just wanted to let everyone know what's been going on.
first off I had a great Christmas (best one yet) just sitting around playing video games with my brother
but for what's been going on, I wanted to let everyone know all hasn't actually been going too well.
- our obsolete furnace died and needs a new igniter (in progress, yes I can build a furnace)
currently using the stove for heat...
- my PSU in my primary finally kicked the bucket after 8 years of use, it's started shorting out to where I can't trust to leave it running for long periods.
not gonna bother fixing it cause it was a cheap $40 PSU and it's so old that it might be a fire hazard, despite looking new.
- been working on fixing a motherboard that could give me 4x the power out of the same CPU in my DNS
did you know that a certain skew of 32bit P4 CPUs actually had hyperthreading??
- I've finally almost completely removed my google footprint
ever since I got hacked on Discord (or Piscorp, credit to Xenoq) by a former community member I used to look up to for years,
it's opened my eyes to just how bad the internet as a whole really is and has continued to become.
like ok, sure, I've never had a My$pace, F***Boom, Micro$**t, Twitter, or Yahoo account cause I knew how intrusive they were...
but when I found out how much you don't actually own and how little control you have over Piscorp, it gave me a TON more perspective over everything else.
- I have 2 (need more) minion (low-power potato) PCs dedicated to building my network protocol on OpenBSD
they still kinda don't work yet because there's a few parts I still need
but I'm sure you're all interested in anything for UGE, which I actually do have something important to mention.
in order to avoid legal issues, and to keep my project on it's intended focus with general mod-friendly games with poor engine support...
the scripts for operating on Nintendo's proprietary formats can't be distributed with UGE on release.
but don't worry, the fact I still mod Brawl shows my love for the game

so I do still intend to support the formats

but I'll have to provide those scripts separately if I want to keep things within legal realms.
UGE is actually meant for games like Minecraft, Xonotic, RedEclipse,
and other various mod-friendly games where working with their model formats is a painful process.
UGE will still be as extendable as ever, and will still support everything I've done previously.
I also want to say, I hope everyone had a good Christmas
my Christmas may have been pathetic in the general sense with no gifts yet again (I'm not complaining)
but I had a lot of fun this time, which is more than I've had in the last 4 or 5 years
so yeah, mine was excellent! :D
but I still hope I had the worst Christmas over everyone else XD