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Walk For Your Lives


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
Link to original post: [drupal=1349]Walk For Your Lives[/drupal]

I've never really been a "nature" person.

I've never really been an "exercise" person, either.

I suppose this probably contributed to me being a gamer and all. I mean, when I was younger I spent a good amount of time outside, pretty much about every day I was probably outside. But of course, that's been reduced to mostly just time outside so that I can go somewhere. There's nothing to play outside anymore, and I don't jog or anything.

But recently, as you'll likely know if you've read a few of my other blogs, I've been pretty stressed about things. One day last week, I felt really stressed and I just looked out of my window on a whim. I saw the sun just shining on the grass, and something just felt so...perfect about it. Then I thought to myself how much I wanted to just sit outside instead of being stuck with things to do.

Three days ago, on Friday, I was able to do just that. For the first time in months, it was really nice in my area, so I sat outside for a few hours, and it felt really relaxing.

The next day, I had free time so I, of course, wanted to play some video games or do some other enjoyable activity. But I started playing Pokemon Platinum, and all of a sudden demotivation struck. I had everything in the world that I wanted to do, or wanted and needed to do (i.e. something enjoyable that I really want to get done), yet...none of it appealed to me anymore. If it's never happened to you, I can vouch that it's an awful feeling. I didn't know what to do; I put Platinum down and went through any number of things I could do. The thought of maybe getting some fresh air occurred...but instead of just sitting outside, I wanted to do something so I grabbed my iPod and took a walk to clear my head. I just walked, I enjoyed it. I took in the sights, the smells, and the beat and lyrics of the music. When I got back, I felt revitalized and was pumped to go back to Platinum.

Today, since I had extra time and recalled how amazing it had been to take a walk the other day, I walked for a while again. As I was walking I thought, and I realized why it was so great; it was the fact that I could take in the simple things; I could look at trees, grass, the sky, the clouds, houses, rocks...I could listen to the things that really soothe me...I could just...BE. I hate not doing things, but this was doing something. Even though my thoughts turned to the fact that I wasn't thinking about the things that stress me out, my mind never actually wandered there. It didn't wander to "I can't wait to get back to do *insert thing here*". I could take my mind off of EVERYTHING, and relax.

I actually got the title from the title of one episode of the TV show Invader Zim; it's a play on the phrase "Run for your lives", because there's a slowed-down explosion so people start running and realize that they don't need to run because it's going slow enough for them to stroll to stay away from it.

But I mean this with all sincerity. I'm not really trying to impart wisdom or even give advice, as I know everyone's different and I'm sure at least a few of you already do this on a regular basis. But for me, I am walking for my life. It's amazing to be able to take my mind off of things for once and just exist, without a care in the world -- even though there may be a problem lying in wait that I'm perfectly well aware of. It makes me be able to live, rather than just survive. I don't really understand why it has this effect on me, but I don't want to know that badly; I'm so pleased that it does.


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
Wow, that was a great read! If I didn't live in the middle of the bloody desert I would take a stroll and give that a shot for myself.

And yeah, I know that feeling, that feeling that nothing you own interests you anymore. It really made me reconsider I what I call "entertaining."

And I remember that Zim episode.

Deleted member

I go outside frequently, and get up to much tomfoolery with my acquaintances. Believe me, going outside is such a great way to relieve stress and lose weight.

Oh, and I get that whole "nothing interests me" thing quite often.


Through Fire, Justice is Served
Super Moderator
Oct 23, 2008
Beastector HQ
An enjoyable read.

A nice stroll, man people should appreciate the simpler forms of leisure and relaxation. It really can be that simple, and nothing quite matches it.
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