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Weekend Tournaments Week 6 - Registration and Scheduling (Riddle Da Bess)


Smash Lord
Jun 29, 2009
Rochester, NY
Permission to take over Weekend Tournaments was given to me by rockem7, and a new thread was made to make editing the OP, Title, and overall running of the project easier.

This will run basically the same way as the old weekend tournaments.

Monday-Thursday: Nominate the Tournament Type.
Friday: Registration and Scheduling
Saturday-Sunday: Tournament.

Tournament Match-ups will be posted here in the OP.

Matches Preferably done on either Shoddy Battle or Pokemon Online.

Registration and Scheduling

Dunsparce Tournament. Round Robin tourney where the person who wins has the most total kills with Dunsparce.




Smash Lord
Jun 29, 2009
Rochester, NY
Hall of Fame

Weekend 1: OUbers

Standard Rules

Evasion, Species, Freeze, OHKO, Sleep, Strict Damage, and Timer Clauses must ALL be on.

The Following pokemon are banned

The following Pokemon are considered "uber"
Latias(only with Soul Dew)
Latios(with or without Soul Dew)

Extra Rule

You can have one uber on your team.

Round 1
roacherman v ultimario
supermarth64 v ss118
CRASHiC v 0rly

Round 2
supermarth64 v ultimario
0rly v supermarth64
ultimario v 0rly​

[collapse="Winner: supermarth64"]
[collapse="Team"]Groudon @ Leftovers
Ability: Drought
EVs: 252 HP/156 Atk/32 Def/8 Spd/60 SDef
Adamant nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Roar
- Stealth Rock
- Earthquake
- Dragon Claw
Blissey (F) @ Leftovers
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 4 HP/252 Def/252 SDef
Bold nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Seismic Toss
- Softboiled
- Toxic
- Ice Beam
Heatran (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 252 HP/144 Spd/112 SDef
Calm nature (+SDef, -Atk)
- Flamethrower
- Taunt
- Roar
- Dragon Pulse
Forretress (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 252 HP/4 Def/252 SDef
Careful nature (+SDef, -SAtk)
- Rapid Spin
- Payback
- Spikes
- Toxic Spikes
Jirachi @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Serene Grace
EVs: 4 HP/252 Atk/252 Spd
Jolly nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- U-turn
- Iron Head
- Thunderpunch
- Ice Punch
Rotom-h @ Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP/68 Def/188 Spd
Timid nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Substitute
- Pain Split
- Will-o-wisp
- Thunderbolt
[collapse="Interview"][16:23] articanus: so do u have time to answer a few of the questions?
[16:23] supermarth64: yea that's fine
[16:23] articanus: It will be very general questions that will be asked to every weekend tournament winner
[16:23] supermarth64: ok
[16:23] articanus: What inspired you to use Groudon over the other available ubers?
[16:24] supermarth64: well i had a stall team that had stalltwo on it
[16:24] supermarth64:(light screen/wow/taunt/recover)
[16:24] supermarth64: and groudon was a main player in that
[16:24] articanus: But why the groudon over the mewtwo?
[16:25] supermarth64: i feared kyogre more than i needed mewtwo
[16:25] supermarth64: and sun would help me weaken surfs (usually by saccing groudon)
[16:26] articanus: So basically you designed your team as a general anti-metagame team, hence the use of T-spikes to cripple most ubers and Sun to stop what you probably predicted as the "common" Rain team?
[16:26] supermarth64: yep
[16:26] supermarth64: here let me start my train of thought
[16:27] supermarth64: so my uber team is
[16:27] supermarth64: groudon/latias/forry/heatran/mewtwo/uhhhhhhhhhh
[16:27] supermarth64: kyogre
[16:28] supermarth64: so i thought
[16:28] supermarth64: "ok 3 ubers, i need to kick off 2"
[16:28] supermarth64: my first concern was that i needed a way to check specs kyogre
[16:28] supermarth64: oh wait i lied
[16:28] supermarth64: 4 ubers cuz soul dew latias
[16:28] articanus: well that's easy enough to fix
[16:29] supermarth64: yea
[16:29] supermarth64: so i swapped out latias for blissey
[16:29] supermarth64: gave it softboiled because wish + protect would leave me a bit vulnerable
[16:29] supermarth64: and gave it ice beam so it wouldn't be salaquaza bait
[16:29] supermarth64: next i kept forry because spikes + tspikes are good and i didn't expect anyone to carry rapid spin
[16:30] supermarth64: though in case i ran rotom-h over kyogre to block rapid spin
[16:30] supermarth64: and made it outspeed adamant lucario to hit it with a wow/tbolt
[16:30] articanus: So that is
[16:30] articanus: groudon/blissey/forrey/rotom/heatran
[16:30] supermarth64: and "mewtwo"
[16:31] articanus:so obv one of them had to go
[16:31] supermarth64: though mewtwo's getting replaced
[16:31] supermarth64: yep
[16:31] supermarth64:i kept heatran ebcause taunt was unexpected and there wasn't really any other set that i could use on it
[16:31] supermarth64:(i really needed dragon pulse and roar was pretty good)
[16:31] supermarth64:so the set just stuck
[16:31] articanus: it proved obnoxious in our battle
[16:31] articanus: at least
[16:31] articanus: xD
[16:31] supermarth64:haha yea
[16:32] supermarth64: groudon is a good partner for heatran as it allows it to eat surfs if it has to (namely from palkia)
[16:32] supermarth64: plus i needed SR
[16:32] supermarth64: so mewtwo had to go
[16:32] supermarth64: and roar was pretty useful
[16:32] supermarth64: (lol double roarers)
[16:32] supermarth64:so after mewtwo left
[16:32] supermarth64: i noticed how my team was dd gyara weak if rotom-h was weakened
[16:33] supermarth64: so i stuck scarf jirachi on there
[16:33] supermarth64: and gave it u-turn because it can hit things like darkrai and mewtwo for SE damage
[16:33] supermarth64: then iron head because it's gay
[16:33] articanus: f@g
[16:33] articanus: xD
[16:33] supermarth64: and i forgot the last move
[16:33] articanus:Ice Punch
[16:33] articanus: general Dragons I guess
[16:33] supermarth64: i guess i was paranoid about rayquaza and mence
[16:33] supermarth64: so yea, that's how i made my team
[16:33] articanus:I don't think Rayquaza was ever used
[16:34] articanus: I was pissing my pants over darkrai tbh
[16:34] articanus:lol
[16:34] supermarth64: originally i wanted to do double dragon (salaquaza)
[16:34] supermarth64: but then i decided against it because i can't play well with it
[16:34] articanus: well obviously the team you chose did very well regardless
[16:35] articanus: lol
[16:36] articanus: well thanks for your time
[16:36] articanus: ^^

