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What was your first smash experience?


Crash Bandicoot for Smash!
Jan 25, 2016
Hartland, Wisconsin
What was the the first Smash game you played?
Where were you / who were you with the first time you played Smash?
What was it about that game that made you fall in love with the series?
Is the first smash game you played still your favorite to this day? or. Do you enjoy each new game more than the last?
Who do you main / alt; in the games you still play?

If applicable-

With which game did you start playing competitively?
Do you still play it competitively to this day? Why or why not?
What is the highlight of your Smash career to this point?

I'm just curious because it seems to me that many people are in love with the very first game that played and are too stuck on it to move on. Lets use this thread as a way to get to know each others Smash backstory!

For me, the first Smash I played was 64. Two years or so before the release of Melee. I was with my best friend (at the time) at his house. He had the game / I didn't even own an N64 at the time. We logged countless hours into that game and I realized I was pretty good at it! So I started to play in tournaments hosted at my local "Game Crazy" for in store credit and bragging rights.

Smash 64 has since been replaced by Smash 4 as my favorite Smash installment. However I haven't enjoyed each game more than the last. I hated Melee for the fact that everyone I knew stopped playing 64 for the new game. "Why would I want to "go to the dark side" when Im already so good at this game?" I thought. I was very stubborn and frankly hated the Game Cube controller at the time.
DISCLAIMER! 14 years or so later, I now love watching competitive Melee and can never thank it enough for doing what it has done to the game I love so much! I also quite enjoyed Brawl; not for any sort of competitive play. Mostly for the wide verity of characters, stages, and the Subspace Emissary story mode. Which Im very sad was removed from Smash 4.

I still play Smash 64 to this day, however; not on a competitive level. I have since been playing Smash 4. Main's and Alt's are in my signature. I LOVE the atmosphere of Smash tournaments! It makes me feel like a pro athlete when competing, doing well, and having everyone watch me! Even when I do poorly, I enjoy staying to watch Grand Finals. To lean what I can to improve.

The highlight of my Smash career to this point is taking 5th place in my first official Smash 4 tournament after sending 2nd place to losers bracket earlier in the tournament.

I look forward to hearing everybody's story and getting to know you all a little bit better. At least from a Smash standpoint.
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Actual Mother trash
Dec 13, 2015
United States
The first Smash game I played was Melee when I was about 6 or 7 years old. I didn't really have a lot of friends so no one ever came over and I didn't play with anyone. What made me love it was the fact that I could be anyone in the game who I loved. The same year that I played Melee I also played Metroid Prime and I loved Samus.

I was also a huge LOZ fan and Pokemon fan so the idea of being any of these characters and having the ability to beat them up was mind blowing to my tiny child brain. I don't know if I'd call Melee my favorite. I mean, I love Smash64 and Sm4sh but there's just...something about Melee. I don't know if it's the nostalgia or what.

My competitive career...well it unfortunately hasn't started yet. I'm not nearly good enough to compete anywhere but hopefully I can git gud enough to go to a tournament someday.


Crash Bandicoot for Smash!
Jan 25, 2016
Hartland, Wisconsin
My competitive career...well it unfortunately hasn't started yet. I'm not nearly good enough to compete anywhere but hopefully I can git gud enough to go to a tournament someday.
I wouldn't say your not good enough to compete until you've tried. Try to find a small local tournament near you here on the boards. http://smashboards.com/forums/regional-zones.89/

In my opinion the best way to get better is to play against good players, get rocked a few times, and learn from it. Try to bring a setup, play tournament matches on it when possible, and save your replays to study later! Assuming you go to a Smash 4 tournament.

Best of luck to you when you do attend your first tournament! :4pacman:
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Smash Apprentice
Jun 27, 2015
The first Smash game I played was Melee when I was about 6 or 7 years old. I didn't really have a lot of friends so no one ever came over and I didn't play with anyone. What made me love it was the fact that I could be anyone in the game who I loved. The same year that I played Melee I also played Metroid Prime and I loved Samus.

