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What do you do when you're looking for a Main?

LV40 Raichu

Smash Rookie
Feb 17, 2016
St. Charles, MO
So far I've played a lot of the cast as far as trying to get a feel for everyone. The ones that I've liked to play are Ike, Ness, Cloud, Jigglypuff, Bowser, Marth, Mario, Link, Ganondorf, Falco, Villager, Shulk, Corrin, DK, and Pac-Man. But I can't really narrow it down. I know some say what you like or what you're comfortable with. But if I chose a medium or low tier should I have 2 mains? Just some help would be great! Thanks all!

Luigi player

Smash Master
Jul 29, 2004
I play/pick the characters I like the most and main/2nd the ones out of those that are the most viable/that I win with the most.
It doesn't hurt being able to play more characters (this can help people of your scene to get some MU experience, and mixes things up for you so you don't get bored of only playing few characters), but it probably holds back if you try to play too many seriously, since the time you invest for all of these gets taken away from the others if you'd focus on less. Makes it easier as well since you'll be so used to the same ones.

If you can't narrow it down from liking some more than others, or liking their playstyle more, then you could try narrowing it down like I do it and just use the best ones out of those, so you can have better chances at winning.
I still use the others in friendlies/while practicing, and sometimes in not too serious locals if I feel like it (could also help in some MUs sometimes).

From the ones you listed, Ganondorf and Jigglypuff would be no-goes. Falco, Pacman, Link, Ike and Shulk would still be tough to win with, while Cloud, Marth or Mario would potentially be the best choices competitively. But it really depends on what's important to you.
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Smash Ace
Feb 23, 2015
Creepy Steeple
Restating what was said in the above post, it's important to focus on one to two characters at most to maximize those characters' potentials. It is difficult to invest a lot of time into a variety of characters if your goal is to make it in the competitive scene.

Personally, I'd try to choose a main that I like and can perform well with. I am a Palutena main, so I reasonably have difficulties with certain matchups, but because I love Palutena so much I am still motivated to succeed. If I didn't like her and was losing with her, there'd be no reason for me to main this character (obviously). As such, I think mindset is very important when it comes to Smash. Choose a character that you have an affinity for but also one that you can succeed with, or the motivation to continue when you lose won't be there.

As a side note... if you are looking to play competitively, your secondary will want to be a character that can cover your main's bad matchups.

LV40 Raichu

Smash Rookie
Feb 17, 2016
St. Charles, MO
I really appreciate the feedback guys. Yea so far I really only play Ness as a Main and Cloud/Bowser as secondaries mostly Ness/Bowser. But I'm thinking it's because I don't have that good of control of my characters that make me feel like I'm not doing so well so it makes me want to shift focus to a different character. So far the biggest stuff I struggle with is just not moving so fast and not being able to tilt properly. But I have the most fun with probably Ness/Bowser since I played Ness since Smash 64 and I like the grab game of Bowser. I'm for sure wanting to get competitive I think I should maybe just try the non low tiers that I listed and see where it goes. And if I like you guys said enjoy playing them and they're not horrible I can pick 2 from there. I was thinking of sticking with Cloud since he is a top tier and would fill that role of fun plus I like the character. I do know that I tend to have that habit of wanting to be good with a medium to low tier character just because everyone ends up being really good with the high tier characters but I should probably get out of that habit as well.

Dream Cancel

It's just good business
May 10, 2015
Switch FC
I just find a character that I personally like and just stick with them. If they happen to be viable, then good, if not, play a viable secondary to cover any bad MUs.

My only 3 mains ever have been Rosalina & Luma, Fox, and Robin, each of which I played for 2 months or longer. I like all of these characters, and the only reason why I switched off of Rosa and Fox is because I could not control them properly, so I was losing too often even though I was playing top tiers.

I have stuck with Robin for the past half year because he is reliable, despite low speed and poor disadvantaged states. Only recently have I picked up Marth/Lucina to cover my worst MUs and player styles, which are ledge-trappers.

Despite picking up a secondary, I still try to grind out other bad MUs, because I know player skill is more important than character choice until one reaches later stages at sanctioned local tournaments.


Smash Hero
Apr 28, 2008
I don't put any thought in maining Samus. As you can see below my avatar, I've mained Samus in every game. However, having gone out of my way to find a secondary, I find that "the right feel" is the way to go. This is abstract because you might understand "the right feel" to refer to a character that I don't use. (No, I don't mean "subjective", although it is.) If I played other characters, I'd say Mario, Diddy Kong, and Bowser feel right to me. If I had to come up with what they all have in common, I might say they move well in the air. Maybe Bowser doesn't for some. All can deal a sufficient amount of damage. All can kill early.


Smash Champion
Apr 26, 2016
The ones that I've liked to play are Ike, Ness, Cloud, Jigglypuff, Bowser, Marth, Mario, Link, Ganondorf, Falco, Villager, Shulk, Corrin, DK, and Pac-Man.
Assuming you're not playing at top level tournaments:

Ike should be fine, I guess. Ness generally works pretty well until you run into his 40:60 MUs, then it's hard. Cloud, Marth, Corrin all work really well too. Cloud and Marth are stronger than Corrin but many people don't know how to deal with Corrin, and she's still a very strong character (though probably not top tier). Jigglypuff... I'm guessing it'd be hard to play her in tournaments. Ganondorf, on the other hand, can work pretty well at lower levels. At top level play he doesn't really work all that well, but at lower level play you can get more hard reads and win games that way.

Donkey Kong is very solid, as is Bowser. Mario is easy and strong, though most people should know the MU by now. Link is suprisingly potent if you know how to play him. Villager is a high tier and could probably work, although I guess it might not be the easiest character to play in tournaments. Shulk is solid but takes a lot of work to do well with. Falco and Pac-Man are kind of meh but you could probably do well with them at locals.

But if I chose a medium or low tier should I have 2 mains? Just some help would be great!
Depends on what your local scene looks like. If no one plays your bad MUs then it's fine, and for 45:55 MUs you can probably just play your main anyway. If you have any 40:60 MUs or worse you might want a secondary, though they are still winable with your main.

So far the biggest stuff I struggle with is just not moving so fast and not being able to tilt properly.
Consider using tilt-stick (attack), it makes it easier to do retreating aerials as well.

I do know that I tend to have that habit of wanting to be good with a medium to low tier character just because everyone ends up being really good with the high tier characters but I should probably get out of that habit as well.
I think it's fine to have this mindset, low/mid tier players make tournaments more fun since they add diversity to the cast. Many high tiers are rare as well (such as Villager and Corrin*).

*Corrin is top tier, high tier, or high-mid tier, depending on who you ask.
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