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What makes a Classic Game Classic


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
Link to original post: [drupal=1476]What makes a Classic Game Classic[/drupal]

The world "classic" can hold many meanings, varying from person to person. When talking about video games, so me it means an extremely overrated game that many people love because it was apparently super special awesome back in the day. It really saddens me to say that, but it's true. That is what I think of when it comes to the words "classic." But my ego aside, let's take of a look at what does make a game "classic" in the first place.

One thing that I've noticed is how classics like to reinvent the wheel or add something new. Like how Ocarina of Time invented the targeting system. Even though it kind of sucked, seeing how half the time it considered the small annoying bat flying around my head to be a bigger priority than the giant freak of nature boss that wants to rip out my skull and beat me to death with it. But regardless, it did cause a chain reaction among developers, inspiring them to use a similar targeting system with similar problems. Now that I think about it, the Kingdom Hearts games are the only games I've seen to get targeting right... mostly. But that's for another time.

Something else I would like to bring up is Final Fantasy VII. Relax, I'm not here to completely rip it to pieces while stop-dancing on top of it with golf cleats (you know, like I usually am). I'm here to add another example of classic games doing something new. Some classics are pioneers of the gaming world. Final Fantasy VII was the first 3D RPG (I can't say that with a stright face, I'm sure that there were other 3D RPGs that were out before this one. The only reason why this one gets all of the attention is because it has the words "Final" and "Fantasy" in it's title) and as such laid down the basic rules of early 3D RPGs. Including things such as fixed camera (my favorite!) which would be the bane of many gamers who were trying to figure out where the hell their character was in proportion to everything else. It was also the first game to make killing off a main character original (I can't say that straight-faced either)! Final Fantasy VII basiclly pathed the path for all 3D RPGs of the fifth-gen (and even some from the sixth), crappy fixed camera and all (okay, I guess I kind of picked on it, but just a little).

Now let's move on to a classic that I actually liked. Chrono Trigger was one of those games that did something that had never been done before (well, it probably had been done before just not by a mainstream games), multiple endings for one thing. It also had an inventive system in which you could combine your characters special abilities to deal a good amount of damage to your enemies. I would also like to point out that this is one of the first games to have a well detailed storyline that had decent animations. Before the fanboys bomb me (and I know they will) I would like to say that I KNOW. I KNOW that Final Fantasy IV and V had good stories, I KNOW. But I had a hard time relating to and enjoying story when you had only about five different animations for expressing emotions!

Super Mario Brothers, that's a game that we call all agree has lasting appeal and never gets old. In addition to proving that gaming was more than just a dead fad, it also set a path for all games in general. Just think, where would we be without Super Mario Brothers today? We'd probably be off doing something boring like fishing or sports (ducks).

My only problem with classics is that they spawn clingy fanboys who can't see that there are much better games out there. And while yes, often classic bring something new to the table, often new things are risky, experimental and can blow up in your face at any moment. And so I believe that it's the responsibility of new games to take what the classics have done and make them good.


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
It was also the first game to make killing off a main character original (I can't say that straight-faced either)!

Sorry if I ruined the game for anybody. (The japanese cover is way more cool :()

Now that I think about it, the Kingdom Hearts games are the only games I've seen to get targeting right... mostly. But that's for another time.

And if you used Hold Target instead of press to switch you wouldn't have that problem.

But I had a hard time relating to and enjoying story when you had only about five different animations for expressing emotions!
When I read a book I don't have this problem and I can't see the characters at all. Also, whenever I saw 'Your princess is in another castle!' I could imagine Mario getting frustrated even if you couldn't see his mouth.


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona

Sorry if I ruined the game for anybody. (The japanese cover is way more cool :()
Notice how I couldn't say that straight-faced. That's because I knew that it wasn't the first, I was poking fun at the fanboys who think that their game was the first to kill of a main character.

And if you used Hold Target instead of press to switch you wouldn't have that problem.
I found Metroid Prime's targeting system to work about 75% of the time. I'm not going into detail to keep it short and to the point. And I had it on hold target in OoT.

When I read a book I don't have this problem and I can't see the characters at all. Also, whenever I saw 'Your princess is in another castle!' I could imagine Mario getting frustrated even if you couldn't see his mouth.
I rip apart popular games, you rip apart my blog posts. I'm going to call this restitutionally even.


Smash Ace
Jan 12, 2009
Cantinero, deme mas cermesaa!
Classics simply are memorable. That's what make people look back on the classics.

And funny how Chrono Trigger characters look very much alike to DBZ characters... And to Dragon Quest characters too... :p


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
And funny how Chrono Trigger characters look very much alike to DBZ characters... And to Dragon Quest characters too... :p
That's because Akira Toriyama, the author of Dragonball did the designs for both Chrono Trigger and Dragon Quest.


Smash Lord
Apr 25, 2008
The Forest Temple
You definitely make solid points about the nature of the classic games. That whole reinventing the wheel thing is so true. One of the main reasons Super Mario Bros is a classic is because of all that it did for platformers. It's also got excellent level design, etc., but it's the historical context that seals the deal. Same thing with Sonic. His games were such a radical departure from Mario-style platform games, with the multiple high speed paths and some nice controlling to boot. And, of course I can't help but mention it, there's Zelda too. The original Zelda was the first game to have save files. That's just huge. Plus, the nonlinear story, and the everything else about it.

Also, Metroid Prime does have darn good targeting.

On a side note, I need to play Chrono Trigger. I've got a DS, and a craving for a handheld RPG. I just can't bring myself to do it. The art style... it's DBZ characters on the box. And my hatred of DBZ is so ingrained in me that, no matter how much I tell myself that it's stupid, even though I know it's irrational, I can't help but associate the two.


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
Also, Metroid Prime does have darn good targeting.

On a side note, I need to play Chrono Trigger. I've got a DS, and a craving for a handheld RPG. I just can't bring myself to do it. The art style... it's DBZ characters on the box. And my hatred of DBZ is so ingrained in me that, no matter how much I tell myself that it's stupid, even though I know it's irrational, I can't help but associate the two.
Anyone who ignorantly says that DBZ is stupid clearly only has memories of the ****ty dub from the 90s and doesn't know that the screaming and fighting takes up about 1/4 of the show while the rest is interesting and involving plot and stuff like that.

As for Metroid Prime's targeting... there would be times in which I would hold down the shoulder button, targeting it, then it would move and I would be stuck strafing. Oh wait, that's Metroid Prime 3, my bad.

But anyway, Chrono Trigger is one of the few classics that I can agree live up to it's standards.


Smash Ace
Jan 12, 2009
Cantinero, deme mas cermesaa!
Yeah Toriyama has this inability to draw different characters. You see Gohan's and Hercules everywhere lol. Not a very skilled artist IMO.

Although when applying Classical to other media (art, music) it isn't named classical because of the stepping stones it built for newer music or art. It's rather weird.
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