Alright so heres something I've been wondering about. I play smash with my friends at school but they aren't really quite at my skill level. Meaning they haven't been playing the game as long so for the most part they don't do advanced techniques like wave-dashing, l canceling, the usual. So I feel as though playing one on ones with them isn't really making me progress because I don't have to push myself to be better than them. My question is, do you think playing two on one (me on my own team and two of my friends on another) will make me better because it forces me to play quicker/ react to things at more rapid rate. I also feel that it could have some negative aspects because it subjects me to circumstances that I will never see in a one on one and could cause me to develope bad habits. Just want to hear some opinions.
Sorry if this question has been asked several times. I couldn't find it anywhere
Sorry if this question has been asked several times. I couldn't find it anywhere