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Sep 17, 2011
A Faraway Place

Hey there! My name is AuraSage Luke. You can call me Luke for short :)

I'm returning to assist Victini with all my might. After watching Pokemon Black: Victini and Reshiram AND Pokemon White: Victini and Zekrom, I'm full of pep to finish this!

Wanna spread the Victini love? Go here, and join the Facebook Group dedicated for Victini For SSB4!

Got a Smogon account? Join the VVV there, too! Spread the word far and wide!

Wanna hear an awesome song while supporting Victini? Check out the VVV Youtube Alliance!

Smashboards Social group supporter much? Join there, if ye wanna talk privatly!

Serebii Victini Support Group coming soon!


5th Generation Poll
(Please inform me if I forgot something):

Weight Class: Lighter than Pikachu
Speed: Faster than Yoshi

-Can Jump three times
-Can Glide
-Cannot Crawl
-Can Double Tap Side Step Dodge (Meaning he can (LR)v twice in a row).
-(NEW!) Direction Smashing:
If you click (A)Smash, you can press any other direction, and combo smash attacks. Expample: You use (A)Smash>, then press up, and Victini'll preform his (A)^ smash, then press down, and he'll preform that smash too. The next two hits lock the opponent, so try and start with (A)v to lock the opponent faster.

Special Trait: Victory Star
OK, so I was told that the original moveset lacked unique ability, so I changed it from being a copy of Lucario’s special trait, to this.
As we know, Victory Star in the PKMN games raises Accuracy of Victini and his friends. So, how do we incorporate this sort of thing to Sm4sh?

Victory Star: When Victini KO’s an opponent, his forehead will glow a tiny bit. After three kills, his forehead will be shiny orange. For every kill, Victini’s fire moves gain power, doing 0.5x more than they did before. The maximum number of kill-charge is 3, meaning 1.5x the charge. Now, when he dies, he loses this boost, and will have to regain. The special part about this is that when Victini uses his FS, the energy is taken, and used for an explosive landing. If there are three kills x V-Create, Victini will land, blowing up 2.5 character spaces around him, auto KO everyone nearby with 100% DMG.

Dodges (Eyesight is ->):
(LR)> He flies a C turn around the opponent, while he turns to them.
(LR)<: He does a mini backflip, going backwards.
(LR)v: He spins, dodging the attacks. Like Sonic.
(LR) Aerial: He backs his body to the background.
Throws (Eyesight is ->):
He can grab 1 1/2 character spaces ahead of him. He flies to them, and grabs them.
Pummel: He headbutts repeatedly. Hits semi fast, like Fox.
(Z)>: He picks them up, then slams them on the ground, and then dash-headbutts them.
(Z)^: He throws them upwards with both hands, then gets above them quickly and cups both hands into a fist, and hammers them down, slamming off the ground, and knock backing to eyesight.
(Z)<: His body turns fiery, and he spin-seismic tosses the opponent behind him.
(Z)v: He slams them into the ground, then shuttle loops with a flaming forehead, sending a countering spell as well.

(A) Combo:
He'll slash-slap right, then left, then throw a headbutt.

(A) Normal:

(A)>: He claps his hands in front of him, sending a wave of fire. This move hits twice on impact.

(A)^: He waves his hands like an arch above him, sending a wave of fire. This move sends opponents straight up.

(A)v: He spits fire at the ground. This move may cause tripping succession. Also, this move is as fast as Ness's (A)v.
(A) Smash:

(A)>: He headbutts straight forward, doing fire damage.

(A)^: He tightens his fists, and crouches. Then he jumps upwards and then slams the floor with his hands, bringing a fire stream above his head.

(A)v: He crosses his hands, eyes closed, and then does a spin, shooting fire sparks behind and in front of him.
(A) Dash/Aerial:

Dash(A): He leaps, tackling the opponent. Sends the opponent forward of eyesight.

(A): He spins his body, sending flare sparks all around him.

(A)>: He spins his entire body forward, like Sonic.

(A)<: He turns quickly, and slap-scratches behind him, then turns back.

(A)^: He puts both hands above him, and shoots a fire bomb above him, sending him falling faster.

(A)v: He headbutts downwards like a meteor, doing fire damage with his flaming forehead.
(B) Moveset:
B): Searing Shot: He brings both hands up, and charges a huge fire ball above himself. It takes 1 second longer to charge then Lucario's Aura Sphere. When released, and fire ball with fiery rings surrounding it will be shot straight forward. It's one click slower than Lucario's Aura Sphere, and goes 3 character spaces forward. When it hits someone, it explodes 1 1/2 character spaces around it, and does higher damage than a Bob-omb, but less knockback than a Bob-Omb. If it goes 3 character spaces, and hits no one, it'll do the effect stated above, except it'll do half of what it usually does.

(B)>: Zen Headbutt: Victini dashes forward in quick succession. If opponent is near, he'll grab them, then headbutt them forward. If you use this in the air, it'll be like Jigglypuff's (B)>. If he grabs someone in the air, he'll put them under him, and he'll fly straight down, with his head to the victim. A mix of Lucario, Jigglypuff, and Ganondorf's (B)>.

(B)v: Work Up
He holds the ground with both hands, and then starts to glow orange and blue. Anyone who attacks him does damage, but no knockback. They might wanna step off, because when attacked, he'll grab the opponent, and do double the damage they did to him. So, if Ike does around 30% DMG, Victini does 60% DMG. The opponent will also be shot upwards, but always 2 character spaces upwards. Sheilds will shatter if they do try to sheild. Takes 2 seconds for Victini to recover from it.

(B)^: Flame Charge:
He shoots himself upwards, then press the analog stick in any direction, and he'll be shot that direction as well. Much like Pikachu's, but does Fire damage, and has a sweet spot on the 2nd dash, which is at the tip end of his dash (Like Wolf's (B)>).

FS: V-Create:
He'll dash straight forward, as fast as Marth's (FS) dash. If anyone's hit, they get shot upwards. Then, a citimatic shows all of them in space, then in the distance, Victini comes, and hits them with V-Create, doing exactly 180% DMG. He'll always land in the middle on the stage, and his landing is super godly: He'll hit everyone, then slam onto the ground, and then explode. How the explosion works involves his new Victory Star Trait.
^: He brings both hands upwards, with V signs, and growls with a cute expression
>: He spins his entire body three times, rising a little bit with a flaming forehead, and then brings a V sign right hand out, bursting the fire into beautiful flame sparks.
v: He brings out a little piece of food, eats it, then shouts out, "Tini! Tini!" Similar to Young Link.

