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What items do you want for the switch?


Smash Journeyman
Dec 20, 2016
The possible Nintendo switch smash 4 game is really hyping people up. So I'm trying to build on the hype for item ideas! I would love to hear your ideas for wacky, practical, or OP items!

My idea:

Would function exactly like it does in the game, warping the screen for whoever touches it.


Smash Ace
Jun 10, 2016
The possible Nintendo switch smash 4 game is really hyping people up. So I'm trying to build on the hype for item ideas! I would love to hear your ideas for wacky, practical, or OP items!

My idea:

Would function exactly like it does in the game, warping the screen for whoever touches it.
This would have to assume each player playing on a separate Switch. What about multiple people using Joy-cons/Pro controllers at a single docked setup?


Smash Lord
Aug 11, 2013
Naked in Magicant
For Fire Emblem -because there's no FE items yet- they could put a Silver Sword, which would have a durabilty of 20 slashes, you could randomly get a critical hit, dealing more damage and knockback, but also chances of missing and making no damage. There are many FE items though so it's not hard to come with ideas.


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
How the hell would that work if all players share the same screen?
Maybe it could be like the Nintendog Assist Trophy where it affects everyone.

Speaking of Assist Trophies, I would like the Yoshi series to get an Assist Trophy. Pak E. Derm from Yoshi's Story could appear and it creates an invisible barrier that fighters cannot cross unless they smashed Pak E. Derm.

As for items...

Ice Flower from New Super Mario Bros. Wii. It's the ice version of the Fire Flower item.

Kleever from Donkey Kong Country 2. It's a sword that shoots fireballs when you use a smash move.

Watermelon from Yoshi's Island. It works like Ivysaur's Bullet Seed but it shoots seeds left, right, and up.

Mike from Kirby's Dream Land. It's a microphone that sends harmful sound waves. It can be used up to three times.

Z-Ring is from Pokemon Sun & Moon. Pick it up to start collecting Z-Crystals. There's only one type of Z-Crystal available in Super Smash Bros. - the Z-Crystal called Smashium Z.

Smashium Z is based on Z-Crystals from Pokemon Sun & Moon. It lets you use a Z-Move. Z-Moves are basically Final Smashes. Yeah, all characters now have a second Final Smash but we call them Z-Moves.

Oh... and only one character can have the Z-Ring. So it's like the Dragoon item where everyone fights for the parts. Also, when the Z-Ring is on the stage, no Smash Balls will spawn... and vice versa.

Lola Luftnagle

Banned via Warnings
Nov 16, 2016
Yeah...could the parasol from Melee make a triumphant return? This time around, it has the properties of :4peach:'s Light Parasol.


Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
SW 4794 7152 2904
I want. . .a Purse Strap from Earthbound. It could possibly work like Mewtwo's Confusion.

. . . 'cmon, it's a PURSE STRAP.

. . .OK, less obscure? Eggplant Bomb from Kid Icarus: Uprising. Causes an eggplant status effect that leaves you vulnerable for a moment while your upper half is a bit of a. . .vegetable.


Smash Lord
Aug 2, 2015
Devil Axe from the Fire Emblem series.

Powerful melee weapon that has a high chance to harm its wielder instead.


Smash Rookie
Mar 15, 2017
It would be similar to the Pokeball and Assist trophy. When used, it summon a random Hero.
(ex: Tiki, Sigurd, Hector, Zephiel, Ephraim, Takumi etc.)

Curious Villager

Jun 24, 2012
I kind of miss the Red Shell from Smash 64 and Melee. I mean I know it was a very buggy and sometimes annoying item but it was still kind of fun to fool around with.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
If we can't get any Puyo Puyo content in Smash, can we have one as a throwing item.

I feel the Grey ones would easily work in this scenario.


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
Item: Animal Crate (DK)

This item acts and has the same properties of the normal crate. However once it is thrown and breaks, a random Animal Buddy will come out. The Animal Buddies that can emerge and their effects are as follows:

Rambi - charges back and forth across the stage ramming into characters
Enguarde - lunges several times, easy to avoid but high damage if contact is made
Expresso - runs quickly back and forth across stage, doing multiple hits. Low damage but hard to avoid due to Expresso's speed
Winky - jumps on nearby characters when they take to the air, footstool jumping them back down. Must be in Winky's vicinity, but effective spiking
Squitter - shoots webbing a characters, immobolizing them momentarily and exposing them to follow-up attacks
Ellie - shoots water at characters, pushing them off the stage. Not as powerful as Kyogre, but moreso than the FLUDD.