Weekend 2: Random Tournament​

Standard Rules​

Evasion, Species, Freeze, OHKO, Sleep, Strict Damage, and Timer Clauses must ALL be on.

Extra Rule

Only the following pokemon can be used:

355- Duskull
369- Relicanth
004- Charmander
359- Absol
124- Jynx
108- Lickitung
464- Rhyperior
285- Shroomish
364- Sealeo
016- Pidgey
297- Hariyama
131- Lapras
011- Metapod
036- Clefable
168- Ariados
158- Totodile
318- Carvanha
037- Vulpix
398- Staraptor
019- Rattata
081- Magnemite
220- Swinub
045- Vileplume
192- Sunflora
257- Blaziken


Round 1
roacherman v gates
CRASHiC v ss118
SilentVerse v Majority
supermarth64 v bye

Round 2
gates v ss118
Majority v supermarth64

Round 3
gates v Majority

[collapse="Winner: Majority"]
[collapse="Team"]Rhyperior@ Leftovers
Solid Rock: Adamant
EVs: 136 HP / 244 Atk / 128 Spe
Stealth Rock
Rock Blast
Staraptor@ Choice Band
Intimidate: Jolly
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Brave Bird
Close Combat
Absol@ Life Orb
Super Luck: Jolly
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Swords Dance
Sucker Punch
Night Slash
Blaziken@ Life Orb
Blaze: Rash
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 Spe / 252 SpA
Fire Blast
Vacuum Wave
Stone Edge
Hariyama@ Leftovers
Thick Fat: Impish
EVs: 80 HP / 172 Atk / 252 Def / 4 Spe
Close Combat
Ice Punch
Knock Off
Relicanth@ Choice Scarf
Rock Head: Jolly
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Head Smash
[collapse="Interview"]1) What did you think of the pool of pokemon available?
-There were just enough pokemon available that I wanted to use, and it was great that Relicanth was one of them.

