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Understanding Base Stats

Pink Reaper

Real Name No Gimmicks
Feb 14, 2007
In the Air, Using Up b as an offensive move
I've decided to write a quick mini guide to help those looking around here in the strategy dex to better understand the base stat numbers given for each pokemon and what they reflect. To start, we need to understand what base stats are.

Part I: Understanding Base Stats

Base stats, at their core are minimum stats for a pokemon without taking EV's and nature into account. Because competitive pokemon is played at level 100, all further references to these minimum stats will be for pokemon at level 100. There are two types of base stats, Base HP and everything else. Base HP is different due to the fact that it starts at a lower number. Base Stats increase at a rate of 2:1, in that for every 1 point added to the base stat, the actual stat increases by 2. The lowest base normal Base HP is 10 giving an HP stat of 161. If we were to assume the base starts at 0, the lowest possible HP score you could reach would be 141. The lowest non-HP base stat is 5, giving a stat of 46. Once again, if we were to assume the lowest possible base is 0, then the lowest any non-HP stat could be would be 36. This means that any stat can be found by doubling the base stat and adding 36, so a Base 100 in attack would lead to 100*2+36, or 236. For HP, you double the base and add 141. The exception to this rule is Shedinja, who has a Base HP and HP stat of 1.


To illustrate how base stats work, I'll list off the first 50 of the two types of Base Stats. Base HP will begin at 10 as it is the lowest possible base HP* and all other base stats will begin at 5. This is mostly just to illustrate that the formula does work so don't read too much into it.


Base Stat_________________________Actual Stat


Non HP Base Stats:

Base Stat_________________________Actual Stat


*Shedinja's Base 1 HP is an exception to the rule as there is no true base stat that would actually give 1 HP.

Part III: Maximum and Minimum Stats

For the most part, the stats listed above are moderately meaningless as they don't take in to account EV's and Natures. The maximum a stat can reach(without nature) is always 63 points higher than the base, as the maximum EV's that can be placed into a single stat are 252. With a +Nature, the maximum a stat can reach is (Base Stat+63)*1.1, as boosting nature increases the stat by 10%. For example, a Tyranitar has base 134 attack, this gives him an attack stat of 304(134*2+36=304). To find the absolute max his attack can be you would use (304 + 63)*1.1, giving a final stat of 403.7. In pokemon, any fractional stat always rounds down to the next nearest stat, so you get a total of 403. Max stats with a +Nature increase at a rate of 2.6:1. For every 1 base stat, the max with with a +Nature increases by 2.6(Note: that because stats round down, a base X10 will be 2 points lower than a base X11 but 5 points lower than a base X12)

For minimum, you simply take the base stat and multiply it by .9, so base 100 attack would be 236*.9 or 212.4, which again rounds down to 212. Minimum stats increase at a rate of 1.8 per base stat.

Note that there are no natures that effect HP so Max HP is always just Base HP*2+141+63 and [/COLOR]Minimum HP is just Base HP*2+141

Edit: Turns out the constant I found was a random fluke. Better info in this conversation(will edit it down later)

