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What are some of the best/effective FG doubles teams?


Smash Journeyman
Mar 27, 2008
What kind of team strategies have you encountered that have been really good in 2v2?

Here's what I've encountered that is pretty effective.

1. Double Samus Missle Spam - One of the most annoying teams I've ever encountered, especially when you're not using a reflector character
2. Double Mac Smash Spam - Extremely effective when there are 2 macs alternating smashes on top of each other
3. Double Ganon SideB to dtilt Spam - Powerful team, and actually quite difficult to counter if both ganons are good
4. Double Ness PK Fire Spam - Oh my god the damage racks up so fast, and then the PK fire to PK thunder team kill setups...
5. Ness + hardhitter character(Ganon, Charizard, Roy...) - Hardhitter defends in front, Ness right behind. While the hardhitter defends, the PK fire comes through, leading to heavy punish and crazy damage.
6. Charizard/Bowser + MegaMan - Charizard in front, MegaMan right behind. Flamethrower + Megaman FSmash is pretty good damage, and an easy KO setup.
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Editing Staff
Writing Team
Aug 3, 2014
New Jersey
Switch FC
Wario and Pac-Man: Stage control via bike and hydrant, good aerials, and best of all Pac-Man can feed Wario his side-B pellet if they stand at the right distance.

Splooshi Splashy

Smash Journeyman
Mar 12, 2015
FG Teams? Hooo boy, do I have a LOT of great team ideas here, considering that this is my favorite go-to room in all of FG Anywhere, so here's several to get us started:

1. Double Zards: Without a Counter user and/or anyone in the Anti-FB-Spam Squad (Bowser Jr, Duck Hunt, Olimar, Pac-Man, Kirby, another Charizard, etc), they are a force to be reckoned with if FB is consistently spammed at the right times.

2. Double Mega Men:

3. Double Captain Falcons: This hilariously hype team can recklessly charge in and actually have a shot at coming out on top. You'd be surprised at how often attempts to sneak in YOLO Falcon Punches, Knees, DAirs, and Smashes can actually work. XD They are such a viable duo (even in 3v3s & 4v4s when an entire team is filled with Falcons), that they've even made appearances in actual teams where friendly fire is ON!

4. Bowser Jr & Duck Hunt (one of my personal favorite teams to hope to either be a part of, or even fight as whoever I happen to be, whenever they show up): As stated before in the often-linked-to-by-me MU post:
Their synergy is phenomenal. You could either create one of the most unusually strong campsites this side of (T)Links & Mega Men (with Jr likely being the bullrushing leader, though DH is definitely capable of it as well), or you can use your arsenal to provide dense cover fire for Jr (and vice versa) as he (or you too) rushes down the opposing team. You definitely can get tipper FAirs & BAirs, sweetspot NAirs, and UAirs off of Mechas, and the last 3 are KO moves at 100+%. Any (Side B JC) juggles he misses are what you can catch with your own aerials.
These two WILL pierce through the most fortified of campsites (possibly even the likes of Double S(p)amuses...!), and if the campers in question haven't brushed up on upclose melee and you (& your Jr buddy) have, you'll clean house. Approach move spammers like those from Charizard, Ike, and Peach will also be ruined by this team's arsenal, due to said moves being halted by our arsenal, leaving them open to our big punishes.
Just try not to chuck Clays in the Cannonball's pathway, because your Clay will break if you do.
The burden of KOs will definitely fall on Jr, and he certainly has the KO power to meet that demand. Your arsenal can help in setting those up, as can your rapid Jab string.
It'll take a team-up like Yoshi & Sonic or Rosalina & Olimar to threaten this duo. At least Jr can stand up to Sonic and Rosalina without customs, as far as I'm aware.

