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Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Rainbow Cruise
I remember watching your set vs tyrant on the stream and had some criticism, but i forgot what it was, I'll rewatch tomorrow and try to remember


Smash Master
Apr 29, 2010
stop landing onstage. you got hit by like 3 F-smashes. You did really well for not really knowing the match up (although Tyrant doesn't seem to know it either) . You missed some punishes but that will happen less as you become more experienced in the match up. Also, try to avoid fighting MK in the air. You might get a few lucky hits here and there, but you will usually end up taking more damage if you get predicted



Smash Master
Oct 26, 2007
Montebello, California
someone told me that i don't frame trap at all. what's a frame trap?(serious question, i know with mk its like upairs into a nair but, what about with diddy). are frame traps really that important?

i think i play based around making reads and no frame traps? idk


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Rainbow Cruise
frame traps are like, for example, an opponent is trying to land on the ground and you're falling with them and you try to bair them, but they air dodge, but their air dodge last longer than your bair which puts you into a position to just bair them again, but if they didn't air dodge they would have gotten hit anyway. Diddy mostly just has ground frame traps, but nothing like super special, you probably do it and just don't realize it. Using a jab to hit them, but say they spotdodge and yo just punish them after would be a frame trap for example. I wouldn't worry about trying to make frame traps rather just let it come to you, and i doubt you are missing them (i mean it's pretty simple).


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Rainbow Cruise
don't chase MK in the air unless there's a banana somewhere in the mix, if it hits you can combo, if he catches it with an aerial then he can't swing his sword to cover his whole underside so aim for the blind spots, if he catches it with an air dodge punish out of it. this is how you lost your first stock game 1.

use more dtilt, great spacing tool. I'd use more jab in CQC also, the issue didn't arrive too much because Tyrant for some reason chooses to be in the worst possible range of Diddy (mid range mostly, with some long range).

could have continued banana lock across stage at 9:10

you suck at recovering, i'm not really sure how to critique it either, but I'm just going to tell you to go ahead and turn tap jump off as it'll help in the long run. The reason I know you have tap jump on is because any time you use up-b off stage with a jump stored you use the jump. Tyrant didn't really capitalize on the times it happened, but if you were hit out of up-b you would have been ****ed. If I'm wrong and you don't have tap jump on then stop being dumb and using jump + up-b anyway.

you were doing fine until you like started panicking for some reason game 3 2nd stock when you were around 70. He got a bit of momentum and then you started throwing out random attacks you died, then threw out some more random attacks, went in going super aggressive even though you have 6 minutes on the clock. You finally started trying to calm yourself down and get some bananas out, unfortunately this was like the one time the whole set tyrant actually punished your banana pull by taking control of the banana so it may have threw you off? Diddy has ways to punish opponents if he chooses to go for the bananas in the banana pull.


Smash Master
Oct 26, 2007
Montebello, California
thanks i'll try to fix those things. i never really knew how to beat mks dair camping or just kinda suck at punishing it, guess ill work on using bananas to punsih it more. is upBing far from stage always a bad idea? should i usually sideb? i don't have much experience in this MU other than when i play tearbear in tournament -__-


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Rainbow Cruise
up-bing away from stage should only be used if necessary if you can get a side-b in there without getting punished then you should probably be doing it. Usually up-bing away from stage comes down to a mixup of grabbing the edge or landing on stage so if somehow you know which one they'll take then I guess upbing away from stage is fine, but a lot of times you started yours too high where you didn't even have the option to grab the edge and it looked like tyrant knew that and just punished you. Another good use of up-bing away from stage is when they try to come out to edgegaurd you, but you won't be able to get very far horizontal charge, you'd probably have to release it while you're only a bit tilted to the stage so they don't hit you out of it and you'll just have to go into freefall to get back to the stage.


Smash Master
Nov 8, 2010
St.Catharines, Ontario, Canada
up-bing away from stage should only be used if necessary if you can get a side-b in there without getting punished then you should probably be doing it. Usually up-bing away from stage comes down to a mixup of grabbing the edge or landing on stage so if somehow you know which one they'll take then I guess upbing away from stage is fine, but a lot of times you started yours too high where you didn't even have the option to grab the edge and it looked like tyrant knew that and just punished you. Another good use of up-bing away from stage is when they try to come out to edgegaurd you, but you won't be able to get very far horizontal charge, you'd probably have to release it while you're only a bit tilted to the stage so they don't hit you out of it and you'll just have to go into freefall to get back to the stage.

ughhhh lmfao
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