He flies straight down from above, and headbutts the gournd, doing a backflip, then landing it, and then gets into battle stance.

Winner's Circle:
1. He does that little tap-dance his sprite does in Black and White, then brings out a V sign, crying out, "Ti Ti! Victini!"
2. He comes from pure air, after being invisable, then blows his tounge at the screen, then smiles, with challenging eyes.
3. He flies in, lands, than with clenched fists, looks above him like a hero would. Like Yoshi, but he's looking forward.

Sitting, he claps his hands, with sad eyes looking down.

Victini's Codac:
Snake: Otacon! There's some orange creature flying around with a V on his head.
Otacon: That's Victini. Or otherwise known as the Victory Pokemon.
Snake: What do you mean?
Otacon: It's said that a trainer who catches Victini will never lose any battles. He's... like a good luck charm.
Snake: He reminds me of Meta Knight.
Otacon: Wh... Why?
Snake: Meta Knight's ship has his Mask on it. Victini has his initials on his forehead.
Otacon: Well, it also could mean Victory. Or the Roman numeral, five.
Snake: Well, either way, let's see if the guy can uphold his title.


[COLLAPSE="Color Swaps"]

[COLLAPSE="Speed/Weight Chart"]
From Slowest to Fastest:
Jigglypuff: 5.50
Ganondorf: 5.20
King DeDeDe: 4.93
Zelda: 4.93
Wario: 4.50
Peach: 4.50
Snake: 4.50
Luigi: 4.50
Link: 4.50
Ike: 4.43
Squirtle: 4:43
Kirby: 4.43
Olimin & Pikmin: 4.33
Ness: 4.33
Wolf: 4.33
Ice Climbers: 4.33
Lucario: 4.23
Falco: 4.23
Samus: 4.16
Lucas: 4.00
R.O.B: 4.00
Bowser: 4.00
Mario: 4.00
Ivysaur: 4.00
Mr. G&W: 3.93
Pit: 3.84
Toon Link: 3.73
Donkey Kong: 3.73
Yoshi: 3.63
Victini: 3.59
Diddy Kong: 3.56
Marth: 3.56
Charizard: 3.43
Meta-Knight: 3.30
ZSS: 3.17
Shiek: 3.17
Fox: 2.90
C. Falcon: 2.77
Sonic: 1.90

Weight (Heavy to Light):
Very Heavy (18%)
Bowser (Koopa)
Dedede, King
Donkey Kong

Heavy (17%)

Medium-Heavy (16%)
Captain Falcon

Medium (15%)

Medium-Light (14%)
Diddy Kong
Ice Climber
Toon Link

Light-Weight (13%)

Very Light-Weight (12%)
Meta Knight
Zero Suit Samus

Feather-Weight (11% or less)
(11%) Mr. Game & Watch
( 9% ) Jigglypuff (Purin)

[COLLAPSE="Trophy Information"]
Victini, the Victory Pokemon. It has the power of winning any battle it faces with it's trainer. It's said that Victini shares power with others in order to give them energy. Though small, this Pokemon is extremely powerful, with it's signature move, V-Create. It's the most powerful Fire-Type move, with a blasting power of 180! However, Speed, Defense, and Special Defense will lower after the move is used. His other signature move, Searing Shot, is also powerful, with a power of 100 and cooks everyone on the field. It's also the Pokemon that can be known as the only Fire/Psychic Pokemon. It is also said to have lived for a very long time.

[COLLAPSE="Victini Essay (ROUGH DRAFT)"]
Victorious Keys: Victini’s for SSB4

Okay, so let’s face it- Playable Pokemon characters is and has been the most argued over section of Super Smash Brothers. The reason for this is quite simple. There are more than 600+ Pokemon, each having their own unique capabilities, but we can narrow down who might actually get into a Smash game due to their overall appearances. For example, where we’d start figuring who might get in started with Mewtwo. Let’s see here… He had a popular movie and overall huge popularity in the Smash community and outside, which is the Pokemon community. Also, to make sure we don’t point at Magikarp and Feebas for being liable playable characters, he has a Smash-reliable moveset, including (A) moves and jumps.
To also add to the assumption that movie, popularity, and relevancy are the keys of discovering a new Pokemon character, we have Lucario. Lucario had a movie, became more popular than Blaziken and Deoxys, which would have been valid options at the crunch time for Brawl’s release, and was more close to Brawl’s release then the two options. Pichu was in SSBM because of his popularity, while being second banana to the mascot of Pokemon, Pikachu. Jigglypuff is part of the original 12, allowing her a VIP pass in SSB, so to speak, and Red (Pokemon Trainer) was in because of his Pokémon’s popularity, along with his. So, in short, Pokemon characters are chosen by their significance of the present date. Some would argue that Red is the breaker of that logic, but his appearance in Fire Red and Leaf Green denies the perishing.
Okay, now that I said that, let me explain why we can push Zoroark aside, and put Victini into SSB4. Zoroark did have a movie and is very popular in Japan, please note that. Victini has superiority in all slots, except Popularity, which he’s catching up on. He had two movies, being Victini and Reshiram and Victini and Zekrom. This, alone, beats Mewtwo and Lucario, along with Zoroark. Though he isn’t as popular as Zoroark, Victini is still quite popular, and one of the people who like him directs the Pokemon series itself: Junichi Masuda. Junichi Masuda is one of the founding members of Game Freak and serves as the Director of the Board. He is best known as a game director and composer for the Pokémon games. According to an IGN interview, Victini is Junichi Masuda's favorite Generation V Pokémon. Also, as a fun fact, he also likes Pichu, as he did in pre-Melee. Also, his arrival on the scene is much bigger than Zoroark’s.
The point I’m trying to break to you is this. Pokemon characters are argued over by far more than any other series for SSB. With what we’ve seen, there are three basic elements, or keys, that let a Pokemon be playable: Popularity, movie appearance, and relevancy.


[COLLAPSE="Fun Facts"]
Victini was first shown in a preview for the 14th Pokémon movie at the end of Zoroark: Master of Illusions.

