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Up + B from shield.


Faith, Hope, Love, Luck
Jul 6, 2005
Brisbane, Australia
What do Diddy user's think about using this like Samus did in Melee? (Or still does in brawl?).

|For those who may be uninitiated, you can jump from the shield, therefore, you can also use any character's up+b from the shield (Other than Yoshi).|

Anyway, I've found that the rocket barrel has worked well to punish the enemy upon shielding an attack, hitting them away, and allowing you to land on the ground before they can recover. However the usefulness of this remains to be seen as the reason why Samus user's resorted to this was that it was faster than shield grabbing. Diddy on the other hand, doesn't have this problem. So I'm not sure whether or not that the ability to do this is all that useful.

Even if this has been discussed before, I think it's worth another look. I haven't done much testing to an opponent on high percent, but I'm pretty sure that if it hits, even if the opponent is at a low percent, they won't recover quick enough to hit you back.


Smash Ace
Aug 2, 2007
New York, NY
It doesn't suck in enemies like Samus' did, but I think it could still be useful because it knocks them away.

I think it can also be useful if you are standing right above the ledge. Put up your shield in case of any attacks, then Up B: it creates a wall of consecutive hitboxes which makes your opponent think twice about their recovery (kinda like Pikachu's Thunder, but obviously not quite as good). Most useful on battlefield because you can angle it and land on the platform above you to avoid punishment.

Also, don't Diddy's barrels sometimes fly at your opponent if you are hit during your Up B? It could be a shield -> counter.


Faith, Hope, Love, Luck
Jul 6, 2005
Brisbane, Australia
I've seen this happen, yes.

I think if the attack has lasting frames, and you use this during those attack frames, it can send a barrel rogue. I like the stand at the ledge idea. It can stop the opponent dead if they use a get up attack while hanging, or ledgehopping an attack.
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