But....why no one told me this thread existed?
Anyway, you know I' suggesting Paper Mario, but I guess I should explain some stuff.
You should be aware of its potential (you can check the support thread if you don....it's just better explained), but the playstyle isn't something I mention a lot so, I guess I'll mention it.
Basically, since a playstyle is an abstraction of how a characters fight in its origin, I just made the abstraction by considering first why exactly he had so much he could do and second, what directions these moves follows.
He's a character that, and that might have been obvious a lot of options, BUT, in all its game, you just cannot use them whenever you want. it all goes to plan and think what moves you're able to use. The badges reflects this a lot, you have a limit to what you can put, putting something requires the absence of another thing. Same goes for partners, you need enough fp to use the moves and some badges if you can afford the bp they cost can even cut the fp cost.
Basically, it's lots of stuff that allows a very versatile fighter at the drawback that you need maintenances to adapt yourself.
This is why most of the suggested gimmicks has to do with switchable partners and I even saw an fp mechanics where you had to use a special move to gain fp which gave you more options and is dependant on the situation you want to tackle. So, balance isn't a problem, but it's also quite possible to make it even.
Even though I advised you to go the the support thread (click in my sig), I will do a TL;DR on his potentials and how it is msotly used in movesets:
- the hammers are mostly kept for neutral and the main badges for smashes. The smashes being power smash for side, hammer throw for up and quake hammer for down is extremely common and makes the msot sense. Super hammer or hammer by floding itself while attacked is mostly used for neutral.
- The Pixl from spm are often used as a fixed move for some attacks. For example, thoreau is more its grabs while barry is more the shield. Some used fleep, but it's a bit mroe rare.
- The stylish are imo underused because they make perfect aerials, but some used the partners for the aerials if they didn't go for switchable partners. I honestly prefer the stylish.
- As weird as it might sounds, Sticker Star does have moves usefull. I put in my moveset a spike helmet as uptilt and the back throw was him peeling off the foe like a sticker. I even saw an entire moveset on sticker star....and frankly, it was a good one.
- Final smash is quite straight forward unless you want to go creative, star beam/crystal stars. My absolute favorite one is the art attack when you can draw circles around the foes to do damage. Another good one are earth tremor, clock out and supernova, but supernova is just mashing....I don;t like it imo.
Which leaves him with partners and badges and on this I say....just do whatever the heck you want. There's a lot of possibilities to implement switchable partners, but the thing I will say is it's not like you load a complete character, you jsut load a move animation which isn't that bad on the 3ds. it's not like your partners has to always be there, he/she could just appear when you do the moves. As for badges, well, I saw a lot of variety, but the absolute best moveset I saw is the @
MegaMarioMan9 one which you can read on the support thread, second post (you can read mine and others too). he managed to both implement differents partners int he customs and an fp gimmicks that jsut worked together. it's really hard to implement fp, but he proved me that it's possible. You don't neccessarily have to do a gimmick, but the maintenance part should be present. it is possible to implement it without any fancy stuff, but imo, considering this is Paper Mario, you should not restrict to do fancy stuff if you want.
That;s all I have to say, let me know if you'll work on it