten by someone like you who just makes me go "...really?". Good for you for being better than other people but stay humble at the same time, damn.
preach it brudda


Smash Cadet
Jan 8, 2016
I absolutely dislike when I play a game against someone, and then they leave after one game. Whether it was because they won or not, doesn't matter.

People taunting is pretty lame, in my opinion.

Ze Diglett

Smash Champion
Writing Team
Dec 7, 2014
I absolutely dislike when I play a game against someone, and then they leave after one game. Whether it was because they won or not, doesn't matter.
Personally, I usually leave after one game simply because I don't like doing more than one consecutive 1v1 against the same player. No hard feelings (unless you're a douche, in which case very hard feelings), it just gets boring to me, not to mention 70% of the FG playerbase is absolutely toxic, so I'm usually not willing to go another match against a random player anyway.


Smash Cadet
Jan 8, 2016
I mean, that's fair enough. But how do you know if the FG playerbase is toxic? What defines a person you're playing against as toxic? :o

Ze Diglett

Smash Champion
Writing Team
Dec 7, 2014
I mean, that's fair enough. But how do you know if the FG playerbase is toxic? What defines a person you're playing against as toxic? :o
Generally dickish behavior, i.e. taunting after every kill, saying things like "U SUX" through name tags, t-bagging, counterpicking Ganondorf, etc. These people, unfortunately, make FG more of a hassle than it's worth going through, even if you're desperate to get a few quick matches in. They seem to be in much higher volume on Wii U than on 3DS, at least going off of my experience in both.
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Smash Cadet
Dec 27, 2015
I repeatedly taunt when the match starts. If the other people get the message, it becomes a nice taunt party. If they don't, then I just stall out the match.


Smash Ace
May 22, 2013
Under your bed
Kinda surprised how serious people take taunting in this game.

I like to taunt randomly and unexpectedly during matches (even if it gets me punished) as well as at the very beginning of the match as a greeting of sorts. It gets people riled up sometimes, but I do it anyway. I enjoy being playful.

As far as conditions go, I'll tolerate pretty much any behavior so long as the opponent isn't laggy and generally gives me a good fight. I've only ever been trash talked by someone once and I beat him anyway, so...idc really.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 3, 2015
I absolutely dislike when I play a game against someone, and then they leave after one game. Whether it was because they won or not, doesn't matter.

People taunting is pretty lame, in my opinion.

This can be annoying... but at the same time there are a lot of reason's people leave. I have had times where I decided "Ok, 1 more game." and then my previous opponent leaves... meaning I only play the next 1 once. Other times, mid match someone calls/walks in, and no offense but I'd rather have fun with a family member/friend than some random person on the internet.

But that can be annoying... frustrating losing a close match and thinking "This is a good chalange... he will push me to play my best but I think I can beat this guy." and then not get the chance.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 10, 2014
My condition is that we play at least two matches. And this goes both ways. If I'm about to be done for the night, I make sure to give the other guy two shots. No "one more before bed" from me. If the guy leaves after one, then I'm done for the night, but if he stays, I'll give him one more chance.

The idea behind this condition being that they might not have been their main and I want to give them a fair chance. I don't want to seem like some weenie who beat them with a handicap, then runs away.

I like to play as Shulk, even though he's my worst and it's frustrating to get completely dominated and left after one match, when my main would have destroyed them.

It's even worse when they taunt and leave after one match.

So that's my personal condition. If everyone left after one match, you gotta constantly be gambling as to who you pick. You may pick your main when a secondary could have sufficed or you may pick a secondary against someone who is going all out with their Sheik. And that's no fun. With two matches, you can see if they're worth taking out your best or not and picking a secondary isn't as such a huge gamble. Leaving after one match if you won is just so cowardly and arrogant.
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Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2013
nooo its people like you who give FG and the smash bros community in general a bad name. I hate nothing more than trying to have fun playing online and im beaten by someone like you who just makes me go "...really?". Good for you for being better than other people but stay humble at the same time, damn.
The people who really give the Smash community a bad name are the ones getting owned because they suck! For Glory needs to be tough and unfriendly because in a cuddly environment there is no glory to be won!


Smash Cadet
Sep 17, 2015
I don't tolerate lag or any form of constantly running away. Playing keep away is a fighting style, but there's a fine line between keeping your opponent at bay and just running away from someone. It's a fighting game, there is meant to be contact. People who are one trick ponies would be next in line.