The sheer amount of pressure these two can exert with their arsenal together is loudly pronounced during Sudden Death. Their entire arsenal can KO there, as can all of their aerials (Shorthop NAir is one of both Jr's & DH's absolute best opening moves, due to its speed, lingering time, and even KO power), and Jr's Side B not only KOs with the ram itself, he can JC into any aerial that can also KO at that point. Your FTilt & especially your DTilt are some of your quickest & sneakiest immediate KO options upclose, and you can position yourself with your crawl before throwing DTilt out. This duo can stand up to notable Sudden Death Rulers like Villager, Wii Fit Trainer, and even the King of Sudden Death himself, Lucario. Even on their own, Jr & DH are among the best folks to have on your side going into Sudden Death, due to the sheer pressure they can exude with their arsenal as they close in on their opponents.

5. Duck Hunt & King Dedede (King Hunt's what I call this union):
FG Teams if he's your ally: It's amazing how bad MUs make for good teammates. Triple D gets more freedom in chucking Gordos if the dog's nearby, since his wall of projectiles can re-reflect any Gordos knocked his way, boosting your already excellent (anti-)camping abilities even further. You will be the Assistant (Escargoon?? XD) in charge of escorting the King through the opposing campsite if there is one. Otherwise you're welcome to either cover the King's approaches with your Clays & Gunmen, or try to create a fortress of projectiles with him. When it's KO percent time, try to setup his laggy KO moves with Clays, rapid jab enders, Gunmen (may force shields), grabs, and even Cans if your buddy's safely away from it.
Going in on the Mario Bros. without much of my arsenal out there at times does seem to be a pretty dumb idea on my end, given their superior DThrow --> Followups (UTilt City for Mario & Aerials x? for Luigi), but seeing as how it's merely FG Teams (While I may have once said that I care for my win rate here to an extent, it's really because of how much I like the idea of teams. Who even sees the records anyways, outside of live-streamers who show it off to whoever may be among the Stream Monsters, anyways? XP), I wanted to "put on a show" via aggressive rushdown. Oh, and my bro Speeds was the Triple D buddy, who may not have read my post on the Triple D & DH FG Teams strats, but once the opposing team gave me & my bro enough space, we've certainly demonstrated why my vid's named the way it is (and why I consider Triple D to be such a good partner for DH in FG Teams).

6. Duck Hunt or Bowser Jr or Pac-Man or any other fortress-invading character paired with any close range fighter that's prone to getting lamed out (ex. Donkey Kong, Ganondorf, Bowser NOT Jr): While the close range fighter usually struggles with breaking into campsites, folks like Duck Hunt, Bowser Jr, and Pac-Man have great tools for breaking into campsites with, which the close range fighter can greatly appreciate. Once the close range fighter gets in, the fortress-invader can then provide cover fire & even go in themselves to help the close range fighter stay in.

7. Pac-Man & anyone with a terrible recovery range (ex. Dr. Mario, Little Mac, Ganondorf, Ness/Lucas if up against someone who can gimp them during Up B, etc.): Pac's Up B can help them recover from further away than usual, provided that Pac's in a position to act on it.
However, Pac MUST remember to only bounce on the Trampoline TWICE instead of 3 times, for the partner will take 1 bounce from him (said partner gets jumps back, as well as the Up B, so the partner should only need the 1 bounce to generally return to the stage). If either player forgets this point, one or even both of you will fall into the abyss.

8. Bowser Jr & Jigglypuff: While Mechakoopas don't get too much mileage when used against Puff, said Mechas can definitely pressure folks into going to the air, which is Puff's domain. Jr's sheer space control with Mechas & disjointed A buttons are great for protecting Puff post-Rest.

9. Little Mac & Jigglypuff: Mac takes the ground, and Puff takes to the air. 'Nuff said?

10. Little Mac & anyone with a strong off-stage presence: Whoever Mac doesn't KO with his strong Smashes, his partner can hang out off-stage to seal the deal. Mac can also maintain the land to ensure that his partner comes back safely from the deep edgeguarding attempts.

11. Folks like Wii Fit Trainer/Robin/Samus/etc. when paired with anyone that can occupy whole teams for whole seconds at a time (ex. Falcon, Fox, Yoshi, aggressive rushdown Jrs & DHes): The fast rushdowners can buy time for folks like WFT & Robin to charge up their arsenal, which can provide threatening cover fire that can KO at 100+%.

