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What's so bad about FG Hell?


Smash Journeyman
Apr 13, 2015
So, I understand that people get very upset about being soft banned for silly reasons, but now having finally been placed there for a while, I have to ask what the big deal is. Like, what is so bad about this slightly altered state of online play?

I know that people complain about having to wait for ages between matches, but... well, at least on the Wii U version, backing out of the lobby after someone left and re-connecting seemed to solve this problem almost entirely. Unless you're super into trying to rack up your accumulated kill counter, this seems like a non-issue (but maybe I just got lucky).

I suppose I'd also understand if you really liked using tournament mode for some reason, since it stops you from entering new tournaments, but if all you use is tournament mode you can't be reported anyways, so again, I don't see the big deal. If you managed to get reported, obviously the inability to enter tournaments isn't removing your only used game mode or anything.

I'm aware that this thread might come off like I'm just saying to suck it up, but that isn't the case. I genuinely do want to know why people get so upset over Ban-land. I'm pretty sure I'd been there before, but now that I can be certain I have (since tournament mode bans make an easy way to confirm this), I can say that I just don't see what the fuss is all about. Am I missing something obvious with this?

For the sake of people not having to read the entire thread, I'll be doing my best to list complaints others have brought up that I hadn't already accounted for.

-Matchmaking for modes other than 1v1 takes a long time, and isn't as easily worked around.
-Higher frequency of rude players
-Higher frequency of laggy players
-Matchmaking is repetitive (lots of playing the same player multiple times).

And so far that's it! Got something not listed here you know bothers you about FG Hell? Please share it below. I feel like there's still things I just haven't noticed waiting to explain why people are so up in arms over this.
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Smash Cadet
Nov 18, 2014
Macomb, Michigan
There's some players that don't always want to do 1v1's.

I got put in banland from simply playing one too many 2v2's with a salty person. 2v2 is my favorite mode so... when I got put into banland, I couldn't do much of it. Actually, couldn't do it at all because majority of the inhabitants in banland want to do 1v1's, lol.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 13, 2015
Ah, see, it was obvious. Yeah, it makes sense if you prefer 2v2 since you need to match with three people instead of just the one. Also, 2v2 seems like it's significantly less likely to result in bans given the environment it fosters with random teams, so I can definitely see there also being fewer 2v2 players in banland. I did do a little 2v2 while banned, and never had an issue with it, but not enough to say that it wasn't dumb luck. Thanks for the insight into at least part of the problem folks have with it.

Still, I feel like I'm missing part of the story. Not that the point about 2v2 is lacking, but given how many people I see complain about FG Hell, combined with the relatively less salty environment I mentioned earlier and my own experience (the latter of which is admittedly anecdotal evidence), I feel like there's still something more. Any other reasons for hating Ban-Land that I've overlooked people can think of?


Smash Rookie
Aug 13, 2015
it's tiring waiting 20 minutes for a match at certain times of the day.

you can't enter tournaments.

you can't do any 2v2

it's boring. i hate having to only play the same people. i love how in normal for glory if you get tired of the person you are playing, you simply exit and go back in and the game finds a new person for you to play instantly. this isn't possible most of the time in FG hell.


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2013
Banland just makes you wait very long. Sometimes it takes so long that my 3DS runs out of juice even when it was almost full when it started searching.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 27, 2008
For some people, its not THAT bad, just a little longer in wait, especially if its only for 1v1. For 2v2, its a lot more annoying to find matches. You join a room of 2 other people, and you're like, okay, i'd be better off just to leave and find another room cause that last 4th slot is never gonna fill ip


Smash Journeyman
Apr 13, 2015
Huh... fair enough I suppose... for the 1v1, again, I found that just leaving and re-entering reliably avoided the wait time, but the 2v2 does make sense.


Smash Champion
May 10, 2008
typical in banland;
finding more rude players then usual(these are the ones who actually deserve to be in banland) who change their names to insults frequently.
finding players with awful lag/connection issues(another type of player who deserves to be in ban land. Yeah I know it might not be entirely their fault, but nonetheless, they're the only other type of player who really deserves to be there)
having to wait up to 10 minutes or more to find a player.

Those two above are the most common type of players you find.

Now of course you can find others who might of been sent to banland, strictly from salty opponents who lost to em. Players who are so good that they ROFLstomp their competition so hard that it invokes rage in the opponents to report em. Being able to find these players a bit more frequently then normal, is the only decent thing about banland, as it gets you against some more serious competition more often.

But this one benefit doesn't outweigh the the bad of it, the rude and laggy players are most common, and it makes for a lousy experience.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 10, 2014
I dislike having to play the same people over and over again.
In my experience, it would always be the same 4-7 people. I'd put the game in at 3:00 pm and I could run into the same person at 8:00 pm. It sucks.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 13, 2015
Ah, the repetitive players and/or lousy ones. Neither seemed like a big enough deal to me to particularly care about, but I'll definitely add them to the list.
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