Deleted member
I'm trying to play better as Olimar and it so far it isn't turning out to be easy. Mainly because the three people I play with are not bad, but at the same time, their playing styles seem bland. One playing as Kirby just does a smash attack or two and fly's away and waits for an opportunity to heal or attack. The other as Wario just does mainly just smash attacks. The last plays decent as Sonic, but most of the time up-B's out of every little thing coming has way. It's hard to practice against these people because of mainly their playing style. I thought I was insane with Olimar until i realized that I've been mainly playing against my friends and am not learning any good techniques. The short-and-sweet way of putting it, I need to become better with Olimar. Anyone got any advice or help, it'll be MUCH appreciated!