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What is your idea for Wolf's Home Stage?


Smash Champion
Oct 17, 2007
Decatur, Tennessee.
I’m sure we, we meaning Wolf players, have all done it: made a stage or stages to give Wolf his own little home. I’ve had ideas from Sargasso Space Station, which came from nowhere since I never played Assault, and was later deleted, and the completely random, make-up-as-you-go-along Star Wolf Base and Star Wolf Base 2. After watching Wolf’s intro in Star Fox 64 on YouTube, I made a Fortuna Base stage. Y’know, the place that almost blows up not from a bomb, but from Wolf saying, “Can’t let you DO that, Star Fox!”? Yeah, it. As close as I could get to it.

Size: Large. Background: I chose the outdoors one. Music: Star Wolf, what else?


_ is the top of a solid block.

/ or \ is the sharpest-slanted triangular block.

- is a space. I had to put these in due to the forum. D:

Anyway, on the bottom, you have a solid row of blocks, from left to right. Then, in the middle, you have six blocks above it, three on each side of the middle, then four with triangular blocks above the first and sixth blocks. Then you have a row of four above that, then two square blocks and a triangle on both sides. It looks SOMEWHAT similar to the Cornerian base on Fortuna. …I think.

So, anyone have any ideas themselves for a Wolf stage? I need some ideas...

Also, moderators: Since this is specifically about Wolf, I figured the Wolf boards would be best to put it in, instead of Stage Discussion. If needed, move or close this, moderators.


Smash Lord
Feb 21, 2008
Canada, British Columbia
That seems confusing so I will IGNORE what the threads about. In my opinion wolfs stage is lylat cruise but the one he fights best on is smashville.

Alright now about wolfs ideal stage, do you mean a themed stage or one he fights good on for created levels? I find all created stages crappy to fight on as wolf. I dont see how a stage with a big triangle is ideal for wolf tho.


Smash Champion
Oct 17, 2007
Decatur, Tennessee.
By home stage, I mean what Luigi's Mansion is to Luigi. Or Mushroomy Kingdom to Mario. Bridge of Eldin to Link. A stage that can be associated with him, that is not Lylat Cruise. I find it bad that one stage is the home stage for three characters... X_x

Does that make it any better? I thought home stage was universally understood. :p


Smash Champion
Oct 17, 2007
Decatur, Tennessee.
Well, I suppose Custom Stages don't limit it... What you said, Kosk, sounds good.

Sess (Can I call you that for shortening reasons? :p), this is a topic where you state your ideas for Wolf-themed stages, like Sargasso Space Station. Since Kosk said something like that, Custom Stages aren't just it.

...Let's hope that clears things up... O_O;;;

Anyway, I was thinking about my Fortuna Base. If it were a real stage, it would have walk-off edges, be very big, and have the Base in the middle. There are Arwings and Wolfens flying in the background, shooting each other. They can interfere with the match; beams do 20% and the ships themselves do 25%.

After fifty seconds, there is an automatic transition from R.O.B. saying a bomb has been planted in the base. After thirty seconds, it blows up, having three times the range of a Smart Bomb and has half the power of Melee's Banzai Bill.

Definately not a tournament stage, lol.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 23, 2008
belfast but orginally from the Isle of Man
i think something like an old rundown aircraft hanger/barracks.that located on finchia in the place where you face starwolf in Command that star wolf uses as a base with leon running around like a mad man and trying torture you for a while as he mistakes you for falco if your not playing as him.then after 50 seconds the star fox team arrives and a dogfight happens in the air above you.when this happens watch out for stray lazers.


Smash Champion
Oct 17, 2007
Decatur, Tennessee.
Lol, thanks Reaper.

i think something like an old rundown aircraft hanger/barracks.that located on finchia in the place where you face starwolf in Command that star wolf uses as a base with leon running around like a mad man and trying torture you for a while as he mistakes you for falco if your not playing as him.then after 50 seconds the star fox team arrives and a dogfight happens in the air above you.when this happens try not to get toasted by a stray lasers.
Fixed. Sound familiar?

One hint.

Do. A barrel roll.
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