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Wario and Zamus

Jester Kirby

Smash Journeyman
Mar 15, 2008
Memphis, TN

Okay, does anyone else have trouble with Wario? I hate that he gives me trouble, I can't stand Wario. Nothing to do with his moves or anything....he's jsut gross....:laugh:

His air movements I usually can punish with final cutter, but he has soooooo much priority! Especailly that F-Smash! That thing out-prioritized Ike's eruption once if memory serves.

Combos from Gonzo's vid work well in getting his damage up, but you still have to KO him. :urg:

He's just anooying and can easily catch me off guard....how do you guys deal with him?

Zero Suit Samus

Okay, I played my friend's Zamus today and was blown away at how fast she is...bot in reflexses and basic running and jumping. Her reaction is unmatched IMO. I found myself spamming final cutter trying to keep him away at points. We are about equal skill, so I tried fighting him close range with just pure skill.......and got poor kirby tossed around like a sack of meat for it. :ohwell:

The rock worked well to counter her constant aerials....but that whip messed up my wall of pain and Spikeing just seemed to miss....

My tactics must have been somewhat decent though since it was still close but sheesh...overwhlmed the entire match....sugjestions?


Smash Lord
May 16, 2005
Puerto Rico
Zero Suit Samus has a hard time hitting from below her and in front, doubly so against small characters. Her short-hop is way too high to be of use for a direct approach, and her d-air is easy to see coming, will almost never kill, and leaves her nailed to the ground afterwards. Also, her grab is too slow so she has a harder time punishing out of the shield than most characters.

Don't know about Wario.


Smash Rookie
Feb 25, 2007
Bayville, New York
Well the best thing you can do is see what people are doing as Wario, you know the "pro" strategy. Once you know what the Wario players will be more inclined to do then you can figure an effective counter strategy.

Remember a warrior who knows himself and his enemy has already won.

Jester Kirby

Smash Journeyman
Mar 15, 2008
Memphis, TN
He he, couldn't find the matchup help thread. ^_^

I'l admit that I didn't use the search function though :ohwell:
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