I was also a huge LOZ fan and Pokemon fan so the idea of being any of these characters and having the ability to beat them up was mind blowing to my tiny child brain. I don't know if I'd call Melee my favorite. I mean, I love Smash64 and Sm4sh but there's just...something about Melee. I don't know if it's the nostalgia or what.

My competitive career...well it unfortunately hasn't started yet. I'm not nearly good enough to compete anywhere but hopefully I can git gud enough to go to a tournament someday.
My first match was in Melee as well! TWINZIES~ :b:

I don't quite distinctly recall the specific year or age, but I do remember button-mashing with Pikachu in some free-for-alls with friends. All I can tell was I simply spammed Thunder and won due to their aerial approaches. But since we were all little kids, so one really cared too much~ :p


Lurker By Nature
Jul 7, 2015
Switch FC
Long ago, I was first exposed to the realm of Smash when me and my brother played Melee.

It was a long time ago, though, so my memory of the event is kinda hazy.


Oct 13, 2014
2005-ish I think.
I was out at my grandma's house with my cousins, and they had a GameCube there due to how often they visited. (One of them actually lived there for a while.) They had Melee, so they asked me to play. It was super casual - items on high, any stage, etc. It was just fun, so I wound up getting a copy of the game for myself when I got a GC.
As it is now, I still enjoy melee, but for the most part play Smash 4 and occasionally PM. I've been maining Ike since brawl just because of his moveset being super fun to me, although I played Marth a lot in melee.

I don't play on a competitive level yet. I'd love to get into my local scene but as it is right now I'm a bit too busy with other things right now.
Jul 2, 2014
I played 64 when I was small, and then Melee when I was little. Both of those are still my favorites.

As of now, I main Samus in every game, but I think my favorite character back in the day might've been Fox. Makes sense, considering Star Fox 64 was (and still is) one of my favorite games.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 28, 2016
Burbank, California, U.S.A
My first experience with smash was when i was a wee lad and my cousin came over to my house and he had brought over brawl so we could play together, and i loved the game so much i bought it for myself (my parents bought it for me) Years upon Years later in my early teen years *2 years ago* Another smash game was announced so i pre-ordered it, and when it finally came; thats when i experienced Greninja. I used to be really bad, losing at all of my school tournaments, but then Wii U came out, and i had gotten it for Christmas last month. Thats when i started using Meta Knight. oh i guess i got a little ahead of myself...whoops...

Green Zelda

Smash Journeyman
Jan 26, 2016
When i was 8, and was (and still am) obsessed with mario, there was this guy named mariomario54321 who made videos known as "Super Mario 64 Bloopers". a lot of the time, he'd use smash 64 for fighting scenes. Eventually, my curiosity got the better of me, and i downloaded it.

Never have i made such a great decision :laugh:

EDIT: Here's an example!
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Smash Journeyman
Dec 13, 2015
Snooping as usual
I first played smash 64 with my friend on an emulator when I was a really tiny human. I really didn't understand it, and just forgot it. Then many (probably 8) years later I was visiting that same friend, and he had brawl. I instantly fell in love with the series. Then shortly after that smash for 3ds came out, and i had a 3ds, so I absolutely had to get that. I got it, and there I went. Now that I own it I love it and play it and i believe that isn't going to change. I played Dedede in brawl, and my friends laughed at me. I still play Dedede, but now that I have more experience with smash4, it isn't so funny anymore.