2) What did you see as the biggest threat?
-Staraptor was definitely the biggest threat, but since probably everyone used it, it wasn't a big deal.

3) Did anything take you by surprise?
-Yea, that I won.
And how well Duskull was used by my opponents.

4) What were the steps you took to making this team?
-I took all the decent fully-evolved pokemon available and decided between them.[/collapse][/collapse]

Weekend 3: Twist of Type

Standard Rules
Evasion, Species, Freeze, OHKO, Sleep, Strict Damage, and Timer Clauses must ALL be on.

Extra Rule

Each team must conist of two fire types, two flying types, and two normal types.

Round 1
rockem7 v majority
kirbyraeg v ss118
supermarth64 v writer kupo

Round 2
supermarth64 v rockem7
rockem7 v ss118
ss118 v supermarth64​

[collapse="Winner: Articanus"]
[collapse="Team"]Aerodactyl (M) @ Focus Sash
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 4 HP/252 Atk/252 Spd
Jolly nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Stealth Rock
- Taunt
- Rock Slide
- Earthquake
Gyarados (F) @ Life Orb
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 Atk/4 Def/252 Spd
Adamant nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Aqua Tail
- Stone Edge
- Dragon Dance
- Taunt
Heatran (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 252 HP/120 Def/136 SDef
Calm nature (+SDef, -Atk)
- Lava Plume
- Dragon Pulse
- Substitute
- Roar
Infernape (M) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Blaze
EVs: 4 Atk/252 Spd/252 SAtk
Hasty nature (+Spd, -Def)
- Overheat
- Close Combat
- Thunderpunch
- Hidden Power [Ice]
Ambipom (M) @ Life Orb
Ability: Technician
EVs: 252 Atk/4 Def/252 Spd
Jolly nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Fake Out
- Last Resort
Clefable (Level 2) @ Focus Sash
Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: 255 Spd
Jolly nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Endeavor
- Protect
- Encore
- Toxic
[collapse="Interview"][15:50] riddleswf: How did you go about building your team?
[15:52] Articanus: OK
[15:52] Articanus: The types were Fire, Flying, and Normal right?
[15:53] riddleswf: yes
[15:53] Articanus: And you had to use two of each
[15:53] riddleswf: right
[15:53] Articanus: The easiest thing was the starter
[15:54] Articanus: I pretty much invented the aerodactyl starter
[15:54] Articanus: I think there's some youtube vid of me using it in 07 on shoddy
[15:54] Articanus: And all the comments were "SR aero starter? What a n00b"
[15:54] riddleswf: its not like its particularly creative lol
[15:55] riddleswf: at least it doesnt seem so now
[15:55] Articanus: Remember this is before the dawn of suicide starters
[15:55] riddleswf: i didnt even play then
[15:55] riddleswf: lolz
[15:55] Articanus: And they started to catch on with Aldaron's Roserade
[15:55] Articanus: And escalated with someone using the SR+Explosion azelf
[15:56] Articanus: Which quickly hit #1 and has remained so
[15:56] Articanus: But anyway
[15:56] Articanus: I was familiar with aero starters
[15:56] Articanus: So I just used him
[15:56] Articanus: Which actually held me back because everyone prepared for him lol
[15:56] riddleswf:
[15:57] riddleswf: obviously it didnt matter
[15:57] Articanus: looking at the pokemon that could be used I saw that gyarados could tear through pretty hard after a DD
[15:57] Articanus: Which scared me not only into using him but also to over-preparing against him
[15:58] riddleswf: yeah looking at your team
[15:58] riddleswf: i see scarfnape
[15:58] riddleswf: which is a pretty obvious preparation for gyara
[15:58] riddleswf: as well as mence
[15:58] Articanus: Scarfnape beat everything
[15:58] Articanus: lol
[15:58] Articanus: It won most battles single-handidly
[15:59] riddleswf: tell me your thought process with ambiom >.>
[15:59] Articanus: But yeah when I was looking through fire types
[15:59] Articanus: I didn't feel like thinking
[15:59] Articanus: So I just went with the 2 OU ones
[15:59] Articanus: In retrorespect, I should have used Arcanine over Heatran
[16:00] Articanus: Everyone else did, and it was incredibly annoying
[16:00] Articanus: Good thing supermarth64 forgot to give his Intimidate
[16:00] Articanus: Otherwise I just had mine to take advantage of switch-ins and abuse SR(especially considering the lack of spinners)
[16:01] Articanus: Now for Normal types
[16:01] riddleswf: you used some pretty odd ones
[16:01] Articanus: There was only one ghost type
[16:01] Articanus: Which was Driftblim
