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Video Critique Me?


Smash Rookie
May 7, 2008
Im new to brawl but I wanna get better. My friend always uses kirby and I cant seem to get past his grab combos and gimps. He made his own combo video against me in 5 matches! Please show me the ways of the force?

me (falco) vs. aaron (kirby) 1-5


sorry if the first 2 matches are hard to see. The last 3 are pretty clear.


Smash Champion
Jul 30, 2008
Augusta, GA
Im new to brawl but I wanna get better. My friend always uses kirby and I cant seem to get past his grab combos and gimps. He made his own combo video against me in 5 matches! Please show me the ways of the force?

me (falco) vs. aaron (kirby) 1-5


sorry if the first 2 matches are hard to see. The last 3 are pretty clear.
Well, I'm trying to improve my own Falco, so maybe I could help myself by helping you 0.o

- You need to use more Short Hop Lasers and Short Hop Double Lasers. Falco's lasers are leet because they are quick and do decent knockback and ruin your opponent's approach but in exchange it come with punishable lag. Short Hop Lasering will eliminate the lag and is a good mindgame too.

- You should try jabbing more. They are quick and have nice priority and can rack up some damage quick. You can combo into it from a Short Hop Nair or a Full Hop Fair (full hop so you won't catch the landing lag). Less smashing more jabbing and comboing.

- Reflector is good to get some spacing if you can't hit him with an Ftilt or Dtilt. Also good for mindgames.

- Don't try to gimp a Kirby or anybody with good airgame you will only end up gimping yourself. (3:10 in your vid)

- More Bair. I think it has no landing lag but I may be wrong.

- Switch it up a bit throw in some grabs.

- Use a short Phantasm sometimes. If you go too far with your normal Phantasm you may get punished for it (you did a lot in the vid).

- You might have to fight from the ledge sometimes too.

I hope that helped.


Smash Master
Jul 25, 2008
Cleveland, OH

I'm going to offer what little I know.

First, you should try to focus more on shielding and spot dodging and less on rolling. they are much safer. The spotdodges will also help to avoid the dreaded grab combos.

- You need to use more Short Hop Lasers and Short Hop Double Lasers. Falco's lasers are leet because they are quick and do decent knockback and ruin your opponent's approach but in exchange it come with punishable lag. Short Hop Lasering will eliminate the lag and is a good mindgame too.
This is generally true, but I saw that your friend liked to duck under the lasers. My suggestions would be to either wait for him to run/jump at you or to try approaching with something else. For example, instead of using a ground Phantasm, use an Airial Phantasm. This is safer because the lag is cut significantly(I believe so anyways).

- I also recommend not Firebirding onto the stage. It is almost always safer to grab the edge. Similarly, you should only Phantasm onto the stage if you'll go through/hit your opponent. It is much less punishable this way.

- Don't try to gimp a Kirby or anybody with good airgame you will only end up gimping yourself. (3:10 in your vid)
Yes. As tempting as it is, don't follow Kirby offstage, as one of Falco's waeknesses is being below stage. that forces you to use your upB, which makes it fairly easy for Kirby (and others) to gimp you.

- Switch it up a bit throw in some grabs.
Grabs are (generally speaking) essential to Falco's game. Also your friend seemed to shield (rather than spotdodge) a lot, and grabs will get around that.

- In addition to the other things Mithx said, you should work on Falco's Advanced Techs. There were a lot of times where you could have linked your dash attack into an up smash (DAC usmash/Gatling Combo), and throws can be easily followed with a Boost Smash (at the right percents). Also, Boost Grabbing and everse Boost Grabbing will help with approach/throwing game.

Well, I hope this helped, and that you (as well as I) can continue to get better with Falco.
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