Smash Rookie
Feb 3, 2015
Louisville, Kentucky
Sometimes, I tend to try leave online matches right as I join them to see who I could find at the time I'm on (possibly even friends, nice players I've played with, or maybe even Senpai [because I have two tags: "sweetkohai" "~ Kohai ~"; there has been two players that have switched their nametags to "Senpai" and noticed me; I dash danced].
In a few For Fun matches, I do reps(repeat exeucutions) of Perfect Pivoting or Reverse Aerial Rush B-reversing.
Throw in Smash Parties and the tense battles here and there.

I wish to be one of the most respectful(or nicest) online "warriors" while being... close to being one of the best Villager players online. I tend to occasionally spend time deleting and making name tags for sentences("IGotsToGo" "IHadFun...") while I make myself a choice on at least one. ( "___" "games" So I could put like... "Good" "games" | "Fun" "games" or "Nice" "Job" | "Great" "Job" --- I may use this on 1-on-1 For Glory)

Also, for when someone makes a brutal mistake on me and apologizes on For Fun: "It's ok!" "Dont worry" "Please..." and I also have "Thank you!" as a tag.

When I make a mistake: "Awww..." "Oh darn..." "Sorry..." "about that" (This is assuming I find the tags quick enough about it.)

Now I have one (sometimes) when I switch from Villager to Pikachu; I switch to "Pika!~", and then I switch back to the last name tag I had.

Copied TL;DR just to make the condition more obvious(?): I wish to be one of the most respectful(or nicest) online "warriors"


Smash Journeyman
Nov 10, 2014
I don't tolerate lag or any form of constantly running away. Playing keep away is a fighting style, but there's a fine line between keeping your opponent at bay and just running away from someone. It's a fighting game, there is meant to be contact. People who are one trick ponies would be next in line.
People who are one trick ponies are the best. It's so satisfying to find a way counter their trick and seeing them just get rekt cuz they have no backup strategies.
Like I played this one person who was Palutena and all they would do is Bair. All the time, just bair. I kept losing and losing until I discovered Ness' Bair, with some proper spacing, would beat Palutena's.
And it was win after win after win. Cuz unlike me, this Palutena player didn't know how to adapt.


Smash Cadet
Sep 17, 2015
People who are one trick ponies are the best. It's so satisfying to find a way counter their trick and seeing them just get rekt cuz they have no backup strategies.
Like I played this one person who was Palutena and all they would do is Bair. All the time, just bair. I kept losing and losing until I discovered Ness' Bair, with some proper spacing, would beat Palutena's.
And it was win after win after win. Cuz unlike me, this Palutena player didn't know how to adapt.
One trick ponies are pretty easy once you understand how they play. It just frustrates me when they use a certain move as a crutch the whole match. It just bores me after a while. Best example would be Samus’s and Mewtwo's chargable blast or Ness’s PK Fire.


Smash Cadet
Nov 23, 2014
If input lag lasts more than about half a second or if there's stuttering then I'm just gonna SD twice and move on. Other than that, I usually just stay with the same person for long periods of time, regardless of how they choose to play.

Green Zelda

Smash Journeyman
Jan 26, 2016
When my opponent SD's on accident, I SD. Doesn't
matter if they're disrespectful or not. I didn't come here
to make friends to win, I came to learn.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 12, 2014
Queens , New York
Switch FC
SW 1823 5909 5682
If I somehow break your shield, I'm NOT gonna Taunt, I'll do what attack I wish depending on the character.
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Smash Journeyman
Oct 4, 2014
Colony 9
The one condition I have to play online is make sure my internet connection is working.

Otherwise how else will I play online without it.


Smash Ace
Jan 5, 2015
Sheffield, UK
TBH I like taunting, so all the people saying "Taunting is bad, mmmkay." kinda irks me. I try to make them meaningful or at the very worst, they're habitual. I also tend to actively not taunt bad players because they just generally aren't worth the risk of seeming like I'm rubbing it in against them. I also don't hold start of the match taunts too sacredly but I won't attack anyone performing one, and I'll sometimes reciprocate as a good gesture - I just find they kinda waste time so it's better to jump right into it.