Victini's Unova Pokédex number is 000, making it the first Pokémon to legitimately have the number 000 in any Pokédex listing.

Victini is the only Pokémon to be listed before the starter Pokémon of its native region. Consequently, Victini is the only legendary Pokémon of a later generation to appear next to legendary Pokémon of an earlier generation in the National Pokédex.

It is also the first Pokémon that comes first in any region's Pokédex that is not Grass-type.

Although Victini has a Shiny sprite, Pokémon Black and White are programmed so that a Shiny Victini cannot be encountered.

Victini is the only legendary Psychic-type Pokémon that cannot learn Calm Mind.

According to an IGN interview, Victini is Junichi Masuda's favorite Generation V Pokémon.

Although its tails allow it to fly, this species can neither learn the move nor have the ability Levitate. Furthermore, Victini cannot learn any Flying-type moves.

Victini learns a new move every eight levels.

He can turn Invisible at will

Victini is similar to the Greek goddess Nike, who personified victory, and is also known as the Winged Goddess of Victory.

He is the only Pokemon who is a Fire/Psychic type, not counting Zen Mode Darmanitan.

[COLLAPSE="Music and Stage"]
Pokemon B&W VS Legendary
Pokemon B&W VS Gym Leader
Pokemon B&W VS Reshiram, Zekrom, and Kyurem

Liberty Island[/COLLAPSE]

Blog created by Asage94.
Sprite Animations made by Asage94, sprites made by Joshr of Spriters Resource.
Banner Header created by Mew_ of Serebii.[/COLLAPSE]


stuck on a whole different plaaaanet
Jun 12, 2008
Victini is similar to the Greek goddess Nike, who personified victory, and is also known as the Winged Goddess of Victory.
holy ****, is this why the brand Nike is, well, Nike?

also cool stuff. I can actually see Victini being in the next Smash.


Sep 17, 2011
A Faraway Place
holy ****, is this why the brand Nike is, well, Nike?

also cool stuff. I can actually see Victini being in the next Smash.
Possbly one of the greatest things about Victini is definatly his title: Victory. It just shows that he is made for fighting, not saying other pokemon were, but just look at pokemon like ditto. Nowadays, he's made for breeding. With a title of Victory, I don't see why it wouldn't make it to the final gold (SSB4 announcment/release).

Also, to everyone: Happy Halloween! Today, as a treat, but with no trick, I got 15 Color Swap ideas, including Halloween Victini as an added bonus to turn it for everyone to see!


Smash Lord
May 24, 2011
I doubt any legendary Pokemon will be allowed. Sakurai probably fears another broken, overpowered defect like MK.


Sep 17, 2011
A Faraway Place
I doubt any legendary Pokemon will be allowed. Sakurai probably fears another broken, overpowered defect like MK.
I don't believe this is valid. Mewtwo is a legendary, and he was low tier. Sakurai doesn't focus on Competitve traits of the game. In fact, if you see the moveset, Victini is a lightweight. That alone can impact a tier rating by a dozen. Let's also realize that Victini will not EXACTLY have this moveset, if he gets in. But this moveset would be interesting to play by. Meta Knight will be broken down for Sm4sh, maybe, to sooth Competitve play.
Once a mistake is made, it is corrected. This is true to everything, including character design. But you gave me an idea. I'll mark down the weakpoints of Victini. That'll improve this blog. I guess I'm thanking you for this comment :laugh:


Smash Lord
May 24, 2011
But M2 was crap. Ash didn't even have trouble with him.

And yes, he does need limits. You don't want another MK.


Sep 17, 2011
A Faraway Place
But M2 was crap. Ash didn't even have trouble with him.

And yes, he does need limits. You don't want another MK.
Thought we were talking about the SSBM game, not the movie XD And Ash did too. Like h3ll he could beat him. Even Mew had trouble.

And of course Victini would have limits. We ALL remember god tier MK. He was JUST haunting our mouses, and still is.


Sep 17, 2011
A Faraway Place
this blog is sooooooo!! dead -_-
Umm... No it isn't?This blog is for reading or commenting and gets updated alot. Don't start, btw. I alrdy know what UR doing right now, and it's gunna stop b4 it starts. I said it to you b4 and I'll say it again. Don't waste my time with your random posts. In fact u shouldn't post like that.

Deleted member

I've been thinking about holding some form of poll for the 5th gen rep here. I am already getting some results from GameFAQs, Nsider2, and All is Brawl. Here are the current results:
Zoroark - 7
Victini - 19
Genesect - 8
Meloetta - 4
Keldeo - 1

Zoroark - 14
Victini - 5
Genesect - 5
Meloetta - 0
Keldeo - 0

All is Brawl:
Zoroark - 3
Victini - 2
Genesect - 0
Meloetta - 3
Keldeo - 0

Tally overall:

Zoroark: 24
Victini: 23
Genesect: 12
Meloetta: 7
Keldeo: 1

Note that I voted in all three polls, so I'm only counting mine once and Starphoenix's Genesect vote is counted just once since he voted on the GameFAQs and Nsider2 poll.

Zoroark currently holds a slight lead overall and Nsider2 is partial towards Zoroark. GameFAQs, on the other hand, seems to be starting to prefer Victini as the 5th gen rep, as shown by the obvious lead he has. On All is Brawl (which isn't much BTW), Zoroark, Meloetta, and Victini all have some form of support. Genesect has a few supporters on Nsider2 (as does Victini) and some on GameFAQs, but none on All is Brawl (surpirsingly). Meloetta has a few supporters on GameFAQs and All is Brawl, but has no support on Nsider2. Keldeo has one lone supporter right now (and Arcadenik if you count people on Smash World Forums).


Sep 17, 2011
A Faraway Place
I've been thinking about holding some form of poll for the 5th gen rep here. I am already getting some results from GameFAQs, Nsider2, and All is Brawl. Here are the current results:
Zoroark - 7
Victini - 19
Genesect - 8
Meloetta - 4
Keldeo - 1

Zoroark - 14
Victini - 5
Genesect - 5
Meloetta - 0
Keldeo - 0

All is Brawl:
Zoroark - 3
Victini - 2
Genesect - 0
Meloetta - 3
Keldeo - 0

Tally overall:

Zoroark: 24
Victini: 23
Genesect: 12
Meloetta: 7
Keldeo: 1

Note that I voted in all three polls, so I'm only counting mine once and Starphoenix's Genesect vote is counted just once since he voted on the GameFAQs and Nsider2 poll.

