Let me shed some light on this matter. Let me first mention that I am a Christian.
Abraham, born Abram, was considered the founder of the people of Israel by Christians, Muslims, and Jews alike. There is no debate whether this is correct or not between these religions. The very beginning of religious history, from this point, is up for you to believe or not, as the only evidence of any of the following information comes from various religious books. Quoted from wikipedia - The LORD had said to Abram, "Leave your country, your people and your father's household and go to the land I will show you. I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you." Christians interpret this as a reference to Jesus Christ.
Isaac, one of Abraham's sons, and his decendants were considered Jews. Ishmael, another one of Abraham's sons, and his decendants were considered Arabs. And so begins this split in beliefs.
I believe that this version of history has a lot of flaws, as the Book of Genesis stated that Abraham lived until he was 175 years old, which is much older than the average lifespan then, and even today. I personally believe that this was one of the many lies to found my religion. Yes, Christianity is based on lies (yet so is every other major religion, I won't go into detail about them). There is no denying it, whether it comes to the defacement of Mary Magdalene or that Abraham lived so long. However, the ideas that "Anti-Biblical Theorists" generally rave about are usually metaphorical. I do not believe the lies, actually. I believe in God, I believe that Jesus Christ is our savior, and I believe in many other Christian teachings. Just because the foundation of the religion is rampant with lies does not mean that its overall message and core teachings are lies.
Now, the Muslim God Allah and the Jewish God are the same God. They are not two different Gods, which was a common misconception. The two religions had different prophets, but not different gods. They were branches off the same tree, so to speak.
I'll stop in this here, you can believe what you want to believe. However, I suggest that you read these wikipedia articles to decide which version of history you trust:
Muslim Religion
Jewish Religion
And not to mention that Christianity and Islam have a moral code that was functional nearly 2000 years ago, and is still functional now.
Now, let us focus on your theory that China was more advanced then, and now. This is not necessarily true. Philosophy is another form of religion; they are both ways to think about life.
Let's talk about another controversial idea. I don't understand how science is contrary to religion. If anything I believe that science reinforces religion. How is it even possible that this planet is so abundant with life? Miracle. How is it that we are so advanced? Miracle. How can we have such revolutionary technology that lets us do literally whatever we wanted to do? Miracle!
You may say that these happened due to luck, but the chances of any one of these miracles occurring is a trillion to one.