12. Double (T)Links: If both of them are the personally-memetically-hilarious-to-me "For Glory Link ROBs" that LoF|False had a run-in with that one time, then get ready for one of the biggest wild west shootouts this side of an old-school Super Turbo Ryu VS Old Sagat match or a Touhou 2D fighter match featuring Patchouli or Yuyuko.

13. Duck Hunt & Kirby:
Like with the King of Dreamland, you'll need to escort him inside any campsites. However, he is at least faster and smaller than the King, plus he has Final Cutter and even Inhale to help out with breaking into campsites. If folks like Rosalina, Pac-Man, or ROB are on the other team, do all that you can to help him copy their abilities. A Kirby with their abilities can definitely turn the tides of battle for whoever he's with. Even if he doesn't bother going for the abilities, it's still important to escort him inside, so he can get his high-damaging juggles started.

He definitely can handle the burden of KO-ing folks, due to his plethora of reliable KO moves. He can also go incredibly deep for the edgeguards, due to his awesome recovery, which you yourself can help make both safer & more threatening with both yourself & your arsenal, including his return to the stage.

You're heavier than he is, and you can fight folks from farther away, so you'll likely be the Point Tank.

If your Kirby buddy decides to go for the Kirbicide, help set him up for it, and wall out the victim's partner for as long as you can. If the victim breaks free, hope you're nearby for both punishing the victim and covering your buddy, who might actually be in danger of getting counter-gimped for the attempted Kirbicide, depending on who he tried to do that to.

With a Kirby AND against another Kirby:
An odd question of priorities: "Should I let myself get swallowed by the enemy Kirby so can I try to setup my buddy Kirby for the ability steal? Or is the enemy Kirby's partner's ability worth trying to set up my buddy Kirby for the copy?"
Such questions can exist, because there's no friendly fire. I'd suggest err-ing on the side of safety by denying the enemy Kirby the chance to steal your ability. If you happen to get caught long enough for the enemy Kirby to secure the copy, THEN you can try to setup your Kirby buddy for the ability steal, which if you succeed, will allow your buddy Kirby to have your Neutral B move while completely robbing the enemy Kirby of that B move (thanks Loading Screen Tips~). Otherwise, I'd recommend saying yes to the latter question.
With 2 or more Kirbies on the field, multiple Kirbicides can occur, and if both Batamons are closeby when one of them is actively attempting to Kirbicide, a counter-Kirbicide could very well happen. Do your best in keeping track of which Batamon is on whose team, otherwise you may be lobbing your arsenal at the wrong one.

14. Jr or DH & Ryu:
I really want to believe that Jr & Duck Hunt can be good partners for Ryu, but I've not had the privilege to do actual team battles with Ryu (whether me or my partner playing as him) to prove it, so while the actual teams portions should be taken as theorycraft, the FG Variety portions are what I've personally been able to do (and DH's the one with video evidence from me!).

Jr & Ryu in teams

FG Variety: Jr is the Prince of Juggles, and Ryu is the King of Combos. Once these two get in, the sheer amount of damage they can rack up together is ridiculous, especially if Jr's using Side B Jump Cancels. Mechas & Cannonballs can cover Ryu's approaches, as can Jr's Up 1, making him a great ally for breaking through some campsites (not the most fortified of them, but rather small ones guarded by aggressive bodyguards). Jr can go really far off-stage for deep edgeguards (enough to appear like ROB or Villager!) and yet still make it back to the stage, which can certainly help secure any KOs that Ryu may not have confirmed the 1st time around.

Jr's heavy enough and has a good enough recovery to be a legit stock tank, at least. Jr's also got good KO power as well, and will probably share the burden of closing out stocks with Ryu.

Speaking of DH...

FG Variety (from myself): https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=hAxWhKKP9pQ#t=347 .
While it's uncertain how good the Ryu buddy I was with was, the highlight here is what DH can do for him, particularly when he's confronting campsites. An aggressive rushdown doggie will be able to escort his partners into the most fortified of campsites, though he may struggle with semi-campsites that have an aggressive bodyguard (ex. Little Mac) covering the camper (this setup is what Jr excels at handling).

