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What are YOUR opinions on G&W and the new Tier List 3.0


Smash Cadet
Dec 26, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
1) Do you think G&W should have been higher or lower on the tier list?
I would say that the place is he now has been basically "earned" by us, the people who use him. He isn't a widely used char and with so many people using a multitude of other chars, and with so few GnW's doing well in tournies he hasn't really gotten the support he needs to push him upwards.

2) Do you main G&W, secondary him, or just know a lot about him? If you main G&W, do you use other characters in tournament besides G&W and if so which ones? If you secondary G&W, who do you main?

I only main GnW, I just feel it's better to devote my time into one character then try to play more then one. Learning how to deal with each char with GnW takes time, but is rewarding in the end. I'm staying loyal to my main.

3) Why do you think the SBR put G&W so low compared to the last tier list? Do you think it is because of his poor tournament placings? Or maybe because people have figured out how to avoid his kill moves? Or people are dropping him for a different character? What do you think?

I would say he is so low simply because people have learned how to efficiently deal with him. I'm finding that i'm being forced to change the play style I became accustomed to because it simply is not effective as it used to be. People are finding many ways to exploit his weaknesses and I believe that may be causing former GnW mains to pick up another char in order to do better in certain matchups. Also, it seems GnW isn't that popular a tourny char so that may also contribute to his new placing.

4) In your personal experience, what are G&W's three hardest match-ups? If you can, provide a reason for each.

From worst to worse it would be:
Snake - Trading hits with him ends up hurting GnW too much and you can't really attempt to play defensive because his nades essentially force you to approach which ends up geting you tilted or something like that.

Diddy - Those bananas shut GnW down so much. Trip over one once (GONNA HAPPEN) and expect to take a fair amount of damage quickly. Although getting diddy in the air is really effective, the diddy isn't really forced to approach you so you end up at the disadvantage.

Marth - If the marth knows what they are doing, you essentially have to bait them into
taking a hit. Challenging their arials is pretty risky and they can punish you quickly for a misplaced arial. It pretty much boils down to, who can space better and marth has a bit more going for him there.

I dont really put meta in my top 3 (hes 4th for me) because I find that I may lack the advantage when it comes to range/attk speed, but i get it back (in a sence) in killing power

5) What do you think G&W's biggest weaknesses as a character are when comparing him to other top tier characters, mainly those in S/A tier? Is it the match-ups, the stages, or other limitations of the character?

I would say his biggest weakness is that he has to approach and doesnt really have the speed to do that successfully the majority of the time, but since he lacks an effective projectile, he still has to many times. The ending result is him having to circumvent projectiles or outstanding range/speed in order to land % and if the opponent is playing smart, that can be VERY hard to do (or do effectivly) depending on the char they used.

Once September comes around I'm going to start going to all the tournies I can (I went to a few this earlier year and l8 last year but not as many as I would have liked). I can't make a difference in anything, but at least I can try to make a name for myself as a noteworthy GnW, and GnW only, player.
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