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We Livin Weeklies Results! (7/20/13)


Smash Ace
Jan 22, 2012
Fairview, NJ

1: Hax$ (Split)
2: The Moon (Split)
3: Warrior Knight
4: Captain Smuckers
5: Gravy
5: Crazy4Rice
7: Guardian Knight
7: Jsex
9: Sorto
9: NightroGlycerine
9: Ryobeat
9: Pyro
13: Internet Explorer
13: A nub
13: Chroma
13: Vino
17: Loco
17: Adam
17: DZyFX0
17: Amanda
17: Smokey
17: Dmoney
17: Iplayfalcon
17: Firefox
25: Pokemongeof
25: Flow
25: Some Super Nub
25: Matt K


1: Jsex+Ryobeat (Jsex + ryobeat)
2: Captain Smuckers+Smokey (Captain Smuckers + Smokey)
3: A nub+Pyro (A nub + Pyro)
4: Iplayfalcon+Dan (Iplayfalcon + Dan)


Smash Lord
Jul 5, 2011
In The Year of Luigi

Ryobeat- thanks for a great tournament!
Hax- Nice Fox, and thanks for the friendlies!
InternetExplorer- for showing me how much of an adversary Link is.
Amanda- for entering the bracket for a game that you don't play!
Smuckers- So many friendlies and thanks for the advice.
Loco- for a tight match! I will get u next time!

More to come later!


Smash Rookie
Nov 27, 2010
Is this gonna be a long term thing? If its still going when school starts I might be able to make some of these

Captain Smuckers

Smash Journeyman
Nov 5, 2010
Mount Vernon, NY
Shout outsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss


Hax: was a lot of fun playing with you for the first time ever(?) sucks that you had to start playin fox, but I toooooooooootally understand lol
The Moon: Didn't get to play this time, but good stuff. I actually wanna start playing with nyc folks soon so I'll prolly start hittin you up if you don't mind lol
WarriorKnight: Nice set. After you won that first game I just couldn't bring it back D:
Crazy4Rice: lol
Gravy: Fun set. Always fun to meet more falcon players. It was also really cool to find another that shield drops lol. Hope to play you again soon
Jsex: Good stuff in teams dude. Why didn't you play fox in friendlies o_o?
Sorto: Didn't play ya this time but it was cool sayin like 3 words to yo: :D
Pyro: Must've been the first tournament ever that we didn't play at all. Don't worry, I know you were afraid
A nub: Stop living in yonkers you god damned scrub
Chroma: Good games man, I think if you had just been a little more solid on your edgeguards it could've gone either way
Vino: I may hit you up in the near future....
Loco: Hope to see you at the next no johns or somethin
DZyFX0: Glad to hear you're playin again. Also wtf is with your tag
Smokey: Dear god you're a scrub. With that said, we got teams next time <3
IPlayFalcon: Thanks for cohostin :D and fun set in teams. mute city all day sonnnnnnnnn
PokemonGeof: I know you were a bit upset with how you did today but there'll be plenty more opportunities, you got this. I'm sure we'll get to play again soon

Good stuff hosting ryobeat. You're still really lame (lol9thplacewhatascrub) but it was still fun playin with you I guess. Lookin forward to the next one of these :D

This tournament was almost as good as Justice


Edit: loljk not even close


Smash Ace
Jan 22, 2012
Fairview, NJ
1: Hax$ (Split): Thanks for coming dude, and good friendlies. I need to get wrecked by you more, I want to learn more.
2: The Moon (Split): GGs, and thanks for teaching me some things. I'll put up a better fight next time bro!
4: Captain Smuckers: SCRUBBBBBBB, but good **** on 4th. Get 1st and I won't call you a scrub ;)
7: Jsex: GGs bro, and we're a good ass team LOL never in my life
9: Ryobeat: I suck LOL, I played good, but I still need to learn.
9: Pyro: You get the best brackets :D
13: Internet Explorer: Thanks for all the TVS, and I hope to see you at another.
13: A nub: GGs, and your a cool ass dude. We gotta play some more melee!
13: Chroma: Good talking to you dude! Come out to these more often!
13: Vino: Hope to see you back!
17: DZyFX0: NESS
17: Smokey: We share the same family life LOL
17: Iplayfalcon: <33333
25: Pokemongeof: Thanks for coming dude, great talking to you!

Hope you guys come out to the next one! If you have any suggestions, let me know! ^_^


Smash Lord
Jun 24, 2009
Ryobeat: You made it. Can't complain.
Smuckers: We did play. Doubles *****.
Iplayfalcon: You lacked consistency. Sometimes you were playing really on point and other times you just folded really hard.
Some Super Nub: Like I said, you're smart, but just not technical. You should definitely try and work on that.
Vino: I know my Roy threw you off really hard. It's really simply because Roy is the best character in the game.
Guardian Knight: **** your lasers.
Crazy4Rice: I don't know? Stuff.

Captain Smuckers

Smash Journeyman
Nov 5, 2010
Mount Vernon, NY
Man, I don't feel like a **** at all <_<

Also holy hell 4 out of the top 5 (6) were falcon players.

@non falcon players: how the hell did you let that happen


Smash Hero
Apr 27, 2007
Wasn't expecting such a great turnout. good **** ryobeat!


Smash Apprentice
Apr 16, 2011
Great tournament! Hopefully I'm in town for later installments of this series.
Some brief shoutouts:

Hax$$$: Thanks for the friendlies, really fun. Your "falcon" looks way different these days... hope you have fun with it and show people consistency's really possible.
Moon: Cool friendlies, your playstyle's really intelligent. New school azen?
Commodore Smuckers: GGs, I was not ready for those shielddrop upairs - too slick. Crisp movement, interesting good resets and combo continuations while I was at low percent. I was a little frustrated during our set, but they were fun games and I learned a lot. I think I only had most of those edgeguard opportunities when you went for the style comboes, not my doings at all haha. You almost had it in losers semis!
Jsex: GGs, completely exposed me in fox dittoes. Nice work.
Ryobeat: Thanks for running the tournament and the peach practice! Great job with both.
Internet Explorer: Shoutouts to browsers. Link too strong (but fox is definitely way better, no johns at all). You'll get them next tournament.
Firefox: GGs, further shoutouts to browsers. Shoutouts to bowsers. That upair, so much swag.
Dmoney: GGs, fun friendlies and conversation. Fox is a lame lame lame lamer.
Iplayfalcon: what a sick name. Thanks for the falcon ditto!
Extra shoutouts to the guys playing with me in the beginning while I warmed up, putting up with my complaining. Especially the guy who accidentally bonked heads with me. I suck.
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