The Animal Buddy disappears after several seconds. If you attack the crate and it breaks the Animal Buddy will target you instead of an opponent.

Item: Reeking Box (FE)

The user opens the box and summons a horde of Risen (3-6, for the sake of not having too many on screen). Once summoned they act pretty much like ReDeads did in Melee, but if they make contact with you (apart from your hitboxes), it's more like a Like Like, with the more Risen on you the harder it is to break free.

Item: Energy Tank (Metroid)

The user picks up the energy tank, and it is stored in their inventory, much like a dragoon part or that other one I forget the name of. Once the user hits 100%, they are automatically healed back to zero, and the energy tank disappears. If they pick it up at >100%, they heal 100%.

Item: Ultra Hand

The user picks up the Ultra Hand, which grants them extended grapple (even characters like Link and Samus), and gives them tether recovery as long as they are holding the item.

Item: Shield (Sonic)

The user is bestowed with a perpetual shield that does not minimize. It breaks after taking a cumulative 25%, or after an attack that deals more than 25%, but upon breaking it will not stun the character. It flashes red when it is about to break.

Item: Sheikah Slate (LoZ)

The user holds the Slate with both hands, operating it similarly to the Cracker Launcher. The targeted character will glow yellow, as Stasis is used on them. It has relatively close range and delay before the effect sets in, allowing the opponent to dodge. It is difficult to target moving opponents. However if successful, the opponent is immobilized for several seconds and damage can be done to them. Much like in BotW, all knockback done is cumulative, allowing for massive launching power.

Item: Inkzooka (Splatoon)

The user holds the Inkzooka with both hands, again like the Cracker Launcher. The Inkzooka can not be directed upwards, it only targets horizontally. The Inkzooka has six shots, with the traveling pillars of ink getting taller the further they go. The disappear when the reach the edge of the platform they were launched from. Opponents trapped in the pillars are carried with them.

Item: Oil Drum (DK)

Oil drums act like normal barrels. However when thrown and rolled, they leave a slick trail of oil. This can either trip opponents, or, if contact with fire is made, leave a firey trail which damages opponents before being extinguished several seconds later. If the barrel is attacked with fire without being rolled, it will light, much like in the picture. After several seconds on fire, it will explode, damaging all those nearby, including the user who lit it.

Item: Master Seal (FE)

The user holds the Master Seal and holds it aloft, like the Special Flag. If they remain uninterrupted for a few seconds, the Master Seal will glow and unleash its power, granting the user with notably enhanced speed, jumping, mobility, damage, knockback, and knockback resistance for 10 seconds. If the user is attacked before the Master Seal unleashes its power, they drop the item and an opponent may be able to steal it.

Item: Leaf (AC)

The user picks up the leaf like a normal item. However when it is thrown it changes into a random piece of furniture. The heavier the furniture piece, the more damage it does.

That's all I can think of atm.


Smash Lord
Apr 13, 2010
Scroll (Kirby series) - works similar to the Copy Scroll from Squeak Squad. When a character grabs one it appears above them for a short period of time, changing their abilities in a different way for each character. For example, when Kirby has the Scroll, he can use all of a copied character's special moves when he copies another character, including their Final Smash. Pikachu gains the Static ability as in the Pokemon games.


Smashing idol~
Jun 18, 2014
Locked in Wii Fit Gym since 2014.
Switch FC
Exo Tank from KU Uprising:

Wario has a bike, so...why not have something all the characters can ride? You would be able to ram opponents and shoot at them. It would also make for a fun option in Special Smash.
I know giving every character a bike riding animation would be a lot for an item, but considering the "choke hold" animation was only used for the beetle item in 4, I don't think its too much to ask for.
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Smash Rookie
Jun 25, 2017
I can't really think of something new, except maybe the Inkstrike from Splatoon used as a bomb.

However, I do have one think I want To return.

The light sword from Brawl.
Because Lightsaber jokes.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Off the top of my head:

Furniture from AC
Watermelon from Yoshi's Island
Lightning Rod from BotW
Piranha Plant from Mario
Ghost from Mario Kart
Fly Swatter from Mario Paint
Catbell from Mario


Smash Journeyman
Oct 1, 2014
What about the items in ARMS, like the juice and bomb items?