Zoroark currently holds a slight lead overall and Nsider2 is partial towards Zoroark. GameFAQs, on the other hand, seems to be starting to prefer Victini as the 5th gen rep, as shown by the obvious lead he has. On All is Brawl (which isn't much BTW), Zoroark, Meloetta, and Victini all have some form of support. Genesect has a few supporters on Nsider2 (as does Victini) and some on GameFAQs, but none on All is Brawl (surpirsingly). Meloetta has a few supporters on GameFAQs and All is Brawl, but has no support on Nsider2. Keldeo has one lone supporter right now (and Arcadenik if you count people on Smash World Forums).
What I see that's interesting is that GameFAQs is a stronghold of Victini lovers. On serebii, b4 it got locked due to some dumb reason, Victini had some upper votes on Zoroark. I'm going to open another one in Smogon, which is extremely useful. Also, I figured that Keldeo and Meloetta were to be the weak links. Genesect is interesting, though. I guess due to the movie not out, no one wants to make the mistake of voting for an idiot pkmn (if he is). But yeah, you may hold a poll here. Assistance towards Victini's appearence in Sm4sh is crucial.

Also, to everyone...
Look at this Blog! Make your comments! I need your help in order to complete this!


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
Where is your Victini > Zoroark points?


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
I doubt any legendary Pokemon will be allowed. Sakurai probably fears another broken, overpowered defect like MK.
See Smash Bros. is crazy. Bowser is at least 20 feet tall in most of the 3D Mario games, Kirby is 10 inches tall, Jigglypuff and Pikachu are both under 3 feet tall, Ganondorf is suppose to be about 7 or 8 feet tall (lol he's a basketball player), and Snake's butt cheeks pop out about 4 feet! :laugh:

Also, I gotta say I think if Generation 5 gets a representative (as in Generation 6 doesn't take away it's potential representative like Generation 4 did to Generation 3 in Brawl), Victini seems the most logical and likely. It's cute, yet legendary in strength. It's small, yet packs a punch. It could have a very versatile move set. It also seems destined to become popular like Lucario became popular, and maybe even become the "icon" of Generation 5 the same way Lucario to Generation 4.

I would not be displeased in the slightest to see Victini in Smash Bros.

Also, Victini vs. Zoroark/Genesect points would be a good addition. ;)

Deleted member

asage94, check your PM.

Anyway, this is the support group on GameFAQs for Victini in here.


Sep 17, 2011
A Faraway Place
Victory Star is his "Trait" ability. It's exactly like Lucario's, where he takes more and more dmg, he'll do more dmg.
Also, the Essay is being worked on
And as for trollers... GTFO of here!


Smash Lord
Jul 1, 2011
New Jersey
Switch FC
SW 5860 1420 7528
Victory Star is his "Trait" ability. It's exactly like Lucario's, where he takes more and more dmg, he'll do more dmg.
Also, the Essay is being worked on
And as for trollers... GTFO of here!
I don't really like that idea, because your saying it would be just like Lucario's. The whole high risk high return is Lucario's thing if Victini is going to have a trait let it be unique.


Deleted member

I don't really like that idea, because your saying it would be just like Lucario's. The whole high risk high return is Lucario's thing if Victini is going to have a trait let it be unique.

This. The trait really doesn't distinguish itself well enough and I don't think a Pokemon needs a "trait" in the first placed, especially not one that is shoe-horned.


Sep 17, 2011
A Faraway Place
I agree, but Victini can store power, then share it with his friends. He also can learn Stored Power. That's where I got the idea from.
Aug 6, 2008
What sort of trait of Victory Star are we talking about? In the mothership games of pokemon it increases the accuracy of its and allies attack by 1.1 multiplier. How is that related at all to increasing power (unless there is something in some anime/manga about victini that says otherwise).


Sep 17, 2011
A Faraway Place
Think of Double Team on Lucario. It doesn't do dmg in game. I have been looking into making the trait to have some moves hit faster or longer, but I'm not sure yet.


Smash Lord
Jul 1, 2011
New Jersey
Switch FC
SW 5860 1420 7528
Think of Double Team on Lucario. It doesn't do dmg in game. I have been looking into making the trait to have some moves hit faster or longer, but I'm not sure yet.
Hmm I guess that could work.. It's kind of hard to think Victory Star would work in a game like Smash Bros.



Sep 17, 2011
A Faraway Place
Well, I've been thinking lately, and I decided to revive this blog. I'll be adding some new information today or tomarrow.


I have no friends, Im dead inside
Aug 8, 2011
Umm... No it isn't?This blog is for reading or commenting and gets updated alot. Don't start, btw. I alrdy know what UR doing right now, and it's gunna stop b4 it starts. I said it to you b4 and I'll say it again. Don't waste my time with your random posts. In fact u shouldn't post like that.
chill the **** out its just a blog.
besides am just joking around.


Banned via Warnings
Dec 6, 2011
New York City
This is a great move set. I say you should incorporate V-Create as as front aerial move and when sweetspotted, gives a flame effect and KOs at a semi spike angle at 65%. Also what are the frames for Victini's moves. also I thought when you said battle animations, you were going to do the frame data for his moves.


Sep 17, 2011
A Faraway Place
This is a great move set. I say you should incorporate V-Create as as front aerial move and when sweetspotted, gives a flame effect and KOs at a semi spike angle at 65%. Also what are the frames for Victini's moves. also I thought when you said battle animations, you were going to do the frame data for his moves.
I'll answer in order for ya :D

1: V-Create is his FS because it's so powerful. It only makes sense to incorperate this move as a FS instead of a (B) move.

2: Frames are still under construction. Read the bottom of the original post.

3: I have Battle stance done so far, but I'm working on his shields. You see, I own an Art Shop on Serebii, so working on both of these is kinda difficult. I also have a projecto on the way, involving a japanese meme and Victini :)

Holder of the Heel

Fiat justitia, pereat mundus
Dec 3, 2011
Switch FC
To get some serious discussion going, I'd like to challenge all Victini Believers against their beliefs (a friendly challenge of course, not entirely invested in any particular pokemon that much). I personally find Victini not to be an excellent shoe-in, in fact it isn't very SSB-like. It is a pokemon with a baby-type personality, one that if you move too fast it'll cry, and the type that never takes a step, it is always flying about. These things are completely different from any size argument since these things, if altered, essentially become forced and out-of-character. I'd say Zoroark fans get you 1-0 at that from basically oozing a fighting shape, potentiality, appearance, and personality.