[16:01] riddleswf: drifblim
[16:01] riddleswf: olol
[16:02] Articanus: That could be used
[16:02] Articanus: So I knew I was pretty safe in using Clefable as a pace-setter
[16:02] Articanus: Since it guarantees at least one revenge-kill a
[16:02] Articanus: And no one can set up on it
[16:02] riddleswf: is it level 2 clefable?
[16:03] Articanus: Yes
[16:03] riddleswf: oh
[16:03] riddleswf: the team doesnt say that
[16:03] riddleswf: lolfixed
[16:03] Articanus: It also helped with TR teams, which is helpful considering the fast-pace of the team
[16:04] Articanus: If ANYONE thought about Clefable as being a threat
[16:04] Articanus: I was sure that it could toxic the drifblim
[16:04] Articanus: Or encore the sub
[16:04] Articanus: So either way it would be pretty much gone
[16:04] Articanus: Allowing Ambipom to clean up
[16:05] riddleswf: did anyone use drifblim?
[16:05] Articanus: Ambipom also served as a 3rd revenge-killer of sorts
[16:05] Articanus: No, and thus I found Ambipom to be the MVP of the tournament
[16:05] Articanus: Even Bulky Arcanine had to be at full HP to come in on SR
[16:05] Articanus: And attempt to take it
[16:06] Articanus: And if it tried to heal I could switch in clefable
[16:06] Articanus: And if it attacked clefable, it couldn't heal up
[16:06] Articanus: Because I could use encore to stop that
[16:07] Articanus: So I had multiple plans to abuse Ambipom+Clefable
[16:07] Articanus: Heatran and Gyarados worked well in taking random hits
[16:07] Articanus: While Aero set up the necessary SR
[16:07] Articanus: And finally Infernape was the ultimate glue
[16:09] riddleswf: did anything surprise you in this tournament?
[16:10] Articanus: Arcanine
[16:10] Articanus: COMPLETELY forgot about it
[16:10] Articanus: Infernape starters with fake out+ SE
[16:10] riddleswf: how was it used?
[16:10] riddleswf: arcanine
[16:10] riddleswf: defensively?
[16:11] Articanus: Defensively mostly
[16:11] Articanus: Intimidate ones were the biggest pain
[16:11] Meebo Message: Could not IM buddy
[16:11] Articanus: Delibird also surprised me
[16:11] riddleswf: haha
[16:11] riddleswf: who used delibird?
[16:11] Articanus: Good thing paper has more physical defense that it
[16:11] Articanus: I dunno
[16:11] Articanus: But he used a slaking as well
[16:12] Articanus: I didn't get off SR(I tried to attack the infernape I mentioned)
[16:12] Articanus: So I was stuck in CC against the delibird
[16:12] Articanus: With infernape
[16:12] Articanus: And remember this is my 4 attack EV infernape
[16:12] Articanus: No LO
[16:12] Articanus: And a 30 attack IV for HP Ice
[16:13] Articanus: So I thought I had lost
[16:13] Articanus: And it OHKOed the little twig
[16:13] Articanus: ._.'
[16:13] Articanus: No crit or anything
[16:13] riddleswf: >.>
[16:13] Articanus: Slaking was a huge pain
[16:14] Articanus: I didn't think of it
[16:14] Articanus: And I had to play carefully around a CB one
[16:14] Articanus: And by "play carefully"
[16:14] Articanus: I mean
[16:14] Articanus: Lose a pokemon
[16:15] Articanus: Then get a free turn with clefable
[16:16] Articanus: Anything else?
[16:16] riddleswf: yeah sorry
[16:16] riddleswf: what did you expect other people to use?
[16:17] Articanus: Oh god
[16:17] Articanus: I was expecting Infernape+ Heatran for fire
[16:17] Articanus: For normal I didn't really know
[16:17] Articanus: I expected Blissey
[16:17] Articanus: Maybe staraptor
[16:18] Articanus: I also thought someone would use FEAR-style normals
[16:18] Articanus: Which is why I have mine
[16:18] Articanus: It has a 0 HP IV specifically for those scenarios
[16:18] riddleswf: and for flying?
[16:19] Meebo Message: Could not IM buddy
[16:19] Articanus: I was expecting other aero starters
[16:19] Articanus: Gyarados
[16:19] Articanus: Salamence
[16:19] Articanus: Maybe skarmory with blissey
[16:19] Articanus: Maybe gliscor
[16:19] Articanus: A lot of "maybe"
[16:19] Articanus: Zapdos was a possibility
[16:20] Articanus: Only resist was Gliscor and Camerupt iirc
[16:21] riddleswf: What was the toughest challenge you faced?
[16:21] riddleswf: like what was the hardest to kill
[16:21] riddleswf: stuff like that
[16:21] riddleswf: not delibird im guessing
[16:22] Articanus: Arcanine
[16:22] Articanus: lol
[16:22] Articanus: The first match was decently long
[16:22] riddleswf: and you ended up killing those with ambipom?
[16:22] Articanus: But it ended when my ambipom got a crit on the arcanine
[16:24] riddleswf: okay thank ya [/collapse]