Juice could work as an "area of effect" item- percents are lowered as long as you're in the area.
Floating bombs start to detonate once you hit them onto the field and explode after on the field for a little bit.

I know some people aren't fond of Paper Mario: Color Splash, but there could be a paint can item that contains, well, paint. You throw the paint can and it causes a spill in a small area, which has a high chance of causing tripping there for a few seconds.

ryuu seika

Smash Master
Jul 21, 2010
Amidst the abounding light of heaven!
I know some people aren't fond of Paper Mario: Color Splash, but there could be a paint can item that contains, well, paint. You throw the paint can and it causes a spill in a small area, which has a high chance of causing tripping there for a few seconds.
That effect, plus the ability to temporarily disable a ledge if thrown on one, should be the green balloon from Diddy Kong Racing.
Jan 27, 2014
  • Double Cherry - creates a CPU duplicate of your character to assist you for a short time. However, KO-ing this duplicate will award your opponent with a point. This item wouldn't spawn in a full 8-player smash.
  • Ultra Hand - Any character who holds it now has a long-reach grab as well as a tether recovery with the A button in midair. The reason the A button is used for grabs/tethers is because the grab button would throw the item.
  • Piranha Pipe - A rifle-like shooting item styled after the classic green Mario pipes. It shoots a limited number of miniature piranha plants, like the ones that jump up out of pipes in SMW. A hit will result in the plant chomping away at the target for residual damage, kind of like the Pikmin.
  • Pokémon Catcher - It only spawns when a Poké Ball does. It's a net-shooting gun that only works on Pokémon released by opponents; the Pokémon will then break free from the bag, restarting their attack cycle, except this time working for the player who bagged them.
Also, some tweaks to old items:
  • Heart Container heals over a span of 10 seconds (or so) rather than instantly.
  • Fan returns, no longer with its shield-breaking ability. The holder has access to a rapid-hit jab, and releasing the attack button will result in a harder-hitting finisher to knock the foe away.
  • The Timer no longer affects everyone in play, but has a localized time distortion effect in a small radius around it. It will unpredictably slow down all nearby, speed up time, or fluctuate between the two speeds.
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Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
Bubbles (Clu Clu Land) - She spins on the spot till you pick her up. You can carry her like a gun where she shoots sound waves that stun enemies. When the enemies are stunned, throw Bubbles at them and she will push them off the stage.

Bug Spray (Donkey Kong 3) - Stanley's bug spray shoots poisonous clouds left, right, and up.

Goomba's Shoe (Super Mario Bros. 3) - Riding the green windup shoe allows you to stomp enemies. It can bury enemies and meteor smash airborne enemies.

Hearty Simmered Fruit (The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild) - Oh yes... this meal completely heals Link and gives him 20 temporary hearts, but in Smash it completely heals your character and gives your character extra 100 HP like in Stamina Mode (call it negative 100% if you like) but the downside is that your character cannot use healing items again till the HP reaches 0.

Mystery Mushroom (Super Mario Maker) - It looks like a regular Super Mushroom but it will turn your character into a pixelated sprite. As a pixelated sprite, your character cannot do anything but run and jump around.

Superminty Leaf (Kirby's Dream Land) - The mint leaf makes your character's breath very fresh that it can freeze enemies. It's the ice version of Superspicy Curry.

Tamagon (Devil World) - The dragon wanders around the stage like Mr. Saturn or Cucco. Throw him at your enemies to make Tamagon chase them down and breathe fireballs at them.

Yarn Ball (Yoshi's Woolly World) - Throw it to an enemy to tie them up with yarn strings.

Zapper (NES Zapper) - The famous NES peripheral is back! This is basically a cross between Home-Run Bat and Ray Gun. Each shot can instantly KO your enemies... but the downside is that the light gun has only three shots. Make each shot count!


Smash Lord
Aug 11, 2013
Naked in Magicant
How about we bring the Red Shells back in Smash?

Come on, they weren't even that bad.
I remember having countless matches with high appearance rate red shells only and high knockback ratio in Smash64 and Melee, it was basically a game of “the floor is lava”, if it comes back they shouldn’t nerf them.

Speaking of adjustments, I hope they buff the Cuccos so they hit harder and they miss less attacks, they should punish you as hard as in Zelda games.

ryuu seika

Smash Master
Jul 21, 2010
Amidst the abounding light of heaven!
No items in Melee felt OP. Melee items were fun to play with because even the ones that were practically instakill were so well signposted as to not be a problem. I have no issue with red shells but would really like the new blue ones to only target the leader for thematic reasons.

