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Train ride home


Frame Savant
Jun 20, 2008
Kent Lakes, New York
Link to original post: [drupal=1128]Train ride home[/drupal]

I am traveling home, back from Boston, where I have been visiting my Uncle, to NY. Its a long ride.

Cigarettes... I had none yesterday. They were on my mind constantly. "Jonesing" is the term. Can't stop wanting it. Sipping this rum and coke isn't making me want it any less but loud children seem less annoying. My doctor warns me that I can't drink. My brain will pop, my heart will rip itself out of my chest and I will burst into flames. In other words, contraindications with my medicines.

I'm not on fire. This is good.

I want a cigarette. 2 more hours (or is it 3?) and I will walk, purposeful, through the tourists, from Penn Station to Grand Central. My sad dry acetocholine receptors will light up. Nicotinergic, a whole class of receptor just for this specific agonist.

I hate kids.

My Uncle had a heart attack. He considers it a blessing. Turns out he has cancer. A malignant tumor hiding on/in/around a kidney. Growing for years, completely unnoticed and only discovered after surgery for his heart. We're close.

3-5%. Seems small enough. Its the chance that he'll die.

About an hour more.

I saw Beckett's "Endgame" yesterday. Its not every play that leaves you feeling hollow afterwards. I can't get it out of my head. That play...

It reminded me of the time right before I was hospitalized. Not knowing whether I was alive or dead, awake or asleep, waiting to find out, waiting for an end. When I got in the hospital, that's when I really started smoking.

Well, that sure wasn't about Jigglypuff :p


Smash Champion
Jul 30, 2008
Augusta, GA
ignore him.
you might wanna stop smoking before you end up with cancer too.
i know you dont wanna hear that but yea....
im sorry about your gramps dude. im sure he will live though that tumor shouldnt be too hard to get.


Frame Savant
Jun 20, 2008
Kent Lakes, New York
you might wanna stop smoking before you end up with cancer too.
i know you dont wanna hear that but yea...
But I just read about all the health benifits of smoking! LIES :psycho:

He doesn't smoke at all actually lol, and I want to quit. You don't really know how hard it is until you have to do it.

Hugs, not drugs.

You know, I am sorry about that. It had nothing to do with the context. I hope that everything goes (as) well as it can (up at this point).

I really hope your uncle makes it. Tell me how it goes.
Don't worry about it. He's got a great chance. I'm just a little scared.

Gawd what's with all the anti-smokers here?


Smash Champion
Jul 30, 2008
Augusta, GA
Well I'm 18. I smoked a cig once when I was 17 just to do it and it was so pointless to me so I never started. I wasn't gonna teach myself to make my throat burn lol.

They way I see it is people smoke when they start at a young age around 14 ish. Every smoker I know started smoking at or before 14, including this one 15 year old I know. When did you start smoking?


Through Fire, Justice is Served
Super Moderator
Oct 23, 2008
Beastector HQ
I smoke, but addiction for me is more habitual. Walk to the station breaktime, lunchtime, walk home = MUST SMOKE!

Other than that though I can go forever and never want one. I guess the first way to stop is to take away any kind of smoking routine.

Doesn't stop the fact that cigs are so lovely though :urg:

I hope everything goes well with your uncle, Veril.
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