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Vs Metaknight


Smash Journeyman
Mar 16, 2008
New York.
How does metaknight win this matchup? Hardest matchup for him imo and i lost a tourney to an ike, me as meta.

gogogog, uber detailed excessive theory posts on meta's psychological game, etc :chuckle:

Emblem Lord

The Legendary Lord
Aug 11, 2005
Scotch Plains, NJ
Switch FC
I honestly don't know how to call this match-up.

Normally I can easily see who has advantage or if the match-up is even or not, but this is harder for me.

Ike can camp MK pretty hard thanks to superior range and his nair has virtually no lag. But Ike's camping isn't that great in the first place, and MK can overcome it alot easier then say Marth's camping.

Anyway Ike isn't MK's hardest match-up Snake is by far. But that isn't what this thread is about so I'll stop talking about that.

Hmmm...actually I'll give it to MK.

This is my reasoning. MK's rushdown can get past Ike's camping without too much trouble and MK can easily punish any mistakes on Ike's part and Ike's recovery is very gimpable which is what MK is all about.

I'll give MK slight advantage.

He has the speed to infiltrate Ike's range and put alot of pressure on him. Still the advantage is only slight since Ike is a solid character and kills pretty early not to mention MK is light so MK will die around 80ish usually, which keeps Ike in the fight.

With MK you don't want to play a spacing game. You want to aggro Ike and put pressure on him. Also abuse Mach Tornado since it has insane priority and does alot of damage when mashed.

Get Ike off the side of the stage and gimp him.

Punish any mistakes with some quick d-tilts to d-smash. D-tilt trips your opponent which sets up for a follow up attack. You can also punish with up b out of shield or U-smash and then follow in the air. Also D-smash is a good punisher. F-tilt combo racks up damage and gets him in the air.

D-throw is the throw of choice, but any good MK player knows this.

Honestly, MK just wants to apply pressure while trying to remain safe. When using the f-tilt combo go for a hit confirm. Do one hit then wait a split second then do the second. If the second one hit then continue. If it didn't then spot dodge to d-smash or roll away.

MK has to use his speed and gimping abilities to stay on top.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 15, 2006
I agree with Emblem Lord for the most part although I'm under the impression that spacing plays a very large role in this match. However, I do think the Meta player has to be aggressive. You're gonna wanna be pressuring with Bairs and Fairs, and spacing them so that you don't enter into Ike's grab range. To switch it up occasionally you can SH towards the Ike player (who should be expecting an aerial) and air dodge into a grab.

The one thing you've got to watch out for while pressuring is the Nair, but basically keep the pressure on if possible and don't give the Ike player the chance to start playing a spacing game.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 11, 2005
Brisbane, Australia
here's my opinion on the matchup.... It relies completely on spacing and whiff punishing, if you want to stand a chance.

1. i disagree about metaknight being outranged by ike, at least on certain moves...

mk's forward tilts and up+B have ridiculous range/priority, vs ike's moves coming in the same way.
mk's side B has huge range AND priority of ike's side B (just as a direct comparison)
mk's upsmash beats out my dairs a lot, although this may be priority rather than range.

2. Reversal doesn't work.

People also fail to mention that more often than not, metaknight's multi-hit attacks go past ike's down+B reversal (you reverse the first hit, and then the second and third hits will knock you out of your reversal attack).

3. MK has better ground game.

If you try fight mk on the ground, his neutral AAA hits extremely far in front of him, as well as behind him, giving mk a fantastic panic button against ike's slow attacks. If you decide to do a fast attack (which ike only has one of, namely AAA), it just hit cancels against mk's AAA, so mk's poke game is effectively better than ike's. Outside of that, mk's ftilt has bigger range than most of ike's moves, certainly all of his faster ones, and it launches you, priming you for aerial chasing, which is mk's obvious forte.

All these things mean you will get interrupted a LOT, the few attacks you manage to safely pull off will get you shield-grabbed, so essentially it's a very very frustrating game, against a semi-decent player who knows what he's doing with mk.

I agree with Emblem Lord, in that Ike's killing power combined with MK's light weight keeps Ike in the game.

I also agree with ShortAssassin, in that spacing plays a large role. For MK, the only way he's gonna break a turtling Ike is by staying out of grab range. For Ike, the only way he's gonna break an offensive MK is by baiting attacks to whiff and then scoring some key hits.

Anyone wanna comment on my take on the situation?

edit: i forgot to mention during ground game about why i said ike only has one fast attack. it's because trying to RAR bair metaknight is ****ed hard, being that mk is such a short c*nt ;)


Smash Lord
Dec 24, 2005
My brother plays as MK and it's a pain in the ***, a well played MK won't let you ever move. It's a game of pressure and mindgames like dashing attack past Ike shield, dsmashing him, shorthopping nairs into dsmashes and the like. It's really, really annoying match for Ike and sometimes I win only using AAA, nair and fair.


Smash Cadet
Mar 10, 2008
Sherman, Tx
The most trouble I've had with an MK is if he is spamming the tornado. As it was noted it has insane priority. If it's executed right, even if it misses it can take you back out of Ike's range.

Spacing plays the key. If MK gets close enough he can cause fits. If he tries to keep his distance the advantage goes to Ike due to the superior range of sword play.
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