Smash Apprentice
ten teams:
1 Hot G-Reg (Km and G-reg)
2 Spy kids (SS4Ricky and EastCoastEddie)
3 Sheppedge (Shepp and Savedge)
4 Shuffled Bears (Cow and Bobz)
5 Roflcers of the Lowl (Justin and my roomate Red)
5 CNBC (Ted and Kyle)
7 Ultimate Love (Bryan and Scott)
7 Gnomeland Security (Trevor and Alex)
9 Facemace (Face and Andrew)
9 Keituri (Nick and his brother Chris)
23 entrants in singles:
1 KM
2 G-Reg
3 SS4Ricky
4 Shepp
5 Savedge
5 EastCoastEddie
7 Cow
7 Bobz
9 Tim
9 Andrew
9 Zach
9 Red
13 Ted
13 Alexander
13 Jimmi
13 Face
17 Trevor
17 Ed
17 Mario
17 Bryan
17 Justin
17 Nick
17 Wimbles
it was a blast, the nova guys came down and showed us how its done
someone left a platinum controller behind, my best guess is its Andrew's, or possibly Eddie's
ten teams:
1 Hot G-Reg (Km and G-reg)
2 Spy kids (SS4Ricky and EastCoastEddie)
3 Sheppedge (Shepp and Savedge)
4 Shuffled Bears (Cow and Bobz)
5 Roflcers of the Lowl (Justin and my roomate Red)
5 CNBC (Ted and Kyle)
7 Ultimate Love (Bryan and Scott)
7 Gnomeland Security (Trevor and Alex)
9 Facemace (Face and Andrew)
9 Keituri (Nick and his brother Chris)
23 entrants in singles:
1 KM
2 G-Reg
3 SS4Ricky
4 Shepp
5 Savedge
5 EastCoastEddie
7 Cow
7 Bobz
9 Tim
9 Andrew
9 Zach
9 Red
13 Ted
13 Alexander
13 Jimmi
13 Face
17 Trevor
17 Ed
17 Mario
17 Bryan
17 Justin
17 Nick
17 Wimbles
it was a blast, the nova guys came down and showed us how its done
someone left a platinum controller behind, my best guess is its Andrew's, or possibly Eddie's