Frame Savant
I decided to look into these a little while ago and thought I'd share some information on them. Didn't see much info about these and maybe we can figure them out?
•There are 15 uninteractive collisions that I know of. Any others would be w/ articles. These are all the one's occuring in character .pacs.
King DDD: subactions 1CE and 1CF: the start and loop for his inhale
Kirby: subactions ICF, 23E, 2C1, 2C2: his final smash start, the opening of his mouth for inhale,
the startup of the inhale, and the loop for inhale.
Peach: 1CF: side-b jump
Samus: 1: burst attack (transformation back to samus from ZSS?)
Sheik: 1E4, subroutine@16D30: Final smash component, idk maybe something to do with the transformation?
Snake: 1DA: startup of his downb
Sonic: subroutine@1AFE0: either when he turns into super sonic or reverts to normal sonic... I think.
Wario: 1CF: pre omnomnom
Zelda: 1DE, subroutine@170D0: see sheik
•This collision type includes 17 values
#1 and 2: are always 0 so I have no idea what significance they have other than as filler
#3: the bone (you can tell if you look at Kirby's inhale because the uninteractive collision value at #3 is 190, which codes for Kirby's mouth).
#4: probably size. Look at the range of Kirby's final smash or the "specialnopen" with Wario and Kirby and you'll see why I believe this.
#5: probably z offset, always 0
#6: probably y offset
#7: probably x offset. Look at Zelda/Sheik's final smash x offset for the lolz (300 lolwut!)
#8: always equal to 2 (everyone else) or 6 (Peach, Zelda/Shiek), idk what it means
#9: can be 1 (all bite/inhale stuff + Kirby's final smash and snakes downb), 3FF (Zelda/Shiek stuff and Peach's sideb), or 7 (Sonic)
#10: can be 7 or 3.
#11: True/False, always False
#12: can be F(so 15) or 9. If it involves a revert on a final smash transformation (ie Sonic/Samus) it will be 9, otherwise 15.
#13: can be F or 1.
#14: True/False, always False
#15: 0 or 1. The inhales all are 0.
#16: True/False, varies.
#17: 0 or 1. 1 for Zelda//Shiek and Samus, 0 for everyone else.
Will post more later after classes are done. Obviously there are clear patterns in regards to the moves these occur in (all need to check for the location of opponent hitboxes).
•There are 15 uninteractive collisions that I know of. Any others would be w/ articles. These are all the one's occuring in character .pacs.
King DDD: subactions 1CE and 1CF: the start and loop for his inhale
Kirby: subactions ICF, 23E, 2C1, 2C2: his final smash start, the opening of his mouth for inhale,
the startup of the inhale, and the loop for inhale.
Peach: 1CF: side-b jump
Samus: 1: burst attack (transformation back to samus from ZSS?)
Sheik: 1E4, subroutine@16D30: Final smash component, idk maybe something to do with the transformation?
Snake: 1DA: startup of his downb
Sonic: subroutine@1AFE0: either when he turns into super sonic or reverts to normal sonic... I think.
Wario: 1CF: pre omnomnom
Zelda: 1DE, subroutine@170D0: see sheik
•This collision type includes 17 values
#1 and 2: are always 0 so I have no idea what significance they have other than as filler
#3: the bone (you can tell if you look at Kirby's inhale because the uninteractive collision value at #3 is 190, which codes for Kirby's mouth).
#4: probably size. Look at the range of Kirby's final smash or the "specialnopen" with Wario and Kirby and you'll see why I believe this.
#5: probably z offset, always 0
#6: probably y offset
#7: probably x offset. Look at Zelda/Sheik's final smash x offset for the lolz (300 lolwut!)
#8: always equal to 2 (everyone else) or 6 (Peach, Zelda/Shiek), idk what it means
#9: can be 1 (all bite/inhale stuff + Kirby's final smash and snakes downb), 3FF (Zelda/Shiek stuff and Peach's sideb), or 7 (Sonic)
#10: can be 7 or 3.
#11: True/False, always False
#12: can be F(so 15) or 9. If it involves a revert on a final smash transformation (ie Sonic/Samus) it will be 9, otherwise 15.
#13: can be F or 1.
#14: True/False, always False
#15: 0 or 1. The inhales all are 0.
#16: True/False, varies.
#17: 0 or 1. 1 for Zelda//Shiek and Samus, 0 for everyone else.
Will post more later after classes are done. Obviously there are clear patterns in regards to the moves these occur in (all need to check for the location of opponent hitboxes).