A friend of mine is organizing a mini tournament with people in school, it is strictly UU. I'm thinking:
6 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
choice band
brave bird
quick attack
Personally, Swellow seems to be better than Pidgeot in every aspect with the Guts set. Last I checked, Swellow was UU, but tiers may have changed with Platinum's release. I don't see Pidgeot's use with Swellow and Staraptor lurking around.
Overload said:
252hp and I forgot how many on def and spD but those stats are equal
rapid spin
ice beam
Only two of your Pokes are weak to SR and the rest are neutral. I think you're better off with a restalk shuffle set. This way, you'll have something to absorb sleep and tank. Feel free to use whatever you want in the last two slots.
Overload said:
252 HP / 208 Def / 48 SpD
knock off
stealth rock
Personally, I feel the need for you to use Toxic on this set somewhere. You're not relying on Paralysis or Burn support so you might as well have Toxic. Rest is crucial, while the others aren't AS important.
Overload said:
252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
nasty plot
energy ball
Okay, fire blast over flamethrower for starters. Make sure the Ninetales is timid. Wide Lens can be used if accuracy is an issue, because it usually is. Since this is in-game, accuracy really matters... unlike Shoddy, which actually uses REAL probability. After Wide Lens, Fire Blast's accuracy becomes 93.5% and Hypnosis' accuracy becomes 77%. Your choice here
Overload said:
216 HP / 148 Def / 144 SpA
energy ball
leech seed
I personally hate Meganium. You need Synthesis on this set. Put it over your screens, I guess. I'm not so confident about your EV spread, but then again, Meganium can just go die in a fiery ditch. Oh wait, since I want it to die, Synthesis will get in the way of that, while screens can actually help your teammates for a few tiny turns. Use lefties with Synthesis and Light Clay with the screens. You might as well use both screens, put them over Leech Seed I guess. It's another move that'll keep Meganium's ugly face in the game. Well, it also functions as ghetto wish passing... Shuckle may enjoy the benefits of Leech Seed. Ah whatever, I don't care what you do with this ugly flower thing.
Overload said:
black sludge
252 HP / 80 Def / 176 SpD
poison jab
brick break/ice punch
Do you think it will be decent? Any suggestions?
Muk is cool stuff. Don't use explosion though, he's too cool for that. Use shadow sneak in it's place. Personally, I dislike Poison Jab despite STAB. I would prefer an elemental punch in it's place. Muk has access to all of them now.
I hope my completely biased opinion was helpful to you. The overall typing of your team is weak though. Ninetales is your only Pokemon with a half decent ability. Half of your Pokes have only one type, which makes it incredibly easy to land a super effective hit on them as well as limiting stab options. Five of them already have limited stab options. Your sets are also somewhat generic. Nothing that'll really throw an experienced player off-guard. You also don't have a centralized strategy. It seems all too basic. The only thing that's not hopelessly expected is your lead. I don't have much more to say, since I only play UU once every 20 OU games.