Also, in regard to Victini's interesting Ability, it is unfortunately hard to implement into a fighting game such as this as someone has wisely noted. This basically drops one of the most fundamentally interesting aspects a potential SSB4 character could have with their depth, which caused you to make it a carbon copy of Lucario's, which as everyone stated already, is just a plain awful idea. Lacks originality, and here comes that horrible word again: forced. But here look, Zoroark has the Illusion ability, which could easily be used, be it through a final smash, or a Special Move to transform into an opposing player, or even that Zoroark comes onto the stage as one of the other players to confuse any challenger (whether player #'s would still remain or not in this instance may more or less be the case, but you get the point that I am trying to make). Zoroark can be marked up as 2-0.

Zoroark also could bear a more interesting move-set, or at least so it seems in terms of what you posted at the start, which to me isn't very adequate at all. It is quite bland and the moves do not stand out even the slightest. At the top of my head Zoroark could be easier and better, using Hone Claws as a Down B to strengthen attacks, Standard B to use flamethrower, Down B with Night Daze, with a Sucker Punch Up B that can deal high priority counter damage if struck. That is completely beside using Illusion as a special move, or using moves like Thief, Fury Swipes, U-Turn, all things that could even still be used or swapped in. To me that is the third strike.

More could probably be said, but I am tired at the present moment. Again, this is just to get a topic going, no hate flinging or anything from me. Wouldn't be too :c about seeing him, just analyzing it is all.


Sep 17, 2011
A Faraway Place
To get some serious discussion going, I'd like to challenge all Victini Believers against their beliefs (a friendly challenge of course, not entirely invested in any particular pokemon that much). I personally find Victini not to be an excellent shoe-in, in fact it isn't very SSB-like. It is a pokemon with a baby-type personality, one that if you move too fast it'll cry, and the type that never takes a step, it is always flying about. These things are completely different from any size argument since these things, if altered, essentially become forced and out-of-character. I'd say Zoroark fans get you 1-0 at that from basically oozing a fighting shape, potentiality, appearance, and personality.

Also, in regard to Victini's interesting Ability, it is unfortunately hard to implement into a fighting game such as this as someone has wisely noted. This basically drops one of the most fundamentally interesting aspects a potential SSB4 character could have with their depth, which caused you to make it a carbon copy of Lucario's, which as everyone stated already, is just a plain awful idea. Lacks originality, and here comes that horrible word again: forced. But here look, Zoroark has the Illusion ability, which could easily be used, be it through a final smash, or a Special Move to transform into an opposing player, or even that Zoroark comes onto the stage as one of the other players to confuse any challenger (whether player #'s would still remain or not in this instance may more or less be the case, but you get the point that I am trying to make). Zoroark can be marked up as 2-0.

Zoroark also could bear a more interesting move-set, or at least so it seems in terms of what you posted at the start, which to me isn't very adequate at all. It is quite bland and the moves do not stand out even the slightest. At the top of my head Zoroark could be easier and better, using Hone Claws as a Down B to strengthen attacks, Standard B to use flamethrower, Down B with Night Daze, with a Sucker Punch Up B that can deal high priority counter damage if struck. That is completely beside using Illusion as a special move, or using moves like Thief, Fury Swipes, U-Turn, all things that could even still be used or swapped in. To me that is the third strike.

More could probably be said, but I am tired at the present moment. Again, this is just to get a topic going, no hate flinging or anything from me. Wouldn't be too :c about seeing him, just analyzing it is all.
Challenge accepted. Gotta say, you bring up good points, but there are a few here that are a little counter-addictive.

The reason why Victini is likely is because of a few titles upon itself. One of them is definatly the fact, yes fact, is that he's the mascot of the 5th generation. His presense is the most powerful source for the 5th generation. Another reason is the V. This is actually in a relationship with him being the mascot of the 5th generation, because in Roman numerals, V means 5. But at the same time, it also stands for Victory. His hands also show the peace sign, showing, once again, a V sign. V is very important to Victini, but Victory would not be the stimulet. Back on track, I saw you use the baby suggestion. This is inaccurate because of Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Toon Link, Kirby, and Squirtle (Kirby and Toon Link are shown because if one series can do something, then the other can too).

Now, let's look at something here... Victini would not be fully represented by the anime (No Pokemon has done this.), there would be differences. For example, Pikachu has no way of learning Skull Bash anymore, and Jigglypuff and Lucario's (B)v works differently in game then on the Pokemon series. As for feelings and responses, they can varie. Squirtle brings up a whinish act when he's switched out. Squirtle in the anime didn't really like fighting, either, but would if he had to, and wouldn't whine about it. Now, in game, Victini accepted your challenge with glee. Victini didn't really fight in the movie. Pokemon have differed in many ways. Smash has it's own file because of this.

I'm going to rid the obvious complaints of Victini now. In game, and other games, he walked. So it proves he can walk. Even if he didn't, Mewtwo levitated in Melee, so it wouldn't make a difference, anyways. His size is no excuse because he's as big as Pikachu.

I noticed you called my moveset not really unique. The funny thing is that 3, are moves that only he can learn, besides Reshiram and Zekrom. That's the form of unique into itself. Victini's (B)^ is also rathe unique due to it's drop ability. Fusion Flare shows a powerful reflection, but with Physical moves. This has NEVER happened in Brawl, Melee, or the original. His (B) Move is also rather unique because he can hit both sides of himself. Zen Headbutt was just a ditto card I had to play due to Mewtwo and Lucario.

Pokemon have entered because of fandom, and sadly for Zoroark, his is lowering by the day because of Victini's duel combo movie success, his awesome combo play in game, and his downright victorious appearence. Victini is also favored by the director of the board of Pokemon, as well (Huge red flag!). His body appearence is small, but players want change, not another ditto. Lucario is very much more popular then Zoroark, we all know this. Players don't like the idea of replacing him with Lucario as a "ditto forme", which Mewtwo/Lucario has proven with body size and (B) move.

The ability is no problem. Once again, look back at the modified Lucario and Jiggz's (B)v.

