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Vs. Zelda


Smash Ace
Mar 22, 2008
can i get some tips for fighting zelda? (not sheik)

my only friend thats any good is a zelda main and the dins fire is annoying >.<
air dodging it helps but usually he approaches me after i air dodge..
i can beat him on most stages but on Final Destination i lose more :(
so of course he only plays final destination... :dizzy:
the main thing is i just cant get a good approach on that stage for some reason, i guess i usually rely on the platforms to get in range
he is VERY defensive just so you know...
(ive been lurking around a bit and theres not that much matchup info..)

of course i can beat him by switching to meta knight...

but i dont like to betray kirby like that if i dont have too :)


Smash Apprentice
Mar 18, 2008
Final Cutter is a decent approach, for one. Nayru's is a given, but at far enough distances from Zelda when you attack, the reflect doesn't go far enough to hit you back.

Stone goes right through expected Usmashes from Zelda, Din's is simply airdodged (yet annoying as a Zelda approach) most of the time, and your best bet is to either roll in and shield expected hits and punish them. Zelda's attacks have a considerable amount of lag after the attack is over, a tradeoff for being powerful as they are.

In terms of damaging, throws to prop her into the air are the most effective way, it seems. Get her into the air, and your bair assault will most likely do far more than her lightning kicks (which are incredibly hard to land, especially on an aggressive air game like Kirby).

Lastly, on the ground, assuming she isn't spamming Din's Fire on you, remember that your Fsmash is faster than hers, so don't be afraid to rush in and Fsmash before she can do the same. She can't camp out against you if you're aggressive, and that's what you have to do.


Smash Ace
Mar 22, 2008
Yeah... the main problem i seem to have is getting her in the air... at least on final destination.
Usually i approach with aerials but i suppose shield grabs would probably work better against her.
When i get her in the air its so fun to out prioritize the down airs lol.
My friend sucks at using Nayru's btw... so i usually do approach with a Final Cutter... but i guess i have to be careful for when i fight a better Zelda...
But wow he has practiced a lot at using Zelda's lightning kicks... its reallyyyyy annoying
(he purposely practiced on a kirby in training mode just so he could beat me this weekend >.<)

Though i annoy him by crouching if he tries to hit me in the ground ^.^...

Thanks for the tips... shield grab spam ftw...


Smash Apprentice
Mar 18, 2008
The problem with Kirby's aerials in this case is that both Usmash and Fsmash from Zelda have more range or priority. This problem is resolved when she's in the air, where all she can rely on is her sweetspotted lightning kicks (which are quite difficult to pull off, seeing how quick Kirby is in the air), and your own aerials shine. When you're watching out for her lightning kicks, uair has a decent range away from her lightning kicks if you don't want to risk going for bairs instead.

But yeah, shieldgrabs are your best bet on the ground. Remember that her Fsmash has a last magic blast after the stun hits, so don't let off the shield too early or you'll get hit by that last shot that actually has the knockback. It's also viable to use your own Fsmash after shielding hers, and it's probably the most effective KO you can pull off.

Being a Zelda secondary, I know how most things work. In the end, it comes down to prediction.


Smash Ace
Mar 22, 2008
Yeah i tend to let go of my shield a bit early for some reason as kirby... his shield just seems so small!
Does kirby's shield degrade at the same rate as other characters or does a character's size determine how long their shields can last?

Also out of curiosity, can kirby just duck under her fsmash? I haven't tried that yet.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 18, 2008
I see that illusion myself. I could test this if I had my second Wavebird with me.

And no, her Fsmash cannot be ducked.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 2, 2008
Avoid her Dins fire and go over it with final cutter/hit her with final cutter and get her off the stage. Approach her differently running toward her and rolling back over and over and final cutter her. A good way to get her percent up is to do a bunch of grab combo's by shield grabbing or chasing after her when she rolls away. Get her cornered to the edge of the stage and if she trying rolling behind you, then set up a forward smash toward the direction she's rolling (a partially charged smash sometimes works). Also avoid getting sweet spotted by her F-air or B-air as much as you can.

She's killable at around 70% with Kirby's forward smash, but if you've spammed forward smash too much before, then you wanna use other attacks like final cutter or whatever else to bring back F-smash's strength (you know how when you use a move too many times it get's weaker =/). Better to hit her after she rolls behind you or when she's getting back on stage with her Up B, you can predict where she's gonna end up. Get her percent high enough before going for the kill unless she's off the stage. Edge-guard with fence of Pain whenever you get the opportunity.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 2, 2008
Yeah i dont have equipment either. :(
Though it would be nice to have different people to practice against then just one good person if your up for it.
Itd be fun to get owned lol.
Yeah I actually haven't been up against too many Zelda players ><. I have a friend though who plays as Zelda to some extent though and does extremely well with aiming Din's fire from quite a far distance and sweet spotting with F-air and B-air. Though my points in general for anything would be so much clearly if I could show videos x_x.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 3, 2008
hmmmm one time against zelda they kept using dins fire and everyone but me was getting hit...i forgot how i dodged it. maybe try down b whenever they use it? :S
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