Is this post directed towards me? If not, never mind. But if it is, then that's why I made this topic and am giving people the link to that new forum. Nintendo, if they have voice chat, it won't be released any time soon, that's probably why the guy who made the forum made it in the first make a perfect wifi communication place for Brawl.I'm sorry, but if I didn't tell you all my opinion, I wouldn't be able to sleep tonight.
If Nintendo could, or wanted to, use voice chat in a game, why haven't they before? And don't give me that "Brawl is gonna be a big game event in the history of La-dee-da", because that's a load of crap. also, the "Nintendo is newto internet" line doesn't work on me either, because that doesn't stop voice chat from being old tech.
just try to make that not stupid. ok it's easy but still.