Smash Hero
Well as I saw in the thread of OC3 they said they will most likely go for the dates 19-21. Which means that anyone there will be able to make the Evo West tournament in the same trip.
This is what it looks like.
Week 1: ros4
Week 2: FC Next
Week 3: OC3?
Week 4: Evo
Now what I was thinking like a lot of EC's smashers go out for part of July for FC until Evo. Like flying to FC then going to OC then to Evo. I mean it is doable seeing as how we can probably find housing in each of the regions. I think DA Smashers, KF, AE and others should plan a July trip starting with FC Next what do you ECers think about that??? Post with any info will help.
This is what it looks like.
Week 1: ros4
Week 2: FC Next
Week 3: OC3?
Week 4: Evo
Now what I was thinking like a lot of EC's smashers go out for part of July for FC until Evo. Like flying to FC then going to OC then to Evo. I mean it is doable seeing as how we can probably find housing in each of the regions. I think DA Smashers, KF, AE and others should plan a July trip starting with FC Next what do you ECers think about that??? Post with any info will help.