[03:33] ThePinkReaperr: dammit
[03:33] *** Auto-response sent to ThePinkReaperr: South Korea has Seoul
[03:43] ThePinkReaperr: these calcs aren't making sense
[03:43] ThePinkReaperr: one sec
[03:45] ThePinkReaperr: somethings not right here
[03:45] ThePinkReaperr: the defense calcs were comming up fine last night
[03:45] ThePinkReaperr: but now things are getting weird
[03:45] ThePinkReaperr: in order to decrease the amount of damage taken from a Togekiss attack, 32 EV's had to be added
[03:45] ThePinkReaperr: but for every 4 against Rampardos it decreases the damage
[03:46] ThePinkReaperr: please explain
[03:46] MycatgoesMow: diminishing returns maybe?
[03:46] MycatgoesMow: stats are more valuable as they approach 0
[03:46] MycatgoesMow: for example, adding 5 defense points to blissey will be worth more than 5 to shuckle
[03:47] MycatgoesMow: it seems pretty obvious at first but most people don't pay attention to it
[03:47] ThePinkReaperr: this is odd
[03:48] ThePinkReaperr: the calcs still work, sort of
[03:48] MycatgoesMow: I think I want to play gyarados with bounce
[03:48] ThePinkReaperr: for Rampardos, the first 4 EV's decrease damage
[03:48] MycatgoesMow: does that make me a bad person
[03:48] ThePinkReaperr: but then the next 16 don't
[03:48] MycatgoesMow: yeah, that is weird
[03:48] MycatgoesMow: very weird
[03:49] ThePinkReaperr: scratch that, it's just the calculator again
[03:49] ThePinkReaperr: 4 EV's decrease by 1 point, 8 and 12 do nothing, then 16 decreases by another point
[03:50] MycatgoesMow: lol
[03:50] MycatgoesMow: random
[03:50] MycatgoesMow: you probably have a pretty extreme ratio then
[03:50] MycatgoesMow: very high def to very low attack or vice versa
[03:50] ThePinkReaperr: Rampardos Vs Hippowdon
[03:50] MycatgoesMow: lol
[03:50] ThePinkReaperr: the next point comes at 28
[03:50] MycatgoesMow: nvm then
[03:50] ThePinkReaperr: every 12?
[03:50] MycatgoesMow: maybe I've just underestimate hippos defenses?
[03:51] ThePinkReaperr: again at 40
[03:51] ThePinkReaperr: yeah, it's every 12
[03:51] MycatgoesMow: if he can create that effect against an attack stat that high, his extra points to defense must not be helping much
[03:51] MycatgoesMow: try it with blissey
[03:52] MycatgoesMow: starting at 130 and working down
[03:52] MycatgoesMow: should be a much more notable effect
[03:52] ThePinkReaperr: yeah
[03:52] ThePinkReaperr: every 4 EV's she takes 3 more damage
[03:53] MycatgoesMow: yeah
[03:53] ThePinkReaperr: so then it must not be HP related
[03:53] ThePinkReaperr: it's percent related
[03:53] MycatgoesMow: all that says is that hippos defense is goddam amazing
[03:53] MycatgoesMow: it's actually ratio related
[03:53] ThePinkReaperr: really?
[03:53] MycatgoesMow: although I don't know it exactly
[03:53] MycatgoesMow: yeah
[03:53] MycatgoesMow: try
[03:53] MycatgoesMow: same idea
[03:53] MycatgoesMow: switched roles
[03:53] MycatgoesMow: something with
[03:53] MycatgoesMow: 10 attack
[03:53] ThePinkReaperr: blissey vs Hippo?
[03:53] MycatgoesMow: I bet no amount of def EVs change hippos damage
[03:54] MycatgoesMow: higher def is only of any merit vs higher attack
[03:54] MycatgoesMow: which is why bases 80 HP 100 def walls defensively better than 100 HP 80 def
[03:54] ThePinkReaperr: 252 decreases damage by 2 points
[03:54] MycatgoesMow: yup
[03:54] MycatgoesMow: sounds right
[03:54] MycatgoesMow: still
[03:54] MycatgoesMow: you were checking max attack ramparados?
[03:54] ThePinkReaperr: huh, so then how did I manage to get a constant in my calcs?
[03:55] ThePinkReaperr: no
[03:55] MycatgoesMow: oh