Crash Bandicoot for Smash!
Jan 25, 2016
Hartland, Wisconsin
I first played smash 64 with my friend on an emulator when I was a really tiny human. I really didn't understand it, and just forgot it. Then many (probably 8) years later I was visiting that same friend, and he had brawl. I instantly fell in love with the series. Then shortly after that smash for 3ds came out, and i had a 3ds, so I absolutely had to get that. I got it, and there I went. Now that I own it I love it and play it and i believe that isn't going to change. I played Dedede in brawl, and my friends laughed at me. I still play Dedede, but now that I have more experience with smash4, it isn't so funny anymore.
People talk smack about Dedede, but my best friend is a very good tournament level Dedede player. Keep at it bud! :4pacman:


Smash Ace
Nov 14, 2014
My first Smash experience was getting trapped by Kirby's jab in the right-hand corner of Hyrule Castle on N64.

Kaiduru Zeta

Smash Apprentice
Apr 6, 2014
Richmond, Texas
Well when I was about 4 I started playing video games. I enjoyed them a lot. Since I had an older brother, he had a Nintendo 64 so I grew up playing Pikachu and Kirby on Smash 64. So to my memory, those were my first experiences and I've played every smash and enjoy playing them since.
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This strength serves more than me alone.
Nov 15, 2015
South America
My exposure to Smash was a tad different than most.
My dad had a softmodded Xbox. Sometimes my dad would let me play his videogame, and it had an N64 emulator in there. I loved playing Super Mario 64 and Mario Kart 64 a lot. One day, he decided to show me this "Mario Fighting Game.". The ROM's file name was simply "Unknown" and the game was in Japanese, so we couldn't read the title. I really liked said "Mario Fighting Game", and I found it funny that it had characters from other Nintendo franchises. I must've finished the main game and defeated Master Hand a couple of times, but I was terrible. I needed multiple continues to finish the game in Very Easy.
Later that year, my dad got me a used gamecube, and lots of games came with it, including one...
"Super Smash Bros.: Melee".
I played Melee, got into the Classic CSS, chose Mario, the first match started and... I realised. This game must be some sort of sequel for that crazy "Mario Fighting Game" I used to play!
I don't feel like writing the rest of the story since I get the feeling I must've told it multiple times in this site alone.


Smash Rookie
Jan 13, 2016
What was the the first Smash game you played?
Where were you / who were you with the first time you played Smash?
What was it about that game that made you fall in love with the series?
Is the first smash game you played still your favorite to this day? or. Do you enjoy each new game more than the last?
Who do you main / alt; in the games you still play?

If applicable-

With which game did you start playing competitively?
Do you still play it competitively to this day? Why or why not?
What is the highlight of your Smash career to this point?

Well the very first Smash game I've ever played was Smash 64! It was a little past my time, since Melee was already out when I was growing up, but I originally played it as an emulator on my computer. It ran slowly and was kinda janky, but I was a kid and loved it anyway.

I was just a wee little lad when I first played the game. I was in my room with my computer and somehow knew how to operate it and get to all my emulated games. Before I hit double digits in age, I was kinda the computer guy.

I played a lot of other Nintendo games before playing Smash. So seeing them all in one game was really big for me. And it was different from any other fighting game, so that's what really got me into the series.

I feel like every iteration of Smash is good in it's own right and I still find myself playing through all of them. As of now, I own Smash 64, Melee, Brawl, Project M, and Smash 4. And I still find myself heading to the 64 version sometimes! Is it might favorite? No. But I still love it to death and I'm glad I played it.

Smash 64 Main: Mario/Captain Falcon
Melee Main: Doc Mario/Captain Falcon
Project M Main: Captain Falcon/Ike/Snake Alt: Mario/Wario
Brawl Main: N/A
Smash 4 Main: Mario/Captain Falcon/Ike

Sadly I haven't start playing competitively yet. I want to get into Smash 4, Melee, and PM competitively so we'll see where that takes me.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 27, 2015
What was the the first Smash game you played? I first began to play Smash when I got Brawl. I was in my living room alone and I had no knowledge whatsoever so I picked Ike and headed to Halberd. I love getting to see the community at tournaments and the passion that every player has. I think no other fighting game has a community that loves their game as much as us. I don't really think of Brawl as my favorite but is has a special place in my heart. I have many fond memories of playing against my friends in elementary school. I enjoyed Smash 4 more than Brawl but I absolutely love Melee. I mained Kirby in Brawl, Marth in Melee, and I'm still trying to find a main in Smash 4 (eventually I want to main Sheik)

With which game did you start playing competitively? I actually started to get into the competitive scene with Brawl (yes, I know...) because I didn't have a Wii U at the time. I later moved on to PM then Melee. I play competitively but it's hard at times since I haven't put in enough lab time with certain characters. I eventually want to get involved with the Smash scene.