I saw your Zoroark set, and tbh I sorta chuckled that you called me on my set. Flamethrower can't be the standard (B) because it will always be the signature move (Mewtwo=Shadow Ball, Lucario=Aura Sphere, Zoroark=Night Daze). Hone Claws wouldn't be a stimulate like you've made because of the 101 of Smash Moves: Never put a power up in a suit. Ness and Lucas heal HP. DK's FS Powers him up, and that alone is fine, but only to those specifications.

I'm very well aware that the trait is copied by Lucario, and needs to be worked on. It's in the shop being worked on. I've decided to add someting far different from what most people would expect a character for. THe moveset is also changing due to it. I want Victini to perform technical plays. A huge step in character moveset development.

Hmm... I think that's all I'm going to say for now. I have to work on a few other things. But please remember: Popularity, title, and movie appearences are crucial towards a Pokemon's success. Victini has double of what Zoroark has, minus Popularity, for now. But I know someone who'd like to defend Victini as well, so I summon Super Smash Bros. Fan :)

Holder of the Heel

Fiat justitia, pereat mundus
Dec 3, 2011
Switch FC
Challenge accepted. Gotta say, you bring up good points, but there are a few here that are a little counter-addictive.

The reason why Victini is likely is because of a few titles upon itself. One of them is definatly the fact, yes fact, is that he's the mascot of the 5th generation. His presense is the most powerful source for the 5th generation. Another reason is the V. This is actually in a relationship with him being the mascot of the 5th generation, because in Roman numerals, V means 5. But at the same time, it also stands for Victory. His hands also show the peace sign, showing, once again, a V sign. V is very important to Victini, but Victory would not be the stimulet. Back on track, I saw you use the baby suggestion. This is inaccurate because of Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Toon Link, Kirby, and Squirtle (Kirby and Toon Link are shown because if one series can do something, then the other can too).

Now, let's look at something here... Victini would not be fully represented by the anime (No Pokemon has done this.), there would be differences. For example, Pikachu has no way of learning Skull Bash anymore, and Jigglypuff and Lucario's (B)v works differently in game then on the Pokemon series. As for feelings and responses, they can varie. Squirtle brings up a whinish act when he's switched out. Squirtle in the anime didn't really like fighting, either, but would if he had to, and wouldn't whine about it. Now, in game, Victini accepted your challenge with glee. Victini didn't really fight in the movie. Pokemon have differed in many ways. Smash has it's own file because of this.

I'm going to rid the obvious complaints of Victini now. In game, and other games, he walked. So it proves he can walk. Even if he didn't, Mewtwo levitated in Melee, so it wouldn't make a difference, anyways. His size is no excuse because he's as big as Pikachu.

I noticed you called my moveset not really unique. The funny thing is that 3, are moves that only he can learn, besides Reshiram and Zekrom. That's the form of unique into itself. Victini's (B)^ is also rathe unique due to it's drop ability. Fusion Flare shows a powerful reflection, but with Physical moves. This has NEVER happened in Brawl, Melee, or the original. His (B) Move is also rather unique because he can hit both sides of himself. Zen Headbutt was just a ditto card I had to play due to Mewtwo and Lucario.

Pokemon have entered because of fandom, and sadly for Zoroark, his is lowering by the day because of Victini's duel combo movie success, his awesome combo play in game, and his downright victorious appearence. Victini is also favored by the director of the board of Pokemon, as well (Huge red flag!). His body appearence is small, but players want change, not another ditto. Lucario is very much more popular then Zoroark, we all know this. Players don't like the idea of replacing him with Lucario as a "ditto forme", which Mewtwo/Lucario has proven with body size and (B) move.

The ability is no problem. Once again, look back at the modified Lucario and Jiggz's (B)v.

I saw your Zoroark set, and tbh I sorta chuckled that you called me on my set. Flamethrower can't be the standard (B) because it will always be the signature move (Mewtwo=Shadow Ball, Lucario=Aura Sphere, Zoroark=Night Daze). Hone Claws wouldn't be a stimulate like you've made because of the 101 of Smash Moves: Never put a power up in a suit. Ness and Lucas heal HP. DK's FS Powers him up, and that alone is fine, but only to those specifications.

I'm very well aware that the trait is copied by Lucario, and needs to be worked on. It's in the shop being worked on. I've decided to add someting far different from what most people would expect a character for. THe moveset is also changing due to it. I want Victini to perform technical plays. A huge step in character moveset development.

Hmm... I think that's all I'm going to say for now. I have to work on a few other things. But please remember: Popularity, title, and movie appearences are crucial towards a Pokemon's success. Victini has double of what Zoroark has, minus Popularity, for now. But I know someone who'd like to defend Victini as well, so I summon Super Smash Bros. Fan :)
Alright thanks for responding. Here is my rebuttal.

First off, it is hard to say that he is truly the mascot of the generation, considering that just because he has the roman numeral of five on him, be it coincidental or not I'm not concerned, that doesn't really say much at all. When people think of Pokemon Generation 5, they would hardly think Victini, in fact, Reshiram and Zekrom would come to mind, since they are the face of the generation. And what could the "face of the generation" be translated as? Mascots. And also, Pikachu is larger, and much more aggressive, ever since the first episode that was made incredibly clear. Pikachu enjoys fighting! Victini only attacked when frightened from emotional or physical pain. Jigglypuff was just fragile, not frightened, in fact she was raring to punish anyone that dissed her singing (albeit in a comical way).

Also, as for anime inferences, Jigglypuff is in because of her anime popularity, and Pikachu as well. Pikachu is nowhere near the mascot of the original games, not even close. It was the anime appearance that caused that. Mewtwo's movie appearances also boosted his popularity, so I find your later recalling of Victini's anime adaptions to be contradictory. Also, I did not mention moveset in terms of anime, and the Skull Bash thing is in the original video games.

In terms of originality of moves, I am not referring to their names in the game, that is quite besides the point, having moves based off of unused moves does not make a move original since that has nothing to do precisely with what is done. A move could be named and based off of Thunderbolt but if done differently is then a original move, that is what clearly comes to my mind. As for what I meant by originality, I am saying he has very one-layered shallow moves, though this may appear that way to me since I am participating in Make Your Move and see and make large movesets (I'm only on my second at this present time though). It also gives twists to things we have already seen and even copies itself, and incorrectly. Fusion Flare is not a shield, it is a fireball. Perhaps I am over-critical, but if you'd like, we can have some fun with this sometime and make opposing Zoroark vs. Victini move-sets on MYM after I'm done with this one I am on now, and see which is better received (for fun though, again). Or we can just post it here and see if the people here can decide, though Victini fans may just opt for the one they want, I wouldn't mind.

