I try to figure out their patterns or play style and use a character that I think will counter what they do. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. What I don't get is how these types of players seem to know exactly what I am about to do, where I am going to go, even when I mix it up or try to play mind games. And at times these guys get overconfident. (Like trying to kill offstage with a spike/meteor smash and sometimes die for it, or run across the whole stage to grab me) And what I don't get is, sometimes their moves that I thought had lag/cool down time to take advantage of, they seem to be able to go into another move right away.
And sometimes I question why do these kinds of players bother to play For Glory if they can beat almost anyone on it. And worse, when they win, they often make you feel like you're unskilled. Either by taunting or changing their name to something like "You Suck". Doesn't matter if you're above average in skill like me with 80% win rate. They act like they are better than everyone.
Maybe I have to save the replays to see where I went wrong, but I don't really like saving replays of matches where I lose.
I am watching videos of players and guides on YouTube to learn more, to hopefully help me out. And I feel like I have to learn every character so I have a better chance to know their weaknesses, combo potential, stage pressure.