Multiple taunts are really irritating too, and never doing more than one specific taunt is even worse (Repeated up taunts are the damn laziest IMO, atleast have some style if you're gonna rub it in, jeez.). Hell, I'll use certain actions as a taunt and mix them up if I feel like my taunting is getting stale. I do things like backwards rolling and jumping backwards towards a ledge to 'taunt' since it looks so acrobatic (Seriously, some characters have flashy as heck backwards short hops and back rolls, I love doing multiple in a row just to look cool. Fox/Falco are probably the worst offenders.).

See, I don't really like to think of taunting as a show-offy, disrespectful thing. It's more of a celebration or straight up muscle memory thing for me. Maybe I did something awesome, maybe I feel like I'm just doing good, maybe I just really like a very specific taunt's animation (Looking at you Koops' up taunt. -or Bowser's down taunt).

That being saaaid, there's some taunts I love using for specific moments, and do so habitually, and I think a lot of people just see a taunt instead of reading the meaning behind them when I do, which is a shame, really:
:4roy:'s 'Hammer Taunt', I always perform after hitting with a strong enough hammer hit (U-air, up-B2) that's safe enough to taunt after.
:4robinf: speaks during all of her's, so I always use them in context - "Prepare yourself." "Here I go!" "Time to tip the scales!" (The latter if I'm starting to make a comeback!)
:4fox::4falco: have similar things to Robin's taunts above. (Falco's "Hands off my prey!" is great in doubles, TBH. lol)
-and finally, if I gimp you with a pill as :4drmario:, expect a pill taunt... I'm just sayin'.

To an extent, I guess I put more 'acting' into my fights than most others do... -so taunts fit right in with my style of liking to put personality into my fights. I remember one game that I mentioned in another thread where I reacted to :4metaknight:'s "Fight me." taunt with :4cloud:'s "[Not interested.]" and then killed him with the next hit. Sure, it seemed pretty show-offy at the time, but it was more about the delivery of it to me. -and y'know what? I really kinda live for those moments.

Outside of taunts, I guess the only other habits I have is that I like to stick around and/or not change characters for a few games before I leave, even if I'm losing or my opponent is being an ass, but I'll generally leave early if they're obnoxious or just no fun to fight. The definitive one for me is if someone flashes the character box at me, I'll just leave because I can't be bothered with people who are willing to sit and mash their character choice just to waste time. I don't like that crap, either you like to play Smash, or you're on FG to be a complete clown. -same goes for name-calling on Wii U, but I don't personally own that version, so...


Smash Journeyman
Nov 10, 2014
When my opponent SD's on accident, I SD. Doesn't
matter if they're disrespectful or not. I didn't come here
to make friends to win, I came to learn.
I hate when people do that. I've had amazing comebacks after accidentally SDing in the past, or at the very least, I can still make it a close match. If they do SD and if I end up winning, it feels very undeserved because I was given a mercy kill.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 7, 2014
I taunt the **** out of scrubs! I 2-stock them by spamming Z-Drop Aerials and Gyro throws. I taunt after the first kill and 2 times I will knock them off stage and taunt before gimping or edge guarding them, and I celebrate my victory by raising the roof with repeated uptilts while they are losing their last stock.

After fighting my R.O.B. the next time that you will see him will be in your nightmares!

....Or at least it used to be like that before I was in banland. That is what I get for being awesome.
At least you had fun wrecking 'scrubs'.


Smash Lord
Nov 25, 2014
I hate when people do that. I've had amazing comebacks after accidentally SDing in the past, or at the very least, I can still make it a close match. If they do SD and if I end up winning, it feels very undeserved because I was given a mercy kill.
I don't see those as mercy kills, I just see those as mulligans. If someone SDs in that manner, the match is already tainted. One person is now at a severe disadvantage and the other is probably no longer playing his best because of it. Best to just start the match over, but we can't do that on FG, so might as well even the playing field.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 10, 2014
I don't see those as mercy kills, I just see those as mulligans. If someone SDs in that manner, the match is already tainted. One person is now at a severe disadvantage and the other is probably no longer playing his best because of it. Best to just start the match over, but we can't do that on FG, so might as well even the playing field.
Or they can just keep playing and I can get that comeback. Like I've said, I've accidentally SD'd early in a match with my opponent with percentage as low as 15% and I still come back. If the other isn't playing their best, well, that's on them because I'd be pretty embarrassed to get beat by someone a whole stock under me.
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