The burden of KO-ing is going to fall on Ryu, and DH can help with setting up KOs with his arsenal. While his recovery is easier than Ryu's (especially with walls), he's not going to go AS far off-stage as Jr can, but his arsenal can make up for that. He may be too light to be a reliable stock tank, but he can at least support from afar and fight on multiple fronts if need be.

15. Duck Hunt & Mega Man:
As an ally: "With one of the Kings of Spam on our side, we can forge the sturdiest of campsites!" - A darker me that wanted to take advantage of FG Teams's lack of friendly fire to its fullest.
Make sure not to throw out Clays & Cans if MM's trying to fire off FSmashes, for those will nullify each other.

Folks like King Dedede, Donkey Kong, & Bowser are going to struggle greatly trying to break into our campsite.

Folks like Falco, Villager, and G&W, however, will threaten our fortress with their reflectors, Pockets, and energy absorbers. While we doggies have what it takes to circumvent such measures, MM is not as capable as we are at that... at least when it comes to his FSmash. Our arsenal (especially Gunmen) will be KEY in protecting ourselves from many reflected projectiles except for Metal Blades and Leaf Shields.

The more creative answers to this duo will be folks like Olimar (see page 5 of this thread), another DH, and Bowser Jr. (again, see page 5 of this thread).

On the aggro rushdown side of things, dense cover fire will protect our approaches & break into opposing campsites, and both of us can rack up damage quickly from a distance. Mega Man doesn't need as much time to set up his arsenal as we do, so he can lead the charge for us while we're preparing to cover for him.

Mega Man will have to carry the burden of KO-ing folks, so use the combined arsenal to set up KOs whenever possible.

It's almost like as if we're the non-robotic Rush... Kreygasm FrankerZ RalpherZ

Either way, we'll have to get ready for a Wild Coil West shootout that will intensely last for quite a while until somebody finds a hole in a side's defenses or the whole 2 minutes passes by.
16. Duck Hunt & Pac-Man:
Before I get started here, I just want to say that Pac-Man has some of the strongest stage presence out of everyone. Once he sets things up, there is practically no ignoring him, whether as an ally or as a foe. His best Omega form is Walled stages, since he has a wall-jump.

As an ally: Like with Mega Man, the temptation to set up a fortified campsite is quite strong. Conversely, our ability to break into campsites are just as strong, especially if Pac reaches the above states. Pac-Buddy can do much for us (and anyone, really) when he's on our side.

Pac-Buddy can use his Trampoline to rescue you if you fail to recover, but Pac-Buddy must make sure to only bounce on his Trampoline once after starting it up instead of twice, since we'll take 1 of those bounces, leaving Pac with 2 instead of 3. If this point is forgotten, either you or Pac will helplessly fall into the abyss. Our recovery may be vulnerable to gimps (especially if Gunmen or Can is not out there), but if Pac's nearby, he can cover us wonderfully.

If you catch Pac's Fruit, do be courteous and throw it at the other team as soon as you can, hopefully setting up big damage or even KO chances with Pac-Buddy at your side while it's flying around.

Try to cover for Pac-Buddy as he's trying to reach the above states, especially if there's a campsite to invade. He may try to use Power Pellets to block off some attacks & provide a chance for you or him to heal off of dropped Pellets (especially potent if the attack in question is something like Zard's Flare Blitz), serving as practically the only Team Medic to be able to provide healing for the entire team instead of just energy absorbers or Robin via Nosferatu.

DO be wary of Hydrants near the edges, because if either you or Pac are pushed out by the water far enough to fail to recover, you will lose not only 1 point for falling, but also 2 points for the SD, making it a total of 3 points lost for this. Thus, leaving Hydrants near the edges when either you or Pac is trying to recover is a risky proposition.

