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Using any attack out of a dash


Smash Champion
Feb 28, 2007
Walla Walla
I think I just found something really important while screwing around in the waiting room for wifi... Yoshi can use any attack* out of dash while keeping a slight bit of momentum. While dashing, tap the shield button then hit the c-stick forward or down (not up since you can already do that). That is just for smashes, tilts and specials are also very possible! (though specials are worthless out of a dash, basically this just lets you use egg lay on the run, but there are better ways to use it) To tilt out of your dash, just tap shield then hit the c-stick and control stick in the same direction. You can also standing grab while still sliding, which is easier than Fsmashing out of this. You can just hold R instead of tap it then hit the A button right after you press R and yoshi just slides forward and grabs without the lagginess of a running grab.

I kinda like how this feels, though I haven't used it in a real match, yet. I think Fsmashing out of a dash is good though because of the small super armor that exists in yoshi's fsmash.

*downward attacks have to have perfect timing or else you just spot dodge, so basically this lets you jab, standing grab, fsmash, ftilt, and utilt effectively out of a dash. Dsmashing and Dtilt still work, it's just a bit unreliable.


Smash Journeyman
May 12, 2007
I've found this technique actually does NOT help yoshi as much as other characters. His standing grab is still very laggy, making it not that much of a better option than his dash grab (whereas with most characters, it's a no-brainer). Additionally, Yoshi's shield seems to stay up a bit longer than other characters' shields do, perhaps due to its unique properties. I can't be certain, but I do know that using the exact same timing I use with Sheik (or anyone really) to do a Shield-Cancelled Dash into a Downsmash, Yoshi just sidesteps.

Scarlet Jile

Smash Lord
Oct 19, 2005
The Woods, Maine
If you mash the C-Stick down and then up-smash with Z, Yoshi's momentum stops dead instead of sliding forward, which can also be useful.

(Edited for clarity)
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