Actually those are VERY bad analogy's. Please don't use Red Herring's as a basis of your counter argument. Jigglypuff isn't using a move to suicide herself and the opponent. And snake's C4 is DI able. You may use a counter argument and state that you can mash out of a DDD-side or a Kirby-side, and that is true but it is VERY visible if you do so, even near the blast zone.
Why do suicide moves get special treatment.
I don't see the logical reason.
What's the difference between a game being tied due to a suicide move or a game being tied due to a double KO.
"Snake's C4 is DI able" right before you say that DDD and Kirby-cide's are mashable? What's the difference? Why doesn't Snake earn his victory when he "suicides himself and the opponent" by using grenades/C4s/Mines?
You're creating a new victory condition for the game of "If someone suicides with the opponent using a command grab, they win"
Why are command grabs special? Why do they deserve victory even though the game doesn't give it to them? What's the difference between them and double KO's or suicide gimps or really anything else in the game?
It's like me creating a rule that if someone completes 3 taunts they win.
The victory screen doesn't show me as winning, the game doesn't recognise that as a victory condition, so logically that would be a stupid rule yea? Same with giving the initiator of a suicide command grab the win.
It is honestly perfectly logical for the one who initiated the DDD/Kirby-side or the Ganon-side get's the win.
How is it logical? The game explicitly makes it a draw when DDD/Kirby get inhalecides, and the game explicitly makes Ganon lose when he gets a Ganon-cide against certain characters, or a draw against other characters. (afaik, though my memory is hazy, and ports might have some effect on it too that i can't remember, and it also might have to do with where ganon actually grabs the opponent)
Why should suiciding with the opponent be a victory condition, and not other random stuff in the game that doesn't actually lead to victory, like resting, or getting suicidal gimp kills where you die first, or some random advanced tech that's difficult. There's no logical reason to it, especially since it's something the game resolves itself in a different way already (usually a tie, Bowser wins in certain
predictable scenarios while Ganon loses in certain scenarios).
However, as I stated, it is always up to the TO in the end since they are running the tournament.
/the TO can do anything technically.