Pac-Buddy will have to carry the burden of scoring KOs, but we can at least cover his already wonderful edgeguarding with our own arsenal while keeping the stage safe for him to return on. Hydrants can also KO at 100+%, so we can help knock it towards the other team. If we somehow have Bell or Key, those can either setup (Bell) or directly score a KO (Key).

This applies to both above cases: Hydrants will likely have the entire room gather around it in hopes of knocking it towards the other team. Whoever wins this clash will likely be getting in on the other team, and may gain strong momentum as well.
Pacs should not expect to be able to use the water spewing part of Hydrants too often if both sides are at neutral, but the water can be easier used if Pac's side has the momentum.
As crazy as this may sound, I might mention more later. As for another tip, if someone has a bad MU against someone else (ex. Triple D VS Link, Bowser Jr VS Yoshi, Duck Hunt VS Sonic), chances are, there's a good team to be made when put together.
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Rinku リンク

Hero of "Likes"
Feb 12, 2009
Typically a campy character and a power character make a pretty annoying combo. (:4samus::4littlemac:example)

One player racks up the damage from a far and the other goes in for the kill.
Double powerhouse characters are pretty stupid strong as well if you aren't careful. (:4bowser::4ganondorf:example)


Smash Journeyman
Nov 10, 2014
:4gaw: & :4link:

If you're fast enough, skilled enough and coordinated enough, Mr. G&W can receive a strong bucket with Link's bombs.


Smash Lord
Jan 23, 2013
Ontario, Canada
Ness and any heavy hitter.
Trap them in a pk fire? Thats basically a guaranteed 50%.

Since team attack is off Ness can play pretty stupid. (Well stupider than usual).

Yes its not unbeatable, but since this if fg, most people on there don't know how to adapt to it.


Smash Cadet
Oct 5, 2014
Anything with Little Mac or Jigglypuff in it. Nobody on FG doubles knows how to deal with them.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 13, 2015
Anything with Little Mac or Jigglypuff in it. Nobody on FG doubles knows how to deal with them.
Yeah, this seems pretty accurate. I can't speak for Jiggs, but I play quite a bit of Mac, and on the rare occasions I venture into online 2v2 he has become my go-to character. Maybe people lose track of him in the chaos. Maybe people forget he has the third fastest land speed in the game. Maybe having a teammate to help prevent edgeguarding is even more amazing than I would have guessed. All I know is, whenever I play 2v2 with Mac, he has one of the highest damage outputs at the end of the round, and often times has more kills than all the other players combined.

A bit more on topic...

-I've seen double Villager be terrifying without friendly fire on. Lloyds and slingshots make approaching near impossible for many characters, and using reflectors against them more than sparingly inevitably leads to pocket trees or bowling balls.

-Greninja with any fast heavy hitter can be hilarious. Water shuriken is one of the best poke projectiles in the game, and with the frog tossing these out liberally a speedy teammate can turn what was once a 2% nudge into YOLO U-smashes or painful combo strings. On top of that, Greninjas own combos can be used to tie up opponents for quite a while to set up kills, and shadow sneak is even harder to keep track of in FFA's. My personal favorite anecdote on this pairing was using fully charged water shuriken to drag both opponents into a K.O. Punch for a double kill, both opponents well below 50% when it happened.

Kaiduru Zeta

Smash Apprentice
Apr 6, 2014
Richmond, Texas
Wii Fit Trainer and Ness is very good. Especially since she can not only heal herself AND Ness as well :)


Smash Journeyman
Apr 13, 2015
Wii Fit Trainer and Ness is very good. Especially since she can not only heal herself AND Ness as well :)
Is that true for FG doubles? I was under the impression that friendly fire being off made it so Ness couldn't absorb Sun Salutation. (Not disagreeing with the observation in tournament doubles, but the thread is specifically asking about FG)

Kaiduru Zeta

Smash Apprentice
Apr 6, 2014
Richmond, Texas
Oh yeah. Fair enough. In FG this wouldn't really work but if FF is on then it'd definitely work. I could see Megaman and Rosalina making a good FG combo
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