As for a highlight? I pulled an all nighter with some friends and my playing was on point despite being half asleep. I comboed my friend to death twice with Captain Falcon, and I also landed a knee.

Ghostly ~

★ Speedrunner ★
Nov 4, 2015
As far as I can remembered, the first Smash Bros I ever played was Melee in 2002. It was the time where I got my Gamecube for the first time (along with Animal Crossing). I was excited that I can play with my favorite characters (:kirbymelee: and :luigimelee:) and do some crazy battles with the CPUs and my friends. I didn't know that there is a competitive side and that Melee was the second Smash Bros game.

But while I like Melee (and for some stupid reason I lost the disc. I cannot get a new one sadly), Brawl (as the second Smash Bros game that I played in the end of 2009) was the only Smash Bros game that I had the most memories because of SSE, the rosters, and the soundtrack. For few years ago at the time I got Brawl, I began to discovered the competitive side of the Smash Bros games because of the grand finals of Apex 2012 in both Melee and Brawl. I was surprised how there are so many people playing these games and they got hyped of seeing crazy battles. It was at this moment that I was picking the characters (:olimar: and :kirby2: ) as my mains. Unfortunately, I was young at that time and I cannot go to some tournaments. At least I can watch the Smash Bros tournaments at home though.

Thanks to Melee and Brawl where I discovered the Smash Bros games and the competitive side, I was able to get Smash 64 and Smash 4. Even though I find my mains in every Smash Bros games that I played, it seems that I might enter a tournament if I have the courage to do so...

Deleted member

What was the the first Smash game you played?
Smash 64

Where were you / who were you with the first time you played Smash?

My bedroom, I was with no one.

What was it about that game that made you fall in love with the series?

Wow so many things! At the time, I liked most, if not all of the characters. I thought each character was so fun to discover.

Is the first smash game you played still your favorite to this day? or. Do you enjoy each new game more than the last?
Who do you main / alt; in the games you still play?

Yep, for sure. I've tried melee and a bit of brawl, but I don't really care for either. I main Yoshi! I adore Jigglypuff too, but idk about maining her as well, I change my mind a lot. lol
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Smash Apprentice
Jun 11, 2013
My first game was Smash 64. A guy I'm still good friends with to this day and I were hanging out, and he knew that I liked Mario 64 and Star Fox, and basically said "Did you know that there's a game where you can play as Fox, Mario, and DK, and Pokemon?" (knowing that I was obsessed with the GB version of Donkey Kong and Pokemon as well. I remember I couldn't actually play it until several months later. I finally got the game for myself and that became a staple of hang outs with several people that I knew.


Smash Rookie
May 6, 2015
I started with melee when I didn't even know what smash was, but it had a badass cover art so I begged my mom for it. as for competitive sm4sh is my first :)


Smash Ace
Jul 2, 2015
East Texas
What was the the first Smash game you played?
The very original for N64. I believe I may have been between 6 to 8 at the time and I never owned it, but when BlockBuster and rentals where still a thing I would always beg my parents to rent it for me on a constant basis whenever we were there. I enjoyed it a lot.

Where were you / who were you with the first time you played Smash
At home. I do believe I occasionally played with my older Brother sometimes, but I don't think he was around when I first played it.