[03:55] ThePinkReaperr: I was doing 0 attack to start with
[03:55] MycatgoesMow: ****
[03:55] MycatgoesMow: I was gonna say
[03:55] MycatgoesMow: hippos def must be ****ing ****
[03:55] MycatgoesMow: nvm
[03:55] MycatgoesMow: you probably got a constant coincidentally
[03:56] MycatgoesMow: you can merit a constant if you can do an average of the range in OU, although it's so varied I doubt it would be of any utility
[03:56] ThePinkReaperr: ****
[03:56] ThePinkReaperr: need to delete that from my little guide then
[03:56] ThePinkReaperr: since the constant was a random coincidence
[03:57] MycatgoesMow: haven't you ever wondered why **** with like base %) HP can still wall so well?
[03:57] MycatgoesMow: 50*
[03:57] ThePinkReaperr: not really
[03:57] MycatgoesMow: if that mechanic weren't in the game, weezing would be unusable
[03:57] MycatgoesMow: lol
[03:57] ThePinkReaperr: since when I got the constant i was under the impression that 4 HP EV's were essentially 16 Defense
[03:58] ThePinkReaperr: so maxing HP with large base defenses outright would give you an amazing wall
[03:58] ThePinkReaperr: now that I know it's ratio based I understand better though
[03:58] MycatgoesMow: you just tested something with a naturally high defense
[03:58] MycatgoesMow: thats all
[03:58] MycatgoesMow: hippo again?
[03:58] MycatgoesMow: skarmory?
[03:58] ThePinkReaperr: nope
[03:58] MycatgoesMow: skarmory would give you an even better HP ratio
[03:58] ThePinkReaperr: Obamasnow
[03:58] MycatgoesMow: or worse def
[03:59] MycatgoesMow: skarm would be like 4 HP = 40 Def
[03:59] MycatgoesMow: lol
[03:59] ThePinkReaperr: LOL
[03:59] ThePinkReaperr: ****
[03:59] MycatgoesMow: I expect rotom to be in there as well
[03:59] MycatgoesMow: spiritomb
[03:59] MycatgoesMow: etc
[03:59] ThePinkReaperr: hmmm
[03:59] MycatgoesMow: and things like wailord would be like 32 HP = 4 def
[03:59] ThePinkReaperr: so if this is all true, then maximizing HP isn't actually hugely important?
[04:00] ThePinkReaperr: or is it
[04:00] ThePinkReaperr: im confused now
[04:00] MycatgoesMow: pokemon rewards you for balancing your stats by making higher gains for pumping up weaker stats
[04:00] MycatgoesMow: defensively
[04:00] ThePinkReaperr: wait
[04:00] MycatgoesMow: it makes additional points less valuable as you work higher up
[04:00] ThePinkReaperr: if damage is ratio based, a ratio of 1:1 would be exact same defense/offense?
[04:00] MycatgoesMow: you can do calcs and see almost no difference between 400 attack and 405 for metagross, for example
[04:01] MycatgoesMow: idk
[04:01] MycatgoesMow: you can test it?
[04:01] ThePinkReaperr: thank god for jirachi/celebi
[04:01] MycatgoesMow: see how much HP of damage a 383 attack 100 base power move does to 383 def hitting neutral
[04:01] MycatgoesMow: then change both 383 to 200
[04:01] MycatgoesMow: should answer your question
[04:01] ThePinkReaperr: 212 is minimum >.>
[04:02] MycatgoesMow: sure
[04:02] MycatgoesMow: try 212 then
[04:02] MycatgoesMow: if you get the same HP of damage, you know whats up
[04:02] MycatgoesMow: if it does less, it favors defense, if more, offense
[04:02] MycatgoesMow: pretty simple really
[04:02] ThePinkReaperr: it does more
[04:03] MycatgoesMow: hmm
[04:03] MycatgoesMow: ok
[04:03] MycatgoesMow: well
[04:03] ThePinkReaperr: wait
[04:03] ThePinkReaperr: no
[04:03] ThePinkReaperr: my fault
[04:03] ThePinkReaperr: i forgot to make jirachi negitive nature
[04:03] MycatgoesMow: if we could statistically find the perfect average of attack stat into perfect average of move base power, it would be a better starting point
[04:03] ThePinkReaperr: it's a 1:1 ratio