As for your chuckling, I find myself confused. Is your name Sakurai? No, I do not see why it it has to be a signature move, in fact Jigglypuff's SINGING is not her B move. They did not have that in their mind at all, so we can discard that strange notion. As for the power-up, that is an assumption, that can be applied as a temporary boost of damage, temporary boost of range, give slightly different moves, specifics can be assigned that you deem with your judgment. In fact, I never said anything about it being a stack-able move, so it isn't much of a move that would cause you to camp until your character is brokenly powerful. At any rate, that was top of the head, and I still find it worthy.

I'll be looking forward to your changes as well, that is very crucial, at least to me.


Sep 17, 2011
A Faraway Place
Alright thanks for responding. Here is my rebuttal.

First off, it is hard to say that he is truly the mascot of the generation, considering that just because he has the roman numeral of five on him, be it coincidental or not I'm not concerned, that doesn't really say much at all. When people think of Pokemon Generation 5, they would hardly think Victini, in fact, Reshiram and Zekrom would come to mind, since they are the face of the generation. And what could the "face of the generation" be translated as? Mascots. And also, Pikachu is larger, and much more aggressive, ever since the first episode that was made incredibly clear. Pikachu enjoys fighting! Victini only attacked when frightened from emotional or physical pain. Jigglypuff was just fragile, not frightened, in fact she was raring to punish anyone that dissed her singing (albeit in a comical way).

Also, as for anime inferences, Jigglypuff is in because of her anime popularity, and Pikachu as well. Pikachu is nowhere near the mascot of the original games, not even close. It was the anime appearance that caused that. Mewtwo's movie appearances also boosted his popularity, so I find your later recalling of Victini's anime adaptions to be contradictory. Also, I did not mention moveset in terms of anime, and the Skull Bash thing is in the original video games.

Jigglypuff and Pikachu do not count in the equation. I'm only speaking of Mewtwo/Lucario. It's just a historic followment. Which is why Zoroark and Victini is a very heated arguement (Not ours, in general). I'm not Sakurai, but I do know how he thinks on that topic. He's shown us as is.

In terms of originality of moves, I am not referring to their names in the game, that is quite besides the point, having moves based off of unused moves does not make a move original since that has nothing to do precisely with what is done. A move could be named and based off of Thunderbolt but if done differently is then a original move, that is what clearly comes to my mind. As for what I meant by originality, I am saying he has very one-layered shallow moves, though this may appear that way to me since I am participating in Make Your Move and see and make large movesets (I'm only on my second at this present time though). It also gives twists to things we have already seen and even copies itself, and incorrectly. Fusion Flare is not a shield, it is a fireball. Perhaps I am over-critical, but if you'd like, we can have some fun with this sometime and make opposing Zoroark vs. Victini move-sets on MYM after I'm done with this one I am on now, and see which is better received (for fun though, again). Or we can just post it here and see if the people here can decide, though Victini fans may just opt for the one they want, I wouldn't mind.

As for your chuckling, I find myself confused. Is your name Sakurai? No, I do not see why it it has to be a signature move, in fact Jigglypuff's SINGING is not her B move. They did not have that in their mind at all, so we can discard that strange notion. As for the power-up, that is an assumption, that can be applied as a temporary boost of damage, temporary boost of range, give slightly different moves, specifics can be assigned that you deem with your judgment. In fact, I never said anything about it being a stack-able move, so it isn't much of a move that would cause you to camp until your character is brokenly powerful. At any rate, that was top of the head, and I still find it worthy.

I'll be looking forward to your changes as well, that is very crucial, at least to me.
Right, I've heard of your skills at discussions, so it's hard to say things right to you Lol.

Pikachu was, and is, the main mascot of Pokemon overall. Victini's presense to Black & White has proven at least a heart for the 5th generation for maiy reasons:
  • He's the first Mirage Pokemon to become available at the start of a Pokemon release.
  • He's considered to be the mascot because of the V, his release, but most importantly, his # in the Pokedex, which is 000.
  • Notice that he, alone, knows the most powerful fire-type move. This shows dominence in a way.
Such little things prove Victini to be very different from any Pokemon. He also is the only Pokemon to have a "Duel Combo" movie.

As for the moves, I didn't mean the names. I mean what they do:
Searing Shot is better then Heat Wave and Lava Plume.
V-Create is the best Fire Type move to ever exist, with a whooping 180 power.
Fusion Flare/Bolt are two out of the five combo moves ever to exist in the Pokemon world.

My battery is dying.. I'll type later.

Deleted member

Holder of the Heel said:
I personally find Victini not to be an excellent shoe-in, in fact it isn't very SSB-like. It is a pokemon with a baby-type personality, one that if you move too fast it'll cry, and the type that never takes a step, it is always flying about. These things are completely different from any size argument since these things, if altered, essentially become forced and out-of-character. I'd say Zoroark fans get you 1-0 at that from basically oozing a fighting shape, potentiality, appearance, and personality.
If Sakurai has the guts to have Pichu, a baby Pokemon, to serve the 2nd gen in Melee, over the much more popular Heracross, then I have doubts about him being worried about Victini's baby-like personality, especially since as asage94 duly mentioned that Victini in the Liberty Garden event gleefully accepted the fight, so technically, Sakurai does not even have to mention Victini's personality as reference in the anime, making Victini not out of character if it got in SSB4.

In regards to Zoroark benefiting from the four, Victini can also attest to having shape help it's case, since the build is similar to that of Pichu and if we're looking at the fact that similar body structure helps, then it applies to both. For potentiality, while we can argue on it all day on how Candidate X is better then Candidate Y for these reasons, Sakurai has proven over and over again that importance, relevancy, and popularity are more important then move set potentials when considering characters. There has been even times when being a clone material has actually gotten a character in (Toon Link anyone?). This isn't to say that move set potential arguments shouldn't be discussed nor am I asking for any limitations on it for debate on it (although I will leave this up to asage94 since he knows more about move sets then I do), but I am saying that Sakurai asks the question of what the character can do after he decides on putting the character in. As of right now, it is a back ground that he faintly revisits while considering more important factors in characters.