What was it about that game that made you fall in love with the series?
It's honestly hard to say. Despite Smash 64 being the first one I played I didn't really get into it until I played Melee. I honestly can't say what it was about it, I just found myself hooked on the game and found myself playing an extreme amount of hours on it. It was just so fun to me and unique compared to the other games I played at the time. It's possibly the first fight game I actually enjoyed.

Is the first smash game you played still your favorite to this day? or. Do you enjoy each new game more than the last?
Nope. Even though it all started with Smash 64 I tend to enjoy each Smash game they release and tend to play the most current one. I still have them all (excluding Smash 64, unless you count it being downloadable on the Wii/Wii U) and would never give them away.

Who do you main / alt; in the games you still play?
I don't play the older ones anymore, but could and would be willing to do so. I still have all the save data for them. My mains were:

Smash 64: :kirby64: :jigglypuff64: :pikachu64: | Melee: :kirbymelee: :peachmelee: :drmario: :younglinkmelee: :gawmelee: | Brawl: :kirby2: :peach: :zelda: :toonlink: :rob: :gw:

Currently for Smash U: :4dedede: :4rob: :4bayonetta: :4duckhunt: :4zelda: (Still use :4kirby: sometimes but not as often)

I've never played competitively before or ever been to a Tournament for that matter. I kind of want to try it, but at the same time I believe I couldn't handle it. I have pretty bad Social Anxiety and don't think I could handle the crowds and let alone be able to play right with all the nervousness. Aside from that, I'm not particularly fond of the idea of being recorded (from what I seen that's what they do).

I still wish I could though, but the chances of me actually going through with the idea is slim to none.

I do enjoy going against others when I'm able though, hence why I try to look for opponents on here sometimes.
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Jenna Zant

Smash Journeyman
Dec 26, 2014
My friends talking about Brawl in an MMO I used to play all the time is how I first heard of Brawl. A couple months later, I asked my parents if I could get it. They let me, and I've been playing Smash ever since.


Smash Journeyman
May 12, 2014
My first smash experience was Smash 64.
My best friend at time was able to get it for his birthday. We ended up putting a lot of time into the game and fell in love with it.

Super Nicktendo

Smash Rookie
Jan 12, 2016
When my brother and I were kids, we'd get to go to Blockbuster to rent games every week or two. We rented Super Smash Bros. 64, and wouldn't stop playing it. Eventually, we got our own copy. I was so young that I didn't really have a "main" but I used Link a lot because I loved Zelda. I also remember loving the beam sword.


Smash Hero
Mar 25, 2012
Wales, United Kingdom
What was the the first Smash game you played?

Smash Bros on the Nintendo 64.

Where were you / who were you with the first time you played Smash?

I was at home at that time since it was the Christmas holidays at that time (I had Smash 64 as a Christmas present from my parents) and I played it with my older sister.

What was it about that game that made you fall in love with the series?

I just love the idea of bringing in iconic Nintendo characters fighting against each other.

Is the first smash game you played still your favorite to this day? or. Do you enjoy each new game more than the last?

Well, the Smash franchise has certainly came a long way and evolved. In general, I would say it just keeps getting better and better with every iteration.

Who do you main / alt; in the games you still play?

My mains include Roy, Pikachu, Ike, Pit, Greninja & Shulk.


Smash Cadet
Dec 27, 2015
I remember first playing melee quite a while ago. It was at an old friend's house, where he introduced me to the game. I got more into Smash only because I liked the idea of Nintendo characters fighting to the death.

I don't play melee nowadays. The competitive stigma got to me, and I only play casually now (taunt parties and the like). I only play as Luigi, never as any other character.

As said, I don't play competitively, nor do I want to because I generally have a bad experience with competitive players in any multiplayer game. I usually just put master balls and assist trophies on high, on midgar.


May 2, 2015
First day my Dad bought me a nintendo gamecube we played Melee in the living room.

Me, my sister, my brother, and Dad. I was arguably better than I am now. :laugh:
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