Ultra Hand - Any character who holds it now has a long-reach grab as well as a tether recovery with the A button in midair. The reason the A button is used for grabs/tethers is because the grab button would throw the item.
Does it have to be throwable? Losing aerial attacks seems a massive drawback unless it can also grab players in the air for suicide kills.

Also, some tweaks to old items:
  • Heart Container heals over a span of 10 seconds (or so) rather than instantly.
  • Fan returns, no longer with its shield-breaking ability. The holder has access to a rapid-hit jab, and releasing the attack button will result in a harder-hitting finisher to knock the foe away.
That first one is just logical, given how it currently works visually, and the second makes a lot of sense with recent mechanics too.

Goomba's Shoe (Super Mario Bros. 3) - Riding the green windup shoe allows you to stomp enemies. It can bury enemies and meteor smash airborne enemies.

Hearty Simmered Fruit (The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild) - Oh yes... this meal completely heals Link and gives him 20 temporary hearts, but in Smash it completely heals your character and gives your character extra 100 HP like in Stamina Mode (call it negative 100% if you like) but the downside is that your character cannot use healing items again till the HP reaches 0.

Mystery Mushroom (Super Mario Maker) - It looks like a regular Super Mushroom but it will turn your character into a pixelated sprite. As a pixelated sprite, your character cannot do anything but run and jump around.

Superminty Leaf (Kirby's Dream Land) - The mint leaf makes your character's breath very fresh that it can freeze enemies. It's the ice version of Superspicy Curry.

Yarn Ball (Yoshi's Woolly World) - Throw it to an enemy to tie them up with yarn strings.

Zapper (NES Zapper) - The famous NES peripheral is back! This is basically a cross between Home-Run Bat and Ray Gun. Each shot can instantly KO your enemies... but the downside is that the light gun has only three shots. Make each shot count!
Not fond of the fruit mechanic or being further punished for grabbing mushrooms. Plus, the leaf would be almost just a reskin.
The shoe seems funny though and the last two I genuinely like.

Lola Luftnagle

Banned via Warnings
Nov 16, 2016
Right...does anyone not want the Viridi Claws as an item? Imagine this: it operates as the Star Rod, having a weak slash with a standard attack but its side tilt and side smash can shoot paralyzing shots. It has 10 rounds and its slash attacks can still be used even when it's outta ammo. Here's the cool part: when thrown, it paralyzes foes the same as :4pacman:'s bell while doing darkness damage and sending them flying perpendicularly.


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
Bucket (Mario & Wario) - Throw this bucket at an enemy to get the bucket stuck on their head. When the bucket is stuck, the enemy cannot see where they are going... so they stop running, jumping, and using special moves... they can only walk and shield and use normal moves.

Giant Boomerang (The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild) - This is a two-handed boomerang blade that's used as a melee weapon. Smash it to throw it like a boomerang. Also, you cannot shield while you are carrying this boomerang.

Huffin' Puffin (Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island) - This bird wanders the stage like Mr. Saturn or Cucco. Pick it up and throw it at enemies. The bird flies in a loop and returns to you like a boomerang.

Music Box (Super Mario Bros. 3) - Play the music box to make nearby enemies fall asleep. Throw the music box to make it explode and put enemies caught in the explosion to sleep.

New Year's Eve (Mother 3) - A bomb shaped like a baby's head. When it explodes, it causes all characters caught in the blast to become more vulnerable... almost like they are in Super Sudden Death. But sometimes it is a dud and the bomb does nothing.

Orange (Donkey Kong 64) - Throw the orange and it will bounce around till it explodes.

Radar Scope (Radar Scope) - The space ship from the arcade game is now a gun just like the Steel Diver item. When you shoot, the space ship shoots straight up. It's like a vertical Super Scope.

Sky Skipper (Sky Skipper) - The plane from the arcade game is now a gun just like the Steel Diver item. When you shoot, the plane starts flying around! The plane is remote controlled with the control stick and it drops bombs when you press A and returns to you when you press B.

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
IMO, I think every franchise in Smash should have an item overall. Or at least allude to it. Like the eggs as containers work fine for the Yoshi series.

As for items I want back; Red Shell(was it cut due to it requiring too much coding? I wonder...), Parasol(I get it's unbalanced, but it's still fun to use), and Fan(sweetest item ever).