For appearance and personality, I find Victini to look very cute and energetic (being my favorite 5th gen Pokemon), but I dislike Zoroark's design and thinks he looks kind of well, ugly. On personality, as I've said before, I don't really take much into it (and Sakurai probably doesn't either), but both are fine in this category. However, with appearance and personality, I say it all comes down to our opinions and not really something we can argue.

The rest of it is pretty much move set arguments, none of which I can say I can seriously contribute to except Zoroark's Illusion ability, which I can explain on if you wish.


Sep 17, 2011
A Faraway Place
Im going to revamp Victini's moveset a tiny bit...

First, the Fusion moves must be remixed a little bit...

DMG Calculations could be different on SSB4 (Thanks to Kuma for reminding me this), so I'm removing DMG Calculations and going deeper into the moves.

Searing shot is to be remixed, now that i know what it looks like on the movie (forgot about it b4, so now I'll change it).

V-Create is to change as well. I'm looking for something more unique (Thanks to Holder of the Heels for commenting on my moveset, and making me understand this).


Smash Ace
Dec 1, 2011
Some small and insignificant country town, WA.
My roommate and I came up with a similar B moveset except instead of Fusion Bolt we had Quick Attack (Lack of creativity) instead. But that Fusion Bolt idea is actually pretty genius IMO. Great job! I'm looking forward to more updates on this!

Holder of the Heel

Fiat justitia, pereat mundus
Dec 3, 2011
Switch FC
Right, I've heard of your skills at discussions, so it's hard to say things right to you Lol.
Waaah? I have a reputation somehow? O__O (And they still won't accept my request to enter the proving grounds for the debate hall...)

Pikachu was, and is, the main mascot of Pokemon overall. Victini's presense to Black & White has proven at least a heart for the 5th generation for maiy reasons:
  • He's the first Mirage Pokemon to become available at the start of a Pokemon release.
  • He's considered to be the mascot because of the V, his release, but most importantly, his # in the Pokedex, which is 000.
  • Notice that he, alone, knows the most powerful fire-type move. This shows dominence in a way.
Such little things prove Victini to be very different from any Pokemon. He also is the only Pokemon to have a "Duel Combo" movie.

As for the moves, I didn't mean the names. I mean what they do:
Searing Shot is better then Heat Wave and Lava Plume.
V-Create is the best Fire Type move to ever exist, with a whooping 180 power.
Fusion Flare/Bolt are two out of the five combo moves ever to exist in the Pokemon world.

My battery is dying.. I'll type later.
Indeed, Pikachu is in fact the mascot, but was so because of the anime adaption, nothing else. Victini may be unique, especially in contrast to his fifth generation peers, he still isn't entirely viewed that way as people see Pikachu for the entire series. Victini is likely to just be a pokeball pokemon added to the Mew, Celebi, Jirachi, Manaphy tradition. It fits. And interestingly enough, on IGN when they held the Top 100 Pokemon contest that people could vote for, Victini didn't even show up in the top 100, yet Zoroark got in the middle of it at the very least, but that is just something that came to my mind just now.

If Sakurai has the guts to have Pichu, a baby Pokemon, to serve the 2nd gen in Melee, over the much more popular Heracross, then I have doubts about him being worried about Victini's baby-like personality, especially since as asage94 duly mentioned that Victini in the Liberty Garden event gleefully accepted the fight, so technically, Sakurai does not even have to mention Victini's personality as reference in the anime, making Victini not out of character if it got in SSB4.
Well, Sakurai said himself that he viewed Pichu as a JOKE character. Not surprising either he wasn't in Brawl, not to mention, not even part of the "Forbidden Seven" which bore Melee veterans like Mewtwo and Dr. Mario. But not Pichu. Also, Sakurai also noted many were to just fatten the roster, so it was not only a joke, but a filler one at that.

In regards to Zoroark benefiting from the four, Victini can also attest to having shape help it's case, since the build is similar to that of Pichu and if we're looking at the fact that similar body structure helps, then it applies to both. For potentiality, while we can argue on it all day on how Candidate X is better then Candidate Y for these reasons, Sakurai has proven over and over again that importance, relevancy, and popularity are more important then move set potentials when considering characters. There has been even times when being a clone material has actually gotten a character in (Toon Link anyone?). This isn't to say that move set potential arguments shouldn't be discussed nor am I asking for any limitations on it for debate on it (although I will leave this up to asage94 since he knows more about move sets then I do), but I am saying that Sakurai asks the question of what the character can do after he decides on putting the character in. As of right now, it is a back ground that he faintly revisits while considering more important factors in characters.
Pichu just had a miniature Pikachu shape, and Pikachu having worked, it isn't surprising a smaller version could suffice. Victini is differently shaped, I said nothing of size, which is not a problem. Even if it wasn't altered, a tiny character would be fine and indeed interesting. Sakurai does mention that bringing something original to the game does come into his mind, and yes while Toon Link is mostly clone (though different enough, I'd say, but more different the better), he does bring something original by having his cel-shaded appearance and play-style which remedied anyone who felt that the Brawl Link was much slowed down and harder to play as, and also replaced the much-more-of-a-clone Young Link. Also, I recall an an extremely high demand for him at the time. Victini is getting there though in that regard.

For appearance and personality, I find Victini to look very cute and energetic (being my favorite 5th gen Pokemon), but I dislike Zoroark's design and thinks he looks kind of well, ugly. On personality, as I've said before, I don't really take much into it (and Sakurai probably doesn't either), but both are fine in this category. However, with appearance and personality, I say it all comes down to our opinions and not really something we can argue.
Yeah that is a bit subjective, though admittedly I have hitherto not heard anyone hating on Zoroark's appearance, but his shape at the very least fits the style of SSB, which Sakurai mentioned on several occasions I think.


Smash Ace
Sep 7, 2011
Forest Maze
Props for putting together this blog ASage.

Although I personally think Victini and Zoroark would both be much better pokeball pokemon than playable. If I had to pick one, Victini takes my vote now.

On the topic of the Victory Star:
What if the Victory effect also boosted speed/agility? It would help differentiate from Lucario's aura thingymabob more.
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