[04:03] MycatgoesMow: but thats a lot of work
[04:03] MycatgoesMow: so idk
[04:03] ThePinkReaperr: it's 1:1
[04:03] MycatgoesMow: always 1 to 1?
[04:04] ThePinkReaperr: my fault
[04:04] ThePinkReaperr: let me check
[04:04] ThePinkReaperr: as long as the stats are exactly the same
[04:04] ThePinkReaperr: yes
[04:04] ThePinkReaperr: damage is always exactly the same
[04:04] MycatgoesMow: I suppose that just makes maximization of defenses easier
[04:04] MycatgoesMow: thats good
[04:04] ThePinkReaperr: hold on
[04:05] ThePinkReaperr: let's try two pokemon
[04:05] MycatgoesMow: k
[04:05] ThePinkReaperr: with extreme weak defenses
[04:05] ThePinkReaperr: see if damage stays constant
[04:05] MycatgoesMow: kk
[04:05] MycatgoesMow: by the way
[04:05] MycatgoesMow: there are exceptions to the rule
[04:05] MycatgoesMow: for stat maximization
[04:05] ThePinkReaperr: shedinja?
[04:06] MycatgoesMow: well, yeah
[04:06] MycatgoesMow: I was thinking soul dew
[04:06] ThePinkReaperr: LOL
[04:06] ThePinkReaperr: at a ratio of 1:1
[04:06] MycatgoesMow: the spe defs EVs will go farther than HP Evs for spe def walling
[04:06] ThePinkReaperr: damage is always 59 min 69 max
[04:06] MycatgoesMow: wow
[04:06] MycatgoesMow: thats pretty puny lol
[04:06] ThePinkReaperr: that's in HP obviously, not %
[04:06] MycatgoesMow: statstically, that would make something like pure def spiritomb pretty beastly
[04:07] ThePinkReaperr: yeah
[04:07] MycatgoesMow: good
[04:07] MycatgoesMow: cause I have one
[04:07] MycatgoesMow: lol
[04:07] ThePinkReaperr: that also means that certain pokes do need to maximize HP
[04:07] MycatgoesMow: well, yeah
[04:08] MycatgoesMow: namely anything that can spare the EVs and has under base 65 lol
[04:08] MycatgoesMow: or even 75
[04:08] MycatgoesMow: by the way
[04:08] MycatgoesMow: because of sandstream
[04:08] MycatgoesMow: ttar walls better with HP EVs even when both bases are 100
[04:08] MycatgoesMow: for spe def
[04:09] ThePinkReaperr: is there a calc that takes sandstorm into account?
[04:09] ThePinkReaperr: metalkid doesn't i know that much
[04:09] MycatgoesMow: http://libelldra.com/competitive/damage/
[04:09] MycatgoesMow: I use that
[04:10] ThePinkReaperr: hmmm
[04:10] MycatgoesMow: in general, for anything you'll see in OU, for walling 1 stat, you want to stop around 300 defense
[04:10] MycatgoesMow: it's better in HP after that
[04:10] MycatgoesMow: unless you can afford to max out anything
[04:10] ThePinkReaperr: i don't understand this calculator at all
[04:10] MycatgoesMow: maybe 350 def in extreme cases
[04:11] MycatgoesMow: like CB metagross
[04:11] MycatgoesMow: it's the only calc I know that factors in SR
[04:12] ThePinkReaperr: how does it work exactly
[04:12] MycatgoesMow: att of the attacker
[04:12] MycatgoesMow: def of poke being hit
[04:12] MycatgoesMow: base power of attack
[04:12] MycatgoesMow: HP of poke being hit
[04:12] ThePinkReaperr: ah
[04:12] ThePinkReaperr: ok
[04:14] MycatgoesMow: you're so clever
[04:14] ThePinkReaperr: im not
[04:14] ThePinkReaperr: but i can pretend to be
[04:15] MycatgoesMow: I'm pretending to be ******** by considering gyarados with leftovers, DD waterfall bounce taunt
[04:15] ThePinkReaperr: it's an annoying set
[04:15] ThePinkReaperr: im going to be honest
[04:15] MycatgoesMow: oh
[04:15] MycatgoesMow: then its not for me
[04:15] MycatgoesMow: my job is to **** as hard and fast as possible
[04:15] MycatgoesMow: I don't play pokemon to make other people mad
[04:17] ThePinkReaperr: then you should always lose
[04:18] ThePinkReaperr: also, according to this, TTar takes less damage by adding to his SpDef, not his HP