Weekend 4: RNG Letter

Standard Rules

Evasion, Species, Freeze, OHKO, Sleep, Strict Damage, and Timer Clauses must ALL be on.

Extra Rule

You may only use pokemon that start with the letters N, S, and V.

[collapse="Bracket"]Round 1:
rockem7 vs jigglyppuff8
Terywj vs ~Celebi~
IceArrow - Bye

Round Two:
rockem7 vs ~Celebi~
~Celebi~ vs IceArrow
IceArrow vs rockem7

[collapse="Winner: IceArrow"][collapse="Team"]Skarmory @ Leftovers
Keen Eye: Impish
EVs 252 HP / 64 Atk / 176 Def / 16 Spe
-Stealth Rock
-Brave Bird

Scizor @ Life Orb
Technician: Adamant
EVs 252 Spe / 252 Atk / 4 HP
-Bullet Punch
-Swords Dance
-Bug Bite
-Brick Break

Suicune @ Leftovers
Pressure: Timid
EVs 252 SpA / 252 Spe / 4 HP
-Ice Beam
-HP Electric
-Calm Mind

Salamence @ Life Orb
Intimidate: Naive
EVs 232 Atk / 24 SpA / 252 Spe
-Fire Blast
-Dragon Dance

Sceptile @ Choice Specs
Overgrow: Timid
EVs 252 SpA / 252 Spe / 4 HP
-Leaf Storm
-Energy Ball
-Focus Blast
-HP Ice

Nidoking @ Life Orb
Poison Point: Rash
EVs 252 SpA / 80 Atk / 176 Spe
-Earth Power
-Ice Beam
[collapse="Interview"]1) How did you go about building your team?
-I found all the OU and UU pokemon and I picked my team out of those.

2) Did anything surprise you in this tournament?
-The thing that suprised me is that nobody else used Scizor and Scizor was the reason I won.

3) What did you expect other people to use?
-I expected Salamence, Scizor, and Starmie but I dint see any Scizor or Starmie.

4) What was the toughest challenge you faced?
-Killing Celebi's Snorlax to win the tournament.[/collapse][/collapse]

Weekend 5: Crystal Cup

Standard Rules

Evasion, Species, Freeze, OHKO, Sleep, Strict Damage, and Timer Clauses must ALL be on.

Extra Rules

Pokemon must be pokemon 1-251
All pokemon moves must exist in generation two (that means no bullet punch, hehe)
Abilitys and items are NOT restricted
One uber is allaowed on each team, similar to OUbers

The following Pokemon are considered "uber"


[collapse="Bracket"]Round 1
TLM Sheikant v IceArrow
Majority v Ankoku

Round 2
Ankoku vs TLM Sheikant[/collapse]

[collapse="Winner: Ankoku"][collapse="Team"]Skarmory (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Keen Eye
EVs: 252 HP / 64 Atk / 176 Def / 16 Spd
Impish Nature (+Def, -SAtk)
- Spikes
- Whirlwind
- Drill Peck
- Rest

Blissey (F) @ Leftovers
Trait: Natural Cure
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef
Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Softboiled
- Heal Bell
- Toxic
- Flamethrower

Umbreon (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Synchronize
EVs: 252 HP / 200 Def / 56 SDef
Sassy Nature (+SDef, -Spd)
- Rest
- Protect
- Curse
- Bite