If there's an item tournament, particularly broken items would be banned anyway. Like, all it really affects is single player modes, and those tend to be tough at times due to cheap A.I., stages, or poorly designed ideas(8-Player Smash is cool for multiplayer, terrible for single player). So items alone outside of explosions tend to rarely do much(well, Star and Cloaking Device, as well as Smash Ball and Dragoon-like items).

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
For Fun exists though.
I did forget about that.

However, I still am not bothered by those items being back. All 3 are pretty fun, imo.

That said, while two of them have broken applications, the Red Shell just feels like an odd one to remove. It's not exactly an unfair item overall, it's more of a silly one that doesn't discriminate.

Curious Villager

Jun 24, 2012
I did forget about that.

However, I still am not bothered by those items being back. All 3 are pretty fun, imo.

That said, while two of them have broken applications, the Red Shell just feels like an odd one to remove. It's not exactly an unfair item overall, it's more of a silly one that doesn't discriminate.
From what I remember, it was a pretty buggy item in both Smash 64 and Melee, although the glitches involving it (from the ones I know at least) where pretty situational for the most part and weren't really game breaking if I recall correctly. The only one I can think of that kind of could be considered game breaking is whenever it gets reflected, it can become so powerful, it can launch characters from even 0%, especially if multiple Red Shells are involved,

That's probably the only reason I can think of of why they would remove it though, overall, I'd prefer them to bring it back though as it was still a pretty fun item to mess around with, at least it's not another explosive item....
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Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
From what I remember, it was a pretty buggy item in both Smash 64 and Melee, although the glitches involving it (from the ones I know at least) where pretty situational for the most part and weren't really game breaking if I recall correctly. The only one I can think of that kind of could be considered game breaking is whenever it gets reflected, it can become so powerful, it can launch characters from even 0%, especially if multiple Red Shells are involved,

That's probably the only reason I can think of of why they would remove it though, overall, I'd prefer them to bring it back though as it was still a pretty fun item to mess around with, at least it's not another explosive item....
I'm not sure that was an actual glitch. And it worked with all reflected items too, not just the Red Shell. Green Shell caused that too. Pretty sure it's related to the Reflector, not the Shell. The idea is that a reflected item/attack became more powerful. If it happens too often, the power stacks enough to destroy a Reflector(likely to prevent it from crashing the game due to having too high of "stats"), and naturally it can blow up an enemy in one shot as is. I'd check Smashboards normally Wiki to see if they figured that one out.

One thing to note is that it's simply easier to do with the Red Shell since it constantly targets someone. The item is extremely chaotic as is, which is why my best guess is that having it constantly switch targets was harder to program or Sakurai maybe thought the item was "unfair" or something. I know Brawl was somewhat pushed to the limit of coding. And I know the 3DS had stuff cut due to how much it can handle. So coding related stuff is a reasonable guess.

Regardless of why it was cut, I still miss it. Now for a small story of why; It was fun to see the chaos in 64 with just Fox and the Shells. Melee ruined it by having A.I. that did little but spam AAA. Brawl and 4 have amazingly fun A.I. to watch, but no Red Shell. Thus, I'm in a pickle.

Curious Villager

Jun 24, 2012
Thinking about it now, I think that may be partly of why the Red Shell got cut, its a pretty chaotic item when it's used with characters with reflectors on that it may get misused with players in Brawl's online and Smash 4's for fun mode. That's my guess of why it probably got cut. I too wish it came back as all in all, it was a fun item to mess around with.
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Rising YouTuber
Writing Team
Feb 8, 2014
It's hard to think what I'd want, but I've seen some great suggestions. I loved the new items in Smash 4, very creative and some funny choices

I think an elemental rod from BOTW would be great, someone already mentioned the thunder rod

It's kinda hard to think, I'll just leave it to Sakurai


Smash Apprentice
Jul 7, 2015
Core crystals from Xenoblade 2 as a trophy/pokeball style item that summons a rare Blade to help you for some time.


Smash Master
Aug 21, 2014
New York
I do miss Melee’s parasols and the red shells, so I’d like to see them back. Also Brawl’s firework launcher.

The elemental rods from Breath of the Wild would be fun as well, but they’d act just like the Star rod, just with fire/ice/electric damage.

Don’t really know any other good ones off the top of my head, bit if I wanted to go crazy and make never-gonna-happen suggestions, it’d be funny to get the Wabbajack from Skyrim - turns an player into a random generic enemy for a few seconds!
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