[04:18] MycatgoesMow: yeah, I got that backwards
[04:18] MycatgoesMow: my bad
[04:18] MycatgoesMow: modifier
[04:18] MycatgoesMow: works like soul dew
[04:18] ThePinkReaperr: ok
[04:18] ThePinkReaperr: good
[04:18] MycatgoesMow: yeah
[04:18] MycatgoesMow: same @ marvel scale
[04:19] MycatgoesMow: thus milotic has max def
[04:19] MycatgoesMow: but it would anyway
[04:19] MycatgoesMow: since base HP is higher
[04:19] ThePinkReaperr: hmmmm
[04:19] ThePinkReaperr: I wonder if there's a way to use all this to find the absolute best wall in the game
[04:19] ThePinkReaperr: or rather
[04:19] MycatgoesMow: done
[04:19] MycatgoesMow: regirock
[04:20] MycatgoesMow: in sand
[04:20] ThePinkReaperr: the absolute best EV spreads
[04:20] MycatgoesMow: also done
[04:20] MycatgoesMow: http://users.smogon.com/X-Act/defense.html
[04:21] ThePinkReaperr: needs moar skarmcents
[04:21] ThePinkReaperr: odd
[04:21] ThePinkReaperr: something that has the exact same Base Def/SpDef
[04:22] ThePinkReaperr: is supposed to put more into SpDef?
[04:22] MycatgoesMow: not sure
[04:22] MycatgoesMow: depends on the base HP
[04:22] MycatgoesMow: lol
[04:22] ThePinkReaperr: im going to replace my incorrect info in my mini guide with this coversation btw
[04:22] MycatgoesMow: or the attack stat you're being hit by
[04:22] ThePinkReaperr: since there's better info here
[04:22] MycatgoesMow: oh
[04:22] MycatgoesMow: also
[04:22] MycatgoesMow: when you found the 1:1 ratio
[04:22] MycatgoesMow: you used base attack power of 100 right
[04:23] MycatgoesMow: like EQ MM etcv
[04:23] ThePinkReaperr: yes
[04:23] MycatgoesMow: etc?
[04:23] MycatgoesMow: ok
[04:23] MycatgoesMow: good
[04:23] MycatgoesMow: just checking
[04:23] ThePinkReaperr: why?
[04:24] MycatgoesMow: for my knowledge
[04:24] MycatgoesMow: lol
[04:24] MycatgoesMow: cause I haven't done it
[04:24] ThePinkReaperr: hmm
[04:24] ThePinkReaperr: wait, hold on
[04:24] ThePinkReaperr: i need to go back and redo it then
[04:24] ThePinkReaperr: cus I just used "Override"
[04:24] ThePinkReaperr: and hit "Base power 100"
[04:24] ThePinkReaperr: im not sure what type i used
[04:25] ThePinkReaperr: it might have been NVE
[04:25] MycatgoesMow: lol
[04:25] ThePinkReaperr: ah
[04:25] ThePinkReaperr: it was
[04:25] MycatgoesMow: but yeah
[04:26] MycatgoesMow: I can't find it
[04:26] MycatgoesMow: but someone did
[04:26] ThePinkReaperr: 73-86
[04:26] MycatgoesMow: defense tiers
[04:26] MycatgoesMow: registeel was the best
[04:26] MycatgoesMow: regirock in sand
[04:26] MycatgoesMow: overall
[04:26] MycatgoesMow: blissey was the best for spe def
[04:26] ThePinkReaperr: lol
[04:26] MycatgoesMow: guess who was 2nd for spe def
[04:26] ThePinkReaperr: that's not obvious at all >_>
[04:26] ThePinkReaperr: maybe SHUCKLE O.o
[04:26] MycatgoesMow: chansey
[04:26] MycatgoesMow: lol
[04:27] MycatgoesMow: I remember laughing about that
[04:27] ThePinkReaperr: Rock Arceus in sand?
[04:27] MycatgoesMow: standard only
[04:27] ThePinkReaperr: ah
[04:27] MycatgoesMow: I remember mew was on it though
[04:27] MycatgoesMow: so idk
[04:27] ThePinkReaperr: http://www.smogon.com/forums/showthread.php?t=24931
[04:28] ThePinkReaperr: Regice is just below chansey
[04:28] MycatgoesMow: ahh
[04:28] MycatgoesMow: you found it
[04:28] MycatgoesMow: good ****
[04:29] ThePinkReaperr: not hard
[04:29] ThePinkReaperr: it was in a sticky >_>
[04:29] MycatgoesMow: lol
[04:29] MycatgoesMow: I did'
[04:29] MycatgoesMow: a search for it
[04:29] MycatgoesMow: no results
[04:29] MycatgoesMow: go smogon
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