Lugia @ Leftovers
Trait: Pressure
EVs: 252 HP / 200 Def / 56 Spd
Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Aeroblast
- Toxic
- Recover
- Whirlwind

Suicune @ Leftovers
Trait: Pressure
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef
Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Surf
- Toxic
- Roar
- Rest

Snorlax (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Thick Fat
EVs: 168 HP / 120 Def / 220 SDef
Careful Nature (+SDef, -SAtk)
- Curse
- Rest
- Return
- Crunch[/collapse]
[collapse="Interview"][23:30] riddleswf: How did you go about building your team?
[23:32] Konnichiwaffle: I started with the ever-popular SkarmBliss combo that was no longer threatened by Infernape, then added other good stall stuff from there. Lugia's the most obscenely ridiculous wall in existence, so he made the team for my Uber slot. Then I added in a Curselax for good measure, since he could take all sorts of hits, Curse it up, Rest, and sweep if offensive teams don't run an immediate answer to him.
[23:34] Konnichiwaffle: Also, Mow told me that GSC was all about stall and told me pretty much most of the good picks lol.
[23:34] riddleswf:
[23:35] riddleswf: Did anything surprise you?
[23:37] Konnichiwaffle: I have zero Ubers experience, so seeing a lead Ho-Oh was surprising I guess. I've also not played Stall vs Stall very often, and certainly not to the point of needing to PP stall with half the team still alive on both sides. If that's what Crystal Cup is about I hope nobody ever nominates this format again.
[23:37] riddleswf: What did you expect other people to use?
[23:40] Konnichiwaffle: I expected opposing stall teams because of how strong it is, and I expected Tyranitar because he's still got a pretty solid moveset and can still hold a Choice Band. I'm actually kinda surprised that neither of my opponents ran Blissey.
[23:42] riddleswf: what was the toughest challenge you faced?
[23:42] Konnichiwaffle: Turn 267.

Terywj [태리]

Charismatic Maknae~
Aug 23, 2007
香港 & 서울
I just hope you will continue hosting the Weekend Tournaments, Riddle. We've on our third host for the fifth tournament, lol.

I nominate Crystal Cup. I've suggested this so many times I'm not even goin to bother with explaining the rules.


Smash Lord
Jun 29, 2009
Rochester, NY
Yeah, I'm a pretty consistent guy Tery. I care about the PC =D.

I also nominate Crystal Cup. This is cool beans Crystal Cup is just gonna win.


Smash Champion
Feb 6, 2009
Three Rivers, MI
I nominate a Dunsparce tournament.

It's a standard OU Round Robin tournament with a couple of special rules. These special rules are: 1) Dunsparce must be on your team, and 2) the winner of the tournament goes to the person who has the most KOs with their Dunsparce.

So basically, put Dunsparce on your team and see how much destruction he can get himself into with the help of your other 5 Pokemon. Winner goes to the one that has the most ****** Dunsparce.

I couldn't help myself. I've wanted to submit this for a while now.


Banned via Warnings
Jun 17, 2009
Ewwwww Crystal Cup.

I suggest perhaps just a normal tiers tourney. You know, like a break interval from in between the tourneys and all?


Never Knows Best
Nov 8, 2006
Milpitas, CA
Can someone elaborate on Crystal Cup again? GSC Standard Pokémon/movepools/hold items only?


Smash Lord
Jun 29, 2009
Rochester, NY
What if say there is a gen II move tutor that gave a gen I pokemon a gen II move that it couldn't get in gen I or II. Can you use it?


Smash Champion
Jan 4, 2010
The Middle Pokeball
Pokemon, moves, and items(?) are restricted to Generations I and II.
Pokemon must be pokemon 1-251
All pokemon moves must exist in generation two (that means no bullet punch, hehe)
Abilitys and items are NOT restricted
One uber is allaowed on each team, similar to OUbers

The point of this tourney was to be as odd and gimmicky as possible (and cuz gen two was teh cooliest) so ha.


Never Knows Best
Nov 8, 2006
Milpitas, CA
Sign me up, I guess. I'm gonna attempt to learn this metagame in a day, lol


Smash Lord
Jun 29, 2009
Rochester, NY
I'm not gonna be here, but I put the bracket in the OP, so I think you guys can manage to do it on your own. Matches on Shoddy/Pokemon Online at 7:00 EST. Report who